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Everything posted by sven233

  1. We need O Linemen though......But then again I will take anything that will allow us push people off the ball to get 3rd and 1 once in a while. That never happens here. It is always been if we need a foot, we get stopped or exactly a foot. I just want to be able to move the pile for once and pick up a yard or 2........not just a few inches.
  2. I agreaa D is important. But you don't have to look too far back in the Bills history where we had the #1 and #3 overall Defenses. We haven't made the playoffs in over half a decade. Dominant O-Lines dictate the pace of the entire game. IF you can make first downs and put up points, you keep the D off the field which allows you to win. If you have a good D with no Offense and you go 3 and out all the time, the D will wear down..... YOU HAVE TO CONTROL THE BALL WITH YOU O-LINE TO WIN FOOTBALL GAMES!!
  3. per NFL Network....... Now a Free Agent! Moulds is probably next!
  4. I'll bite......the 8th pick overall, a 2nd next year, and a 3rd this year... With the second pick in the 2006 NFL Draft, the Buffalo Bills select... D'BRICKASHAW FERGUSON, OT
  5. So far.......if we were to sign Pickett today, I will like our DT combination. But this ignoring of the Offensive Line is starting to get to me. Guess there really isn't much we could have done, but I guess I would have been open to giving Bentley the money he got. I would have given Bentley his money, traded our 8th pick, and our 2nd, and one of our 3rds to the Saints to move up to 2 to draft DA BRICK. Even after doing that, you could have still had Triplett for what we gave him. Then, I would have signed Pickett and we would have been in good shape. I figure this would have been possible because we did have 16 mill to spend. Bentley would have been 6 of it with Triplett taking up another 3 and Pickett somewhere around 4 or 5 mill. That adds up to around 13-14 mill of the 16 mill we have and still left us enough for the Rookie Pool. Also, Moulds looks to be out of here which would give us an additional 5.5 mill in cap space. I think we could have been very well off here. But, as you say, the crickets are chirping so far. O-LINE D"BRICK GANDY BENTLEY VILLERIAL PETERS D-LINE KELSAY TRIPLETT PICKETT SCHOBEL That would have been better....... Oh well, guess I would make a terrible GM. But I am glad we brought in the best Blocking TE in the league for 10 Mill!!
  6. OK, in the last hour we have had the following that will affect not only our division, but the entire top of the draft as well: BREES to NO CULLPEPPER to MIAMI RAMSEY to NY So, talk about changes! This shakes the foundation of the entire Top 10 picks in the draft!!! No way New Orleans takes a QB now.....so who do they take? Mario Williams? D'BRICK? Them having a star QB now changes everything! The Jets now have Ramsey....what does this mean? Is he going to be their starter? Compete for the starting job? Backup for Pennington? Compete with a rookie that they draft at 4? I really doubt that they draft a QB at 4 now, but it is still possible. Do they go QB, draft DA BRICK? Maybe even consider Hawk at this point? All that I know is that all these moves have affected us in some way and all the mock drafts that were out there before are completely wrong and have been turned upside down!
  7. Not going to happen that way......if, for argument sake, the first 5 picks play out that way, I don't see San Fran taking DA BRICK. They just spent a ton on Jennings last year and the are VERY high on Hawk over there. Expect Hawk to go to San Fran in that scenerio. That wouldn't be all bad because that would give us a shot at perhaps the best player in the draft......DA BRICK!
  8. I think Moulds and his guys are finally realizing that the Bills hold all the cards here. Moulds IS under contract. They don't have to do anything if they don't want to. They can keep him at his current number, cut him WHEN THEY WANT TO, trade him WHEN THEY WANT TO, etc. I realize they have to make a decision sooner or later, but as of right now, Moulds is their property and they make the call on their time, not Moulds' time. Moulds is starting to realize that if the Bills drag this out, and then cut him, he will probably playing for much less in a couple months than he would now. He is getting anxious. But, I say let the Bills take their time and decide exactly what they want to do. If they have the cap room in the end and they can pay the salary he is currently at, that's fine. Everyone has to realize that Moulds is really only playing for around 5-5.5 mil next year, not 10 mil as the cap hit suggests. We are stuck paying half of it anyways, so I don't really consider it that bad. With the money that receivers of less than his calibur are getting on the FA market, Moulds is right in line with the contracts they are getting! So, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have him play for the other half of his money. What other receiver out there is going to give us his size and his talent for that money, or even a little less? So, it doesn't matter what Moulds is crying about, it is all up to the Bills at this point!
  9. I actually like that idea! Will never happen though!
  10. per WGR.........Just said it at 6:49 PM Not surprising. All these average receivers are out there getting crazy money. He wants his piece before it is too late. Can't blame him, I guess........Hard to feel sorry for guys that make millions for playing a game. Oh well!
  11. HA! That's exactly what I was thinking!
  12. Look for the Browns to be much improved this year. They are building a team the right way. They are putting their money into the Offensive Line. This is how you get good in a hurry. Granted, they have a lot more problems, but they definately took a huge step forward with addressing the O-Line. Just wish the Bills would take note.
  13. I'm not expecting the Bills to do anything quick, but it is finally open season!
  14. Bills have had talks with Mawae per WGR55. Interesting. The old guy really doesn't interest me too much. If they talk to him, they better be talking to Bentley.
  15. Yeah, just found this........ 3 year deal
  16. I guess all these cuts and everything that we have been hearing about will be put on hold now or retracted. With a higher cap, some of these guys that were originally cut may now find a way to resign. Should be an interesting couple of days here.
  17. Exactly what I was saying. There is a lot more to think about than the stadium. That being said, the Superbowl will most likely never be here.
  18. Not holding my breath either, just reporting what was said! Just hope it is true.
  19. Packers Resign Green Well, 2 RBs aren't going anywhere now........Alaxander struck gold and Green gets a new deal as well.
  20. Waiting to see if the owners ratify on Tuesday....... per ESPN........RIGHT NOW Just found the link: Agreement in principle Great news if true! *****UPDATE****** the number is 59.5% of all revenue for the players
  21. Yeah........saw this........What a waste. Idiots in charge.
  22. Like I said, in the short term, it would be great. But all that stuff would just waste away here after the game is over. It really isn't something that you could just blow off. If we had more attractios here.......Bass Pro Shop, Waterfront development, etc.......and we made this area a bigger attraction, it might be worth it. But, that is a reach. There is a lot that would have to happen. It would be very difficult for this area to maintain all the new rennovations at a high level. That right there might be a bigger consideration than the stadium!
  23. Well, there is a lot more that goes into it. As brought up in other posts, you are looking at more hotels, travel arrangements, etc.........there is a lot that goes into it. Now, I am not against it at all, but here is the thing.......if we were to go ahead and build all the hotels and do all that other stuff for the Superbowl, what happens to all that stuff after the Superbowl is over? I mean, this is not really a prime destination for tourists. How would we continue the funding for all those additions that a Superbowl demands? I agree, in the short term it is a huge help. But what happens after the game is over? That's the question.
  24. If you want Buffalo to get a Superbowl you will have to build a new stadium. Probably will have to have a roof as well. But yeah, the way it works is that if you get a new stadium you can get a Superbowl if you want it. Only downside is that you have to have a roof........not Buffalo Football.
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