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SD Jarhead

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Everything posted by SD Jarhead

  1. Did you make that up little man or read it on Daily Kooks? You're a witty dude for a retard!
  2. Without all the usual bantering, I agree this is criminal and charges should be filed. I have found the defense contractor world to be full of fraud, waste and abuse...and I work for one! While I'm not certain that the CEO and Board are responsible for this, clearly someone is responsible for this neglect. Wrong is wrong- political BS aside. Net-net: Someone needs to be prosecuted for this gross neglect.
  3. To answer your last question first- Who the Eff knows? I explained a personal story in another thread about my sister, but to be clear, I don't necessarily think her situation is the norm. What makes a man prefer a dudes behind over the snapper is way beyond my level of comprehension. I do understand a lesbian wanting snapper though Just kidding. Look, I think we can agree to disagree on this. I have a friend from high school who lives here in San Diego who was gay and got kicked out of the Navy for it. In fact, he was over for dinner two weeks ago. He has shunned the homosexual lifestyle and for the record, he isn't a religious person (so don't go trying to blame this on religion). He now says he is asexual. I really don't get into depth about his sexual orientation because it really isn't an issue for me. He's a good dude and that's the bottom line. Regarding the lisp, my personal experience is with a buddies brother who we hung around for years. While he might've felt gay his entire life, he didn't 'develop' a lisp until he came out of the closet to his family and friends. And boy does he have a lisp! That to me is a psychological thing that homosexual men do to broadcast that they're gay. I just find it amusing how this suddenly develops.
  4. I like the use of words like "could" and "probably". So the brain thing tries to explain why men are homo's but what about butch dikes? What about the 'pitchers? Did the lisp develop when their brain grew? I didn't see that addressed. I don't have a beef with you Steeley, but the FACT is that there is currently no proven scientific data that proves this is a genetic trait. It just may turn out to be so, but can we agree that at this point there is no scientific evidence that proves this to be the case? Unlike McKinley, I'm not calling you names for your belief. I may be wrong in mine, but my belief is based on the old fairytale that everyone here loves to discount and until mankind proves that it is genetic, I'll believe what I believe.
  5. Ralph Wilson is a man that any true Bills fan owes a great debt of gratitude. He is an old fashioned man of honor. He very easily could've deserted a dying city for greener monetary pastures but didn't. I am proud to call myself a Bills fan because of the character of this man. Has he been a perfect owner and made all the right choices? Of course not. But he has displayed a degree of loyalty to the city of Buffalo that is extremely rare in this day and age where most businesspeople will compromise ethics for a quick buck. Look at our country right now and the corporate greed that permeates the CEO's of major corporations. While the Bills continue to break my heart, I will always be thankful to Ralph Wilson for keeping my hometown team where they belong. God Bless him and may he continue to grace the earth for many more years. Because, once he passes, we all know what that means.
  6. Link? Who has proven that this is a genetic trait? Just sayin... Oh, nevermind, I'm a bigot. Ignore me and respond to Elligant Idiot's thoughtful postings...
  7. I agree with you. Call me old school, but my definition is just that. And FTR, I have a sister who is homosexual. I don't hate her, I love her. But I also need to explain that she has other issues as well and some of them deal with social adjustment and being grossly overweight. She 'discovered' her homosexuality about three years ago. So before you flamethrowers jump in and start hurling your insults, you should know how my mother and family unanimously view this revelation. First of all, she is accepted by all siblings and my mother, who is our sole surviving parent. BUT, all including myself view this as an attention grab. If you knew my sister you'd understand. She would regularly fabricate drama to bring attention to herself especially around the holidays and has medically diagnosed personality disorder. This also carries over to her job, where she regularly would fabricate drama and how she held onto the job as long as she did, I don't know. But that is just her. I (we) honestly think she is homosexual because it makes her different and accepted into a group. I could go on in depth about the countless reason why we have come to this conclusion, but need to go to work. I also do not apply my experience with my sister as a baseline of all homosexuals. So let me pre-emptively send out a big F-U to Ellegant Idiot and the usual flamethrowers who instead of having an intelligent discussion will resort to their usual drivel of name calling.
