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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. That is the only reason this story is so disturbing- otherwise it is simply embarassing but not something worth the effort.
  2. I can not believe anyone will give him that kind of cash since he just sat a year where he was offered 14 .million. His loyalty is not the team but himself which is not a bad thing except for where it cost 25 million a year. Did anyone say less than 10 million a year? If the Bills can sign him for 4 years at 40 million i would say do it now. My bet is 4 years about 55 million
  3. This is definitely what needs to happen- as i said i was happy with what i saw but am in no means sold he is the guy
  4. Many recievers seem to do well with one kind of qb and i think Allen and Mckenzie might be that kind of duo. Very limited time together but i liked what i saw compared to higher priced offensive players.
  5. I think the aaf and nfl are going to become officially linked at that point- PS dudes will be linked to a team in league or some such thing. AAF is not coming near NFL and i like AAF.
  6. Your funny- i am not sure if it is intentional- but i dont hate Clay- i respect Clay- i think he worked his hardest for 4 years but was hurt more often then not and his talent was not enough to overcome his injuries. If you think my laughing at your attacks is " emotional outbursts" than so be it but none of it was aimed at Clay as a person simply his consistency.
  7. No one has been reliable- sammy was great a few games and terrible others- robert woods was as close as we had to reliable and he was only here two of those years. I am though confused on what your point is since the Bills do not have to have reliable recievers for Clay to be unreliable- McCoy was reliable up to this season- Tyrod was reliable not to turn ball over and have a nice deep ball almost every game and make a few plays with his legs. Clay was not consistent in any way.
  8. I likely will regret this but who is completely unreliable?
  9. Seeing as how Fredex came from a similar league as did guys like Kurt Warner it is shortsighted not to think some of these guys make rosters and make some impact. I especially see how Johnson could make a team, he dominated lesser talent today. I doubt many NFL recievers would have done better considering who was throwing to him.
  10. I agree- i bet a few players from each team are at the very least in training camps this year and a few from the league make rosters.
  11. I know we will never know but it would be very telling how much he got. If he got 70 million he actually had something, if he got 5 million he is just a nuisance they want to go away.
  12. I think I am being trolled-so we agree you are battling me on a semantics argument on the definition of unreliable? you agree he was inconsistent, he was not reliable and you could not predict what would happen with him from game to game BUT your personal definition of a common word in the English language should be considered superior to dictionaries definition?
  13. Has it been there for at least 15 years? I used to travel and went to a lot of bills bars while on road and one in vegas was awesome. Where is the tampa one? I live in orlando but have not heard of it.
  14. I can not believe I actually have to go to find the definition of unreliable- un·re·li·a·ble Dictionary result for unreliable /ˌənrəˈlīəb(ə)l/ adjective not able to be relied upon. synonyms: undependable, untrustworthy, so could you depend on him? could you trust him to be good each week? if you could you must have been terribly disappointed during all of his 2 and 3 catch games. He literally had 40 games during his 4 years in buffalo with 3 or less catches. But you are literally parsing semantics in a manner I can not possibly understand when you say what is bolded but argue with me. But we do agree on one thing-he was not a total bust he had a few great games in his 4 years just not reliable. BTW I meant 2017 game- 2018 is still "this season" to me.
  15. Not sure how you argue he was reliable- he would have 3 game stretches where he would have 15+ catches combined and the follow it with 3 games with 6 catches in the next three. He was the best player on field against ATL last year on offense then missed three games. I am not sure how you define unreliable but a dude who looks great 4 times a year and poor the otjer 12 is unreliable. Just someone else who agrees with me- this was written right before he had seceral bad weeks in aroww. https://realsport101.com/news/sports/nfl/nfl-fantasy-is-charles-clay-a-week-5-must-start/
  16. I am generally a clay defender- it was not his mistake to take huge money when offered- but he was completely unreliable. He was often injured, even when playing. He had talent but not enough to overcome injduries.
  17. My point is he was a top ten talent after he was a headache- Kap was no longer a top 20 qb after he became a headache. That is why Vick was given second chance where as Kap was not. Talent vs headache is a personal equation to each GM( like Browns with RB) but Kap was too much headache and not enough talent.
  18. You must be missing the part of Vick thaywas worth a 100 million after his jail time- talent gets you back in league every time.
  19. OBJ would probably ruin this team- your highest paid player needs to be willing to outwork the other players and he is not.
  20. And that is why you hope McBeane watches more film then me- i had no idea.
  21. What is wrong with Malik Jackson? I remember him being good- i would like the version of him i remember.
  22. To original question- i had completely forgotten he was team. So i expect nothing of him- he will hopefully be a good rotation guy but that would be a step up.
  23. I would support it but as already pointed out the brock osweiler situation is not common since so much of guaranteed money is signing bonus and you can not make another team take that. Also no team is going to send us a good player, no matter how expensive, and additional compensation to get rid of him. Brock was a train wreck and the browns saved the texans from salary cap pergatory for a relatively steep price.
  24. Two things about this post are absurd: space eaters like him are not had on the cheap but using stats to justify that opinion is dumb. I am sorry but your post reads as if you are trolling bashing stats on one hand while using them to justify your absurd thoughts on the other.
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