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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Google is a hostile foreign nation. “He allowed the protest to continue despite warnings it would spark a bloodbath.” Just say it Google. Not “He.” Man up and change He to “Trump.” Thats what you wanted to do here. Amazing.
  2. Nope. It’s not even up for discussion. The government and its media lackeys are full blown fascist thugs. Culture and the pillars that made up the greatest civilization to ever exist are under assault. Collapsing. Maybe already gone. No. No one is better off. Unless you’re a DEI hire or illegal.
  3. Democrats are complete ***t I know ZERO Democrats anywhere online or in real life that are mentally sound and normal. None.
  4. Chiefs fans replies says a lot about him
  5. Yea I'm not getting the hate over this at all. The FS for a top 3 D in the league. That's won 2 SBs. That will work.
  6. Just entering his prime as a Safety. Got hurt against the Bills in the playoff game if I’m not mistaken.
  7. There are no institutions that deserve your trust anymore. NONE.
  8. These people. Who voted blue. Also illegal to carry in NYC. Didn't stop this lunatic. Good luck blue state statists!
  9. Yep. People like this exist. So yes. Yes I am. These could be mistaken as Democrat voters and the feet are the politicians they defend at every turn no matter what. America Last!
  10. Post a tweet more recent than 4 hours ago you loser. 80 percent. It’s a bloodbath out there in Never Trump land. Which is being replaced by core D voters anyway. And the millions shifting to never Democrat
  11. Why weren’t they used in this blatant attack on our government? 1000s of people in DC. Hell yea you should all be carrying. I’ve seen the endless video footage coming out of our 3rd world inner city dumps. Carrying isn’t a crime - unless the Deep State wants to make stuff up.
  12. Why weren’t they used if this was a planned insurrection!? Bestest coup. The best. Here is video The best coup.
  13. Dictator Trump allowed himself to lose an election. Worst fascist ever. Meanwhile, when Ds have the WH:
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