  8. Steely, I am sure that our Sipr Net has been compromised on at least one occasion. As far as businesses are concerned, think about this- if you're an E-commerce company and hackers infiltrate your network demanding money or else they will release customer info, make the breach public, etc. don't you think that 100% of the companies are going to pay up to avoid the embarassment and worse, the loss of confidence in their security? My brother in law owns a network security company and attends Defcon in Vegas every year. He shares stories of how saavy the hackers are. The whole biometrics technology from a few years ago that 'they' said couldn't be hacked or counterfeited? Hacked. As I'm sure you know, as soon as we build a better mousetrap, they build a smarter mouse. I do have faith and confidence in our abilities, but the Chinks have some pretty smart MF'ers, and a whole pool of billions to choose from. I remember the comparison in Friedman's "World is Flat" book that if you're a one in a million genius here, there's 325 of you here. In China there's 1321 people like you. At the end of the day, it may not be a state sponsored attack, but a criminal organization with state backing. And hear me clearly- All I'm saying is this is something we need to be concerned about as these stories become more and more common.
  9. Are you still on that tirade little man? Get a grip loser.
  10. Are you referring to the undersea fiber lines? I still wonder who was behind those lines being cut a few months ago. But if not, then I'm unsure what you're referring to...
  11. Homosexuality is deviant behavior. It isn't normal in my book. Since when hasn't is been deviant behavior?
  12. The funnt thing is I read that on the net but didn't know what was up until someone told me today that there was an article on Fox about why. I'm telling you, those Communist bastards are up to no good. How deeply they've penetrated is what concerns me the most. I honestly hope we have a similar capability and are doing the same thing to them. It seems like they're laying a giant snare and we're about to step in it.
  13. This is a subject I have followed for some time that I think we don't pay near enough attention to but is a very real threat. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...e-US-power.html China has mapped our electric grid across the country and knows how to turn it off at will (they're responsible for two major outages). They've also penetrated our military network system numerous times over. And I'm not just talking about our non-secure network. They've hacked the Secretary of Commerce's computer. We only vaguely know how many major corporations have been compromised because they don't let it out publicly because of the embarassment. I want to believe we're doing the same thing to them, but they seem to be stealing our secrets at will.
  14. She pardoned a turkey, not all of the turkeys! But it was funny watching that dude in the background going about his business. And yes Dante, wild turkey tastes great.
  15. A great example of a 'new' Democrat that I would support is Jim Webb. I read his book "A Time to Fight" and really like his viewpoint. It's a good read about where he feels Republicans have gone wrong.
  16. I'm with you. Let the other nations police their own. But if they screw with our ships...it's on!
  17. As many of them as there are around here, you'd think he'd know how to spell their name. That was my cheap shot for the day. Enjoy!
  18. Ooops...fixed. We've got enough irate people here...we don't need 'em off Somalia either damnit!
  19. Seriously...is the world helpless against these guys? I know absolutely nothing about shipping, but how can these small crafts assume control of larger ships? arent the crews of these ships armed? Not looking to start an argument, so calm down Elegant Idiot and NozzleNUT...just trying to understand.
  20. This is it...the season is over. WTF are we doing letting this scrub team the 'quit on itself' beat us? We're done. Another year of frustration. I love this team, unfortunately it's in my blood, but I don't know how much more of this schit I can take. !@#$!
  21. You might want to worry about your buddy Barry...Unless you think Biden was talking out his arse a few weeks ago. I've got a feeling there's going to big a big bang of some kind in our near future. Just my gut instinct telling me this.
  22. Then why isn't he pandering to Canada? Everyone knows the good weed comes from BC these days... BTW Chef...I dropped a doe this past Tuesday on Pendleton and am having it processed. I'll PM you once I get it back to hook you up with some venison. My planned trip to NY was canc'ed because of work commitments, so I'm officially depressed- no whitetail for me this year...
  23. Columbia is one of the few remaining Central/South American nations where we still have friendly relations with the Gov't. The Gov't there has been at war with a narco-funded insurgency for going on 10 years. They also have been a key ally in the "War on Drugs". I feel they're important because if we don't support their democratic governement they could become buddies with Chavez, who, in case you haven't noticed is buying cooperation from impoverished nations there with petro dollars and his anti-american, socialist rhetoric. In my opinion, this is a deal we should make to support our ally. Just like our relationship with Mexico isn't a perfect one, it is a very important one.
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