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Everything posted by Fastback

  1. OC, this guy never makes any sense. I don't know why people bother responding to the drivel he posts. I bet he never made it past sixth grade.
  2. I saw the clip of Grayson whining that the Republicans were to blame for everything and Blitzer didn't have the balls to ask him why it is the Republican's fault when the Dem's control both houses of Congress. Duh!
  3. I say we give them even more tax dollars. Baltimore needs more hookers, doesn't it? I'm sure Acorn was just doing their best to promote diversity in the hooker population. I bet there aren't too many underage hookers from El Salvador there, you know?
  4. I don't disagree that it was classless. But what is worse, the President clearly lying when he said that the plan was largely going to be paid for by eliminating hundreds of billions of dollars in fraud waste and abuse in MediCare or the Congresscritter calling him out on it? Granted two wrongs don't make a right, but the President is full of schit if he thinks they're going to lop that much 'waste' out of MediCare. Why not just do that now?
  5. OK, I'll grant you that. Besides Osama, what other Bin Laden family member lead a terrorist organization? And how many other fruits and nuts did GW associate with? Obama has a well documented past (and present) of associating with communists, radicals, domestic terrorists and racists. And those are just the people he's appointed as his 'Czars'. Seriously, you don't see a pattern here? The guy is a radical. Open up your eyes.
  6. Mikey Moore's not evil, silly! Since The One was elected, all is in harmony and balance in the world (except the US checkbook), and evil no longer exists. It's that hope and change thingy we voted for.
  7. Fixed it for you... And yes, Obama is a wealth re-distributing Socialist. Those are his core values. Speaking of core values, if you disagree, what are Obama's core values and where did he get them? Just curious on your opinion. Harvard?
  8. I wasn't on the board at that time, but I was disappointed that he was fired. Ronnie Jones was his undoing, but if they could've handled that behind closed doors I would've loved for his to stay. The facts are that he was the LAST playoff coach Buffalo had.
  9. You're dealing with NozzleNut. She's off the reservation and has been for some time. I'd personally take Wade's record over the past few seasons over Dickie's in a heartbeat. Some people just like having a high draft pick I guess...
  10. Oh, so this is the new 'fair and balanced' Nozzel the Nut? Roger that... Hey wacko, you must have a problem with reading comprehension because I read the posts above and didn't read a single one defending the guy. They just opined that you're a joke essentially. That's all. I'm not sure what the dosage of your medication is, but you should tell your doctor to back you off a bit on the bitter one.
  11. Yellow Lines, have you ever heard the phrase "You're known by the company you keep?" With very, very few examples, I've found that to be true in life. This is why many 'wingnuts' are shouting and screaming. When you look at who Obama spent his political and personal life with as well as who he appoints as advisors it is easy to form a picture of the 'true' Obama. He ran for President as a moderate. I will grant that his policy WRT the war he inherited are in keeping with a moderate point of view. But the rest of his foreign policy and his domestic agenda have been far to the left of where he ran. I personally think he is a socialist. There's far too many "mis-statements" for this to be a coincidence to me. I'm sure we'll disagree, but I can't understand how people can't see the forest for the trees with this guy and where he ultimately wants to lead the country. I along with many others are very disturbed by this. Don't forget his right hand man's comment about "Never letting a crisis go to waste".
  12. Yea, if he !@#$ with Bishop, he would've bit his dick off. You go girl!
  13. Hey Peevo, I know this might be hard for you to comprehend, but if you don't like his show- TURN THE CHANNEL DIPSCHIT!
  14. So it was some branches hitting power lines that caused that outage? OK..sure.
  15. Don't worry about Charlie...he bought insurance. http://wcbstv.com/local/charles.rangel.ethics.2.1160326.html
  16. Pasta knows because he read the bill and uncovered the little discussed section authorizing funding for research and development of "instant doctor juice" that would fill the shortage of doctors necessary to cover the additional 15 million uninsured.
  17. Nothing to see here. Move along. What will be even more disgusting is when the ethics committee slaps his hand. And I'm sure the usual suspects here will rationalize why he should still be allowed to 'lead' his committee still. We are getting exactly what we asked for...
  18. Apples to Oranges. Reagan was the President. Secondly, he never killed anyone and left the scene nor did he get caught cheating while in college. I took the high road in my post, yet in response you still felt the need to compare Ted Kennedy to someone more accomplished than he and didn't have the decency to at least spell his name correctly. Classy as always there Hedd.
  19. Whether Ted Kennedy is rotting in hell or is up in heaven is between him and his God. If he was a smart man, somewhere, sometime, he got on his knees and begged for forgiveness. I have no love for the man and will not miss his brand of politics. Hopefully his state replaces him with someone who represents them better.
  20. Oh, and if you liked the deification of Michael Jackson when he kicked, I'm sure you'll love the Sainting of Old Drunk Uncle Teddy when he dies.
  21. NY State is AFU because he's black. And guess who's next? Oh My! http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2009/08/21..._call_for_.html
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