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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. I'm an Allen fan...... I think he is way better then the OC & HC allow him to be, which is why I do go on.
  2. No I'm saying that the Bills for some reason (i.e. coaching philosophy & paly calling) have not reached 300 yards passing in almost 3 full seasons, while every friggin team in the NFL is capable & does it at least once a season. Wow...... Still 28th, which is appalling & 31st & 30th the prior two years..... Do you guys really have so little expectations of the offense? BTW with such a good defense that means the Bills should too get more possessions & opportunities to shine. Interesting is that yes the Offense is 12th in plays & 22nd in yards this year (19th & 30th in 2018 & 15th & 29th in 2017), which again shows just how conservative & bad this coaching is....... Or it is Allen & we need a new QB (which I hope it is not).....
  3. Tell me a team outside Buffalo who are on their way to their third straight season unable to do it & as I admitted Arizona in 2018 who hasn't. As said longest streak going into week 3 2019 was 11 after Buffalo's 35 (and they are now at 47) meaning every team had done it in 2018..... Every team has done it in 2019 & a quick check shows all in 2017 too (except Buffalo).
  4. Dig deeper into average scoring & point differential & it too will tell you a different story. Oh & every QB threw for 300 during the regular season.
  5. https://www.footballdb.com/stats/300-yard-passing.html And Football Reference (see above)..... Add to that vs. Cincy they put up a graphic that the Bills had gone 35 games without a 300 yard passer & next nearest was 11, meaning everyone else had done it in 2018.....
  6. Watkins for nobody, drafted almost no skilled players (Zay Jones) & paid for 2nd-3rd string receivers!!!!
  7. Maybe 1-2 teams may not have done it in one league. Will admit that Arizona may not have in 2018 (maybe the worst offense in all of football)......
  8. How is the last 10 SB's "Cherry Picking"....... Pretty simple & straightforward. 2015 Broncos had an injured Manning & along with Baltimore were as stated outliers & still better then Buffalo..... Here is my reference.... 2000 Baltimore 22 passing, 5 rushing, 14 in points. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2000/index.htm Denver 2015 14 passing, 15 rushing...... Not the 2014 offense but perfectly capable. Stick with the facts.....
  9. Wrong on Both!!!!!! 2014 Denver was #2 & dropped in 2015 due to Manning being injured half the season. Baltimore was 14th in 2000..... Congratulations you found two of the lowest ranked offenses. Find me a bottom 10 Offense that made the SB? The majority of teams making the SB have a top 10 offense. Proves nothing.... Huh???? Quickly SB teams Offensive ranks... 2009 1 vs. 7 2010 10 vs. 12 2011 3 vs. 9 2012 10 vs. 11 2013 1 vs. 9 2014 1 vs. 10 2015 1 vs. 19 2016 1 vs. 3 2017 2 vs. 3 2018 2 vs. 4 So in total 11 of 20 were top 4..... 5 more top 10...... Yep good/great offenses every year.....
  10. And I don't see him doing that as Allen should have had 300+ yard games and way more in game reps to produce. Everyone loves to talk about the future...... What if it is now & they need to come back from down 14 or extend a lead. McD's formula has been to coast all year. How come Lyler Murray put up #'s his first NFL games & with Allen this team is scared to score and open up the offense the majority of times?
  11. Again I'd say the same with you disciples of McD..... This team has no idea how to run the offense imo. You need a good offense plain & simple.
  12. I have freely admitted that the offense is my obsession with a "competent" offense, which we haven't seen since McD came in and gutted it.
  13. All had offenses that were better then the Bills..... BTW the 1985 Bears were #2 Offense in the NFL, Baltimore #14, Giants too very muich in the top third their two wins...... Yes Defense may have won the SB, but offense was good in the regular season & playoffs. Boy you guys have no idea that offense is important too.
