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Punching Bag

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Everything posted by Punching Bag

  1. ProFootballTalk gets a vote and they gave Beane a vote.
  2. Someone stuck title "Soccer Manager" on him. Cheap shot. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS910US910&ei=G67zX_XIC-yg5wLpkKvADg&q=Brian+Gaine+GM&oq=Brian+Gaine+GM&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIICC4QyQMQkwIyBggAEBYQHjoKCC4QyQMQQxCTAjoCCAA6CAguEMcBEK8BUKAMWKUSYOcWaABwAHgAgAE_iAHsAZIBATSYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6wAEB&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwi1wpmbwIPuAhVs0FkKHWnICugQ4dUDCA0&uact=5
  3. Probably not retaliation, not Coach McD's style, but may have been thought of by Bills as opportunity for live practice. They gave the Bills a favor for some Bills players had opportunity to show what they had.
  4. There is video showing it. https://larrybrownsports.com/football/video-stefon-diggs-flossing-on-sideline/571126 https://thespun.com/nfl/afc-east/buffalo-bills/stefon-diggs-reveals-why-he-was-flossing-on-the-bench https://dknation.draftkings.com/nfl/2021/1/3/22211703/stefon-diggs-flossing-week-17-video-bills-vs-dolphins Videos on YouTube
  5. Question is since you are required to wear a mask when on sideline when you are not preparing to reenter game will he get a fine to go with it? Stevie has issue with NFL and no sense of humor.
  6. It was ironic that Isaiah McKenzie (Special McK) whose nickname in college was the "Human Joystick" got the TD since Roberts was the leader in NFL on returns. Of course both had good blocking and return for TD had some good blocking. Also ironic that Isaiah McKenzie was released partially due to fumbling issue from Denver. In his rookie season, McKenzie fumbled six times in 11 games while returning 24 punts and kickoffs and gained 33 total yards on offense. Bet Denver wishes they did not give up on him now
  7. Likely they looked in mirror and realized they looked like idiots but that is just my opinion.
  8. I know that. The other executives on Bills front office staff should talk to Gaine about his experience. It is not like Oilers front office has completely changed their staff.
  9. Have you done three at once like some martial artists do with bricks? I wonder if Don Tow has done a physics lesson on breaking tables. Table breaking never impressed me maybe because most of the breakers were trunk.
  10. NFL isn't. For playoffs they should use two tests with 2 different companies (that might interfere with $ponsor$) and only prohibit players from player if both say negative.
  11. But Luke Skywalker is the good guy! Are you one of those who rooted for bad guy in wrestling?
  12. My wife likes candles but she hates overpaying. Would need to find way to pay for it without her seeing bill (she handles all books).
  13. I have heard rumor the Billicheat may stay as GM but step down as head coach. Happier if he goes to New England?
  14. Of course he will. He can gather intel from interview. I think before anyone from Bills front office person(s) will have discussion with Brian Gaine and require long contract with high guaranteed salary. https://www.nfl.com/news/stunner-texans-fire-general-manager-brian-gaine-0ap3000001033113 Actually it is "no" until 2 weeks before Superbowl since there is (currently) a 2 week break between conference championship and Superbowl.
  15. You are fan of Oilers with Frank Reich as Head Coach? 🤣 I am a big Frank Reich fan (never cheered him to start over Jimbo) but the Houston Oilers was team Reich lead NFL's most famous comeback in.
  16. Yes you find them in Hy-Vee grocery stores; Walmart is so mind numbing.
  17. What kind of photos? Coach McD used illegal wrestling moves in college? Please do not make such jokes for they are not funny just sad.
  18. Yes they are so turn off your attack other teams fans bots. This is a reflection of their head coach and motto "Do the right thing". I am sure he and Coach McD would be good friends if they had time.
  19. Then you need to stop spoofing Jim's number and pretending to be him. I do not think turf you bought from the Ralph counts.
  20. Get him on PS and one way for a Kelly to get a Superbowl ring.
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