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Posts posted by GunnerBill

  1. I'm do have faith in EJ, but even so I agree with Rodak. The Bills simply cannot at this stage discount the possibility that they need to go Quarterback in the first round next year. Personally I'm not huge on any of this year's QBs but if that had been EJ's second year last year with that level of production I'd have been for drafting one of them. I'd probably still have wanted to stay away from Manziel, but I'd have been for taking someone. But you have to allow rookie Quarterbacks some development time. I think taking a one and done approach with Quarterbacks is far more likely to see you miss on a potential Franchise guy that goes on to have success in the league than it is to magically produce you a day 1 superstar unless you happen to be in draft position to do so in an Andrew Luck year.

  2. I still worry about what we are going to do in the first round... I suspect Taylor Lewan will be there and that will allow us to trade back. But if I take out trades and just mock for our current draft spots then my Bills mock is:


    9. Eric Ebron TE

    41. Scott Crichton DE

    73. Antonio Richardson OT

    109. Jeremy Hill / Terrence West RB (think one or other will still be there)

    149. Walt Aikens CB

    224. Pat O'Donnell P


    The punter is a bit of a stab in the dark, but they have shown a willingness to spend 7th rounders on kickers and punters in recent years. Of that first 5 only Richardson hasn't been in for a visit. I think if it went like that OBD would be over the proverbial moon.

  3. If you ask me Mike Evans made Johnny football look good...not the other way around.


    I could definately live with Mike Evans at 9


    I'm in that camp too. Otherwise I'm pretty much in agreement with the original poster. Lattimer I like a lot, but first round would be a reach. Thing is I think what's bumping him up is the number of teams who have brought him in for visits. All were probably thinking "if he is still there in the 3rd we will take him" all of a sudden people are thinking "he probably doesn't last that long we need to take him sooner." I still think he goes in the 2nd.

  4. I just think we have to keep next year's #1 because we may be looking for a Quarterback. I think until you have a guy you know is your guy you have to keep that option of drafting one in the 1st the following year open. I don't want to re-open the draft a QB this year argument because I am more in favour of upgrading the talent around EJ this year for sure, and then judge him on the progress he does or doesn't make. But if there isn't any and you've gambled your next year's #1 away for Sammy Watkins then you are kinda forced to ride EJ out an extra year, or use your #2 through #7 picks next year to get up to the top 10-15 to take a Quarterback, or gamble on a likely project in the 2nd/3rd round.

  5. I don't remember Jim Kelly seeking out anyone asking them how to lead. Or marino, or Elway, Montana and on and on and on. This kid is starting to worry me even more.He is seeking Russel Wilson? Who did Wilson seek?


    See I have felt leaders are born, they are just natural at it. This kid seems to me is trying to manufacture the 'IT' factor. Most great QB's have an edge, cocky etc. EJ seems to passive and too nice. If he tries to fake what he doesn't have then his team mates will know.


    I would just tell the kid quit talking to other people and be you. Stay on the field, and WIN. If you can WIN it will take care of most of the rest.


    I agree. I don't think "It" factor and leadership are completely the same thing mind you, but you can't manufacture leadership. It's there or it ain't.


    But not being a leader doesn't stop you being a successful Quarterback... although I think it makes it more difficult.

  6. I think if they trade back in the first and pick up an extra 2nd or 3rd rounder then they go running back in the 3rd (either with their original pick or with a possible extra pick). If not I'd be looking at the 4th as prime running back territory.


    I think they go O-line, offensive weapon (big receiver or tight end) and probably defensive end in their first three picks. Then I see running back and defensive back being positions they want to add depth in after that and depending on if they have secured an extra pick or not possibly a young guard as well. Wouldn't be at all surprised if they go punter in the 7th.

  7. I don't believe you can learn leadership. What #34 says above to an extent is true, that playing well will gain him the respect of his teammates but leadership is about more than that. Joe Flacco is a Superbowl winning QB... he isn't a leader, the leaders on that team were all on the defense. Playing great and leading are not the same.


    Ryan Fitzpartick was a good leader. He wasn't a good enough Quarterback.

  8. Depending on how things shake out next Thursday, that's probably the best option. But I don't see anyone wanting to trade to 9. It's no man's land because by then the elite prospects are gone and the value for the next rung of players isn't enough to give up a 2nd IMO. I guess we'll see though because strange things happen.


