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Posts posted by GunnerBill

  1. For me the perfect place for Manziel would be Arizona. He wouldn't have to play right away, becuase they have in Carson Palmer a serviceable starter. He could learn, improve, and then when he does play in Bruce Arians he has a head coach who has experience with a Quarterback in Big Ben, who whilst a very different body type and style is arguably at his best when improvising outside of the pocket to keep plays alive. He also has in Larry Fitzgerald a "Mike Evans type" of No1 wideout who will be there for him to throw it up to when everything breaks down and they have a defense that can help him out if he does make some naive mistakes. I think it would be a nice fit... not that I think they have a shot at getting him.

  2. It's done to death. I don't think the guys who supported RI from the start were ever going to stop supporting RI, they had made their minds up that Martin was a crybaby and that was that. I doubt anything I, or anyone else, has said has even got close to changing their minds on that.


    Likewise I believed from the start that RI would come out of the report very badly, and that he would be done in the NFL and I nothing anyone said to try and spin the report was going to change my mind. The only thing that would have done was the report exonerating RI and it did the opposite.


    The only need for this thread to be revisited again is if either Martin or Incognito return to the NFL.

  3. I don't think he was saying Manziel was like Flynn in college. He was saying Manziel in college = Flynn in the pros.


    I don't hate him because his life is "awesome." I don't hate him at all, I just do not see him and his game making a fully successful transition to the National Football League. I think he will join the ranks of great college QBs that just didn't make the grade in the pros.

  4. I love Mariota too. But I have enough faith in EJ to suggest the Bills won't be in position to take him. I think we win somewhere between 6 and 8 games again.... but if that is the case and it is clear that QB play is the biggest single reason that we are not above .500 I'd gamble the house to try and move up for Mariota. I think this time next year he will be getting talked about as a "can't miss" prospect.

  5. Marrone has already touched on this...He sounded less than enthusiastic about Searcy starting...They want to keep Searcy in his current role...Next men up are Duke Williams and Meeks...Barring injury Searcy will not be the starter at either Safety position... B-)


    Yea Marrone is on record as saying Searcy is his ideal dime. I think the Bills probably have their eye on bringing in a veteran FA to compete with Duke Williams and the winner of that competition will get the starters job alongside Aaron Williams who they will majorly rely on to step up and be the leader of the secondary.

  6. I've suspected all along that franchising him was our only glimmer of a chance of keeping him another year and even then he may just have sat the year out. I don't really think this was about money. If they'd made an offer to blow him out of the water maybe he'd have stayed I don't know. I think this is about him not believing that the Bills can win and him wanting to win (quite possibly in a more glamorous "big market").


    I wonder whether this means the Bills might tag someone else? They wouldn't tag Chandler I wouldn't think (it's way above his worth for me)... but maybe they will do a Jets and franchise the kicker?

  7. I need to ask: How is a pass rushing OLB a necessity when you have Mario Williams and Jerry Hughes?


    I don't think it's about necessity, so much as it's about the guy just being such a special talent. He is certainly a more complete 3 down player than Jerry Hughes, he can do more than just get after the QB. I think he could play in the 4-3 defense as well, that's not a big concern for me... although Agent91 will have seen much more of him than I.

  8. I think I am.




    "The best way to have success against Russell Wilson?

    "Make him throw from the pocket," one NFC general manager told me."


    The best way to have success against Wilson is to keep him in the pocket, the same as any of this new generation of mobile quarterbacks. But Wilson is accurate from the pocket. Much more so than Kaepernick and RGIII and a hell of a lot more so than Johnny Manziel. You have a better chance of beating him keeping him in the pocket though because he is such a dynamic dual threat play maker once he escapes.


    My position on Manziel is equally well known. I'm saying Vince Young. He will go into a team that needs a Quarterback and he will start day 1 and he will win some games and make some wow plays might even help get his team to the play-offs once, but he will not have sustained long term success in the NFL and my guess is by year 4/5 people are saying he isn't the answer and he is getting cut and fighting elsewhere for a back up job and like Young and Tim Tebow (who he is better than) he will find a back up job difficult to find because he is a Quarterback you have to tailor the offense for and back ups are expected to come in and run the offense that's already there.


    EDIT: If someone asked me to pin my colours on the mast of one Quarterback in this draft to be a LONG TERM success in the NFL, I'd go Blake Bortles and I'm not exactly head over heels excited by him.

  9. How did that work against Wilson?


    Wilson is a lot more accurate from the pocket than Johnny Manziel. You are not considering like for like at all. I think Kaepernick is a better comparison from that perspective (not in terms of size obviously but in terms of coming out with question marks about his accuracy from the pocket) and Manziel doesn't have the cannon of an arm that Kaepernick has.

