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Everything posted by enlightener

  1. dear mrs watkins, i think you are talking about trent edwards, who hasnt played here in years. Please ask your son to catch the balls hes thrown and not go down instantly in fear of contact. He will then get thrown the ball more than 10 times a game to make 3 catches.
  2. i usually dont say this, nor agree with hardly anyone here, but i agree with every point you said (except 5) wtf is that song?. I would add sammy is a soft as a baby marshmellow whether hampered by injury or not