  14. To get to the Superbowl both teams leaned heavily on theior offenses. If they were averaging Buffalo #'s and a offense in the lower third, I expect there would havbe been no SB. BTW find me a Bad Offense (lower third of the league) that has made the SB in the last 20 years....
  15. Yep.... Congrats you found that boring terrible SB & hanging your hat on it? Well without Offense Brady & NE wouldn't have beaten the Chiefs. Take a look at the 2017 Playoffs & all the 300 yard games. Stop too with the Defense wins championships cliche too.
  16. And that's what I don't get. Let him look great for 60 minutes & devise better game plans or adjustments vs. Baltimore & Pitt. V.s Pitt a 40 yard drive & 70 yard drive & that was it. We played scared on Offense & vs. Baltimore no adjustments.
  17. When a single team out of 32 can't do something that is achievable by every single team in the NFL at a minimum 1X/year with all manner of QB's & you are the only outlier not 1, not 2 but 3 years, you better have been deep into the playoffs, with a very good w/l % & be just smarter then anyone. You need offense to win many an NFL game........ You & the Bills seem very myopic not to realize that.
  18. I say it because it is comical that EVERY NFL TEAM has done it every year at least once, but the Buffalo Bills.....
  19. Again I blame the coaches, their play calling & lack of imagination. They can't throw screens or slants either. Add to that they haven't given him one premier offensive skill position player to get the ball or a have a big receiver who can be an imposing target. They play for 17 points & then say they need more, but are the only team not to throw for 300 in 2017, 2018 & 2019..... Someone explain how that is possible. Yep I'll keep harping on it because it is an astounding fact. As for why 300, I don't see stats kept for games over 200, 225 or 250..... 300 is a pretty common benchmark used & how McD can't do it (he's the common factor in this run) I just don't understand.
  20. McD's record with the 2019 cupcake schedule is 25-21, which is good. However regardless of what you think & have been told is pretty much the same as 2014-2016 of 24-24. I'm excited, just want to see what we have on offense & think the coaching has stunted him.
  21. And again as a casual observer from outside, one sees <150 yards in each of the last two games and NO 300 yard games..... As Bills fans we point to the 4th quarter comebacks & I wonder if he can look so good on so many drives & leading the team back, why are the coaches PETRIFIED to do it the whole game. When McD claims 17 points isn't enough, but the strategy & play calling is exactly that (ball control, no mistakes, bleed the clock, run 6 X's in a row inside the opponents 20, celebrate running out the clock & 1 first down with all your timeouts, play for a 53 fg to tie the game, kick the ball back twice last week to Pitt in the last 5 minutes) the eye test states otherwise & the national media thinks that the QB is meh at best. Oh & btw giving the offense little weapons the last three years hasn't helped either. All D all the time.......
  22. And that is it in a nutshell.. No other NFL team thinks every week that 17 points will win the game. No other team in 2017, 2018 & 2019 (and the common denominator is the HC) has not passed for 300 yards in at least 1 game/yr....... 47 games & counting (46 under this coach). I forgot the Bills were 46-0 under McD...... Oh yea they pulled the same protect a lead & let the defense win the game vs. Cleveland & lost. So it does not work all the time.
  23. Always an excuse..... They've played conservative all year long. Sunday was a new low. This Development excuse is cr$p..... He is 25 games in & they have yet to give him the keys to the car. Allen is their future. He has shown the ability to win in the 4trh quarter. Time to see what he can do for 60 minutes.
  24. So it is Allen? The coaching Sunday at the end of the half & the last two drives was indicative of the coaching philosophy all year. They coach him as if he is their third stringer in as an emergency. Until I see a game where they consistently try & ram it down an opponents throat & aren't content with 14 points in a half, you can't convince me. If he is so so bad, time to draft another QB.
  25. They dared him to throw by Blitzing & little coverage & he failed. Of course they didn't see the game & the drops & the fact that Daboll made no apparent adjustments..... BTW there was a boring game up against them that ended 48-46 (btw SF held Balt to 20 the week prior on the road).
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