  10. Agreed. We have 3 Tackles that are NFL Capable and have long careers ahead of them


    Do we? I'd say we have one capable of playing at a high level and one who had previously looked just about passable, had a horrible year and is a strong candidate to be a cap casualty. After that who knows what the situation with Hariston is and I don't think he had really proven that much before getting hurt anyway.... and then a bunch of guys who have bounced around practice squads who may or may not turn out to have some talent.

  11. It's about time somebody called him out for what he really is a 3rd round draft pick nothing more nothing less small body qb will get crushed when he gets hit


    Haha. I've been as big a Johnny Football critic as anyone.... I've said before and will say again though that there is no way I'm spending a top 10 pick on a Quarterback to come into the NFL that I see so little pocket play from.


    I think this thread will be closed though as there is already a Manziel one.

  12. Keith McGill, CB, Utah - although I think after his senior bowl and combine performances he probably goes in the 2nd or early 3rd round and I'm not sure the Bills are looking for a CB that high. I know CB isn't a big position of need but he is the kind of big bodied corner that you need now in the league against some of the bigger targets. If he is still there in the 4th I think he is too good to pass up, he would be pretty close to the BPA at that point I'd guess.

  13. Agree with what has been said. Barr is the slider for me, should never have been rated that high to begin with. Wouldn't amaze me if Watkins slid a little bit either, not out of the top 15 but possibly out of the top 8. I'm just not as sure a lot of NFL clubs will have him as high on their boad as some of the draft "experts".


    As for climbers.... I think the time when I thought Mack might slide to our pick at #9 is over and I think Evans has probably solidified himself as the second receiver off the board now. I'd be amazed if he slid below say 15. I think he will still be there for the Bills at #9 unless someone trades up to jump in front of us and if that happens he would have gatecrashed the top 8.

  14. that was actually pretty great. loving the part where they've stopped talking about football he suddenly he starts crying again, the mom asks him whats wrong? "ryan fitzpatrick... jp losman..."


    That's my favourite bit.... it's actually... "Trent Edwards, Ryan Fitzpatrick..... oh my God JP Losman... he sucked..."


    Let's be honest which of us hasn't in some dark moment gone through our bad Quarterbacks in our head in rising incredulity until the point where the memory of JP Losman reduces us to tears? I know I have.....

  15. Clearly Seattle are already thinking longer term. What are the key pieces? I agree with those that say Russell Wilson is somewhat overrated on this board, but there is no question he is a key piece to Seattle, a young quarterback who is a good leader, a dual threat, avoids the big mistake and can make clutch plays.


    Then they look at someone like Michael Bennett who has been an excellent pick up in terms of increasing their QB pressures and he is a key piece. I would let all the receivers walk... they've cut Rice, I wouldn't be giving Tate big bucks and I'd let Baldwin (who I think is an RFA?) go as well. The strength of that team is the defense, therefore that's where you invest your money. They have also tied a lot of cash up in Percy Harvin as a "do everything" weapon on the offense and special teams. Therefore, keep your defense together and draft offensive guys... unless you find an "elite" receiver or tight end then I'd keep letting them walk at the end of their rookie deals rather than paying them because I'd want to pay my defense.

  16. It was Manzeil making him look bad.


    I actually do think it was partly that. Mike Evans was open early on plenty of plays I saw, but Johnny Manziel isn't great at making reads from the pocket. Some people think Manziel has "made" Evans' career. I think the opposite. I think without Mike Evans' ability to go up among defenders and make the tough catches on balls that should really never have been thrown there is no way Johnny Manziel would be getting talked about as a top 5 prospect. The number of 50/50 jump balls I've seen him come down with is remarkable.

  17. I'm addicted to this. I've done another on the basis I'm now taking Evans at 9. I really like this draft. Think picks 1-4 all become year 1 starters and Lyerla whilst a huge behaviour gamble is a potential steal if you can get him focused and playing to his potential.









  18. Mike Evans at 9. Game. Set. Match.


    We found a stud of a LT in the 2nd round, there will be plenty of Ts to take later on. No RT will affect a game the way Mike Evans will.

    When is Antonio Richardson projected to go? He looks like a stud RT to me...


    We also need a TE. Really really badly. Get one of those too


    I was on the Mike Evans train until the end of the season and then I kind of let myself be talked out of him by some "experts". I'm back on board folks. I'm certain he will still be there at 9 and he is the guy we need. With the 9th pick of the 2014 NFL Draft I am taking Mike Evans, Wide Receiver, Texas A&M.

  19. This is part of what I don't understand. How could they not know he was suicidal? JM tells RI he was suicidal and not his parents? And he tells them in April 2013 that he has been bullied since...middle school? This is news to them? He seems closer (in texts, anyway) to Incognito than he does to his parents. It doesn's all seem plausible.


    Sadly I find it plausible. It's often the case in case of depression that the sufferer feels less able to confide in the people that they should be closest too. Let me be clear though, that as critical as I've been of Incognito I don't think you can put not grasping the seriousness of Martin's depression at his door.

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