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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Thanks all! Birth certificate reads 1965....but I fell like it might have been 1945
  2. It is just sports, they are just people...love the Bills, and many of my fellow Bills fans...but as a collective, we are about as thin-skinned a group as you could imagine.
  3. Not sure if it is Alzheimers for me, or just selective amnesia....it serves me well when it comes to my teams.
  4. In case anyone is interested, Tuesday (3/5) the NFL Network will re-run the 2016 Steelers at Bills game. 1pm Eastern time. Honestly, I barely remember this game (it is all a blur the last 15 years or so), but I am sure the Bills lost...but it must have been a decent game, or they wouldn't be re-running it.
  5. At the risk of sounding really corny, it was a beautiful show. It went places I never expected.
  6. This may be the only thing we ever agree on. It wasn't perfect, but I really enjoyed it. Sure, there were a few too many scenes of Bobby Carnavale snorting coke and getting crazy-eyed...but as a music guy, I loved having stories about New York Dolls, Alice Cooper, Todd Rundgeron, Ramones, etc etc on the tele. The criticism of the show was harsh...people like Richard Hell lambasted it for its' inaccuracy....his biggest gripe seemed to be that, in the pilot, "Johnny Thunders" was using an amp that hadn't been created yet, at the time was supposed to be set in. It was ridiculous. The hipster verdict on the show seemed to condemn it after a few episodes. I stuck with it the whole season, I though it got better as it went on. Like a lot of shows, the first handful of episodes were a little over the top... anyways, great pick by you!
  7. You could stop tomorrow, but you won't...you been doing it too long. You should probably worry about your own train there Choo-choo Charlie.
  8. I give him credit...but he did inherit a pretty decent roster.
  9. If these are my only choices, I would say Perry Fewell...he is the only one I am not sure sucks.
  10. I will agree with those that say "Breaking Bad" was as close to flawless as it gets...even though it isn't my favorite show (That would be, in order, The Sopranos, Mad Men, The Wire, and Boardwalk Empire, Larry Sanders...Breaking Bad comes in a #6 for me). BB was so tightly written, there was very little waste, and it was really well thought out. I know the other shows meandered a bit at times, but I kinda like that. Another show that deserves mention, is "Rectify". I honestly only know 2 other people who have watched it..but it was excellent.
  11. Was he really that bad on MNF? I think that got exaggerated a bit. The MNF broadcast, in general, has declined, but to me, Witten was just another mediocre ex-jock, maybe trying a little too hard at times...but he was hardly the worst.
  12. Pretty much any "good" show that was ever on SHOWTIME, went on for way too long... Dexter - should have ended after the Trinity Killer in season 3, Shameless -it is painful to watch now, even though it has a fantastic cast, just awful writing Nurse Jackie - it wasn't horrible at the end, but it just got sort of repetitive, should have ended a season earlier Weeds- Really liked it, until they went to Mexico, season 5 I think...the last 3 seasons were terrible Homeland- could have ended after 2 seasons Others: The Walking Dead: had the uncanny ability to make you keep watching, even though it was, in truth, never very good. It seemed like you were always waiting for it to get better, and they made it seemed like it would...but it was just the same thing, over and over....terrible show. Stopped watching during the first Neegan season. Horrible, lazy writing....
  13. You can't help but not to draw some not too flattering conclusions about Trump supporters, at this point.
  14. I would take him, of course, depending on the salary. I am not sure judging him off last years numbers is a completely accurate way to judge him. He has a scrappiness that Bills receivers haven't had in years...he's old, sure, but we could do worse, if his attitude is good.
  15. They don't have much monitary value, as you realize. Donate them to a childrens charity, or hospital, at Christmas time.
  16. I've kinda lost track of this tradition over the last few years, but isn't the opening game normally a playoff re-match from the previos season? I'm thinking New England/KC
  17. Sorry...didn't even notice the link! Thanks. Looks like the only way I could watch it here would be on terrestrial station feed.
  18. That is awesome. Would love to see spme of those.What network is it? I have Spectrum...there are so many damn channels I never watch...just wondering if I have it.
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