    I think it's a possibility if Lewan is still there. There are a couple of teams, New York Giants and Dallas Cowboys who need a big, nasty guy to come in and play left tackle immediately. They wouldn't have to give up a bunch to get there.... I think the Giants could do it for a 4th (maybe a 3rd) the Cowboys maybe would have to give up their 2nd rounder, but that trade favours the Bills so maybe they give up the 2nd rounder but swap 3rds.....


    If only 1 QB goes and the three tackles, two receivers, two pass rushers have all gone then I think someone coming up to trade with the Bills is unlikely. In that scenario I agree with your no mans land comment.

  9. Glennon had way more poise and pocket awareness in his eight games than EJ, and seemed to get better as the year went on.


    I don't agree with that actually. I thought he took a couple of games to get going, then had a good spell but his performance fell off at the end of the season in the Bills game and beyond. Admittedly I think Tampa's team gave up at the end of the year but Glennon was not good in the last 3-4 games.


    EDIT: having said that if he was cut I'd sign him. I wouldn't give up a pick for him.

  10. Or if you want to talk about players not fitting the scheme who have a cap hit, why not look at Manny Lawson?


    I'm not convinced yet that Lawson doesn't fit the system. I expect to see them try and use him as a defensive end. He didn't really catch on there earlier in his NFL career, but he did set the edge really well as an OLB last year and I think they take a look at that. However, if they take a look and don't like what they see then I think he is a strong candidate to be a surprise late cut.

  11. I don't think Romo's play has been the biggest reason for the failures in Dallas in recent years. Underusing DeMarco Murray (particularly getting away from the run in the second halves of games) and a defense that's been a mess have been much more of a problem. But Romo's contract is hurting them because it's stopping them upgrading their talent and Romo's ego is hurting them... because I honestly believe he is a big part of the reason they get away from the run so often. He gets bored and moans at whoever is calling the plays in Dallas that week (Probably Jerry Jones for the most part) until they call some more pass plays.


    No way I'd trade for him though. No chance at all.

  12. Guys, those urging caution are right to do so. As I've said in another thread contract law deals with few certainties. You can always break a contract and the other party always has a remedy, but that remedy is almost always purely financial and as has been said anyone who buys the Bills is going to have to have big money to start with.


    But what I think you have to take from this is that it is yet another factor that is likely to increase the chances of the Bills being sold to a group who wants the team to stay in Buffalo. It also confirms that was Ralph's wish and I'm sure Mary Wilson will take her late husband's wishes very seriously. I'm 75% sure the Bills will be staying in Buffalo not just short term, but long term, under new ownership committed to the area. And before Ralph's death and the new that has gradually come out since then I was at best 50/50.


    It looks positive guys. Cautious optimism is the right tone.

  13. We are and have been one player from making the playoffs for a few years. A quarterback. Not a DE. They aren't taking a QB early, so they absolutely have to hold on to the 2015 just in case.


    I agree. I'm all in on EJ this year and I do believe in his ability to get better, I have everything crossed that he stays healthy and we see enough to think "yes this really could be the guy". He doesn't have to prove he absolutely IS the guy but he has to play well enough for us to think there is a very real reason to give him a 3rd year. But if he doesn't play any better then for me 2015 we should be willing to mortgage the house to get up for Mariota or Winston. I believe in those guys a ton more than I believe in the Quarterbacks in this draft class, and I know next year's crop always looks good this far out but if they keep playing well and EJ doesn't then do it.... then give up 3 picks, 4 picks whatever it takes next year to get up and take one.

  14. I do think Pettine came last year intending to play a 3-4, but he is a young, bright, mind and I think he learnt and developed away from having to run just Rex's scheme. Not a surprise to me that he is intending to play a hybrid which is mainly 4-3 at Cleveland. As much as I think some fans overstate how brilliant the defense was under Pettine because it was a "flashy" scheme I do think we have lost a good one there. I've no doubt that given the opportunity to build that team slowly he will be a success.


    I do think Schwartz was a good hire though and it goes to show how far we have come in terms of building the talent on the roster that a guy as respected as he who has just been a Head Coach looks at our defensive guys and says "yea I'll take that." He was one of the best choices out there on paper. Let's hope it transpires to be a good decision.

  15. ....none other than former Buffalo Bills Head Coach Wade Phillips!!


    Looking forward to hearing what he has to say. Usually they just wheel out Cecil Martin (a former 3 year full back with the Eagles for those who don't know) who is decent entertainment value but provides all the analytical imput of a wet rag. Wade will be a huge upgrade to their coverage.


    He will be in Sky Sports' London studios and earlier in the evening is taking part in a Q&A session with NFL fans at Lords cricket ground. Tickets are free but decided in a bllot so I've put my name in the hat and who knows.

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