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SD Jarhead

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Everything posted by SD Jarhead

  1. Good riddance. Get rid of ALL corrupt Pol's regardless of party.
  2. Better yet, why don't we have the NY Times transcribe it and see what it turns out to be once they're done. That would be a real hoot.
  3. Sure retard. I suppose this is a SNL gig, right? Nice try. "Gee, if we deny it, it must not be him...right?"
  4. Not to mention the guy who had KKK keyed into his car for having a McCain sticker. Yea, the Left is so tolerant of others...
  5. Throughout the campaign I've sensed that The Messiah was holding back and not being out front with his ideas. And when he's had those Freudian slips about his true beliefs, they have been poo-pooed away by his fawning masses. Well resident Letists on the board, how do you explain this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iivL4c_3pck This guy is a Socialist. This IS how he truly feels, but he knows he can't say it on the trail or he'll lose his shot. I'm sure he never heard Revvy Wright preach on any of this either. When do reperations start? Maybe the Chappelle skit wasn't too far off. Vote for this Socialist and America will get exactly what you asked for.
  6. Hmm, The Lefty's have no opinion on this (save Yellow)? I'm shocked. just shocked I tell you...
  7. I wouldn't have left that out...just sayin'
  8. Or just move to my state where you can get a medical maryjane card for $200. BTW, I'm in favor of legalization also...
  9. She lives in a mud hut? I didn't realize that...
  10. I thought the Messiah said "I am my brother's keeper?" Didn't he say that at the Denver Colesseum? Then why not kick his brother Hussein Onyango a few sheckels?
  11. If we keep asking for the same, we'll get the same. I voted this year to throw the bums out. Although I favor McCain over The Messiah my small part of the vote is a protest this year. And if this keeps up, it will be next year and there after. The Libertarian crowd got my nod.
  12. But would the Chinese stand for that without trying to get some type of return on their investments? I'm not suggesting they would start an all out war with us, but there are a thousand scenarios where they could use a proxy to start something or irritate us into some type of action.
  13. Do you really think we can maintain status quo long term?
  14. I don't think he realizes this. We are spending like a drunken sailor on payday in Iraq. I work on a program that is but one small piece of the effort there and we've spent upwards of $1.5 billion on it. I am sick as a taxpayer at what happens in the Defense contracting world, but that is for another thread. Net/net- we can't keep on spending like this. WE CAN'T! What I've heard him say in the past is that we're going to 'save' money by being out of Iraq and use it for domestic schit. WE DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO BEGIN WITH! So Obama touting that he's going to use money from the war effort to fund domestic stuff is pure BS. Disclaimer- We broke it, we bought it. We must do everything possible to ensure that we'll not have an Iraq invasion part deux if we leave too soon. But let's get the !@#$ out of there as soon as possible.
  15. Fair enough. But why did it take so long for him to set the record straight? I may have been wrong in my characterization of him as Leftist, but I don't buy that he is an innocent victim of failure to understand the article. Call me crazy. He did set the record straight, so I'll give him credit there. But once you throw a turd into the punchbowl, it's not enough to say, Oops, I'm sorry...
  16. I will not deficate on this thread by mentioning that POS by name. But to my fallen brothers, Semper Fidelis, RIP.
  17. A quick question for the 'fair and balanced one'...did you hear about Palin's interview with CNN yesterday where the Leftist reporter purposefully twisted an article to make her look like a fool? If so, what is your opinion of this? Disclaimer: I did see it on O'rly, which I don't normally watch.
  18. Well I give you credit for admitting it. But your rationalization is weak.
  19. Here's an idea. Maybe he can fund a Federal Program to start The Carbon Police. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/oct/22/1
  20. Nothing to see here...move along. The Messiah stands fast in his convictions, except when he doesn't.
  21. Gotta love those tolerant, peace loving Leftists! http://www.local6.com/politics/17784129/detail.html
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