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SD Jarhead

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Everything posted by SD Jarhead

  1. I'm not upset. The McCain/Palin 'humor' here is what I find laughable.
  2. Down is up. Up is down. This is the worst I have ever experienced in my lifetime. I don't think it's ever been this obvious that the media is in the tank for The Messiah. They don't even try to hide it anymore.
  3. And this is worthy of starting a thread? Oh, I get it...the whole McCain family has a bad temper. Pretty crafty of you FAR.
  4. Seconded. But you better drink it quick before the goon squad runs you out of town for telling the truth.
  5. Ugh, thanks for the spelling correction. But if you want to know how Obama could make things worse, look at his planned policies or research Jimmy Carter and do a compare and contrast with Obama. If you do an honest assessment, you might be suprised.
  6. Holy cow! Did you hear that Obama eats oatmeal for breakfast!
  7. It's not that I'd rather not see it, but do a quick scan of the treads started here. It's a bit ridiculous don't you think? That's all I'm saying...
  8. I'm sure The Messiah and his family are shopping at K-mart in their interest of looking out for 'the people'. C'mon people, why litter the board with this tripe? Do you want me and others to post every headline from Drudge here? File this under who gives a schit...
  9. Big Cat- As I mentioned earlier I do not mean to slam you, but hope you realize that, yes, it can and most likely will get much worse, at least in the short term, regardless of who is elected President. I lived through the late 70's and early 80's in Buffalo, NY. Let me tell you, what we're experiencing now is nothing like that time. I had a Dad who lost his job (with about 50k others) when Bethlehem Steel closed its doors. Shortly after, my parents divorced and for a short period of time my mother was is a position where we received welfare. Unemployment in Buffalo was between 12-14% if my memory serves me right. Interest rates were above 20%. Good Times! So please don't be mellow dramatic about how 'bad' times are now. As someone mentioned above- you're drinking too much of the Democratic Kool-Aide. We, as a nation are doing very well when compared to those days. I think that we very well could and likely will see similar times as the financial crisis infects mainstreet. It's one thing to read about something and another to live it. I do agree with you that the dynamics today are much different than they were then. In fact, if anything I think we live in a much more dangerous world than we did when I was growing up, but that's just my opinion.
  10. How old are you? Seriously. I'm not trying to insult you, just get an idea of your perspective with regards to your age. Believe me buddy, you aint seen nothing yet.
  11. That's very disturbing. But please don't let one jackass ruin the reputation of the vast majority of us ethical hunters. It is unfortunate that often times one person can spoil the reputation of a whole group. I hope the dog gets better.
  12. Great post. I feel the same way. I was and still am a big Losman supporter. While I am disappointed that it didn't work out with him, I also hope he thrives on his next team. But Edwards is the real deal.
  13. This guy nails it. These are strange times we're living in. Nobody cares to discuss the real issues facing us. We're going to get exactly what we asked for... http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2008/1..._president.html
  14. Happy Birthday and God Bless You Mr Wilson! Thanks for your loyalty to the City of Buffalo and for keeping my hometown team where it belongs. I wish you many more healthy years. Here's to the Bills winning the SB this year!
  15. So what you're saying is that they're too stupid to properly fill out a registration card. I thought the Dim's were the smart ones?
  16. Crocodile tears. OK- in your world, Daily KOoks- not so bad. Republican political humor BAD. Please, spare me. Dude, I didn't vote for McCain, but you are killing me with this stuff. Yes the Republicans are AFU but your Dim's aren't any better...you'll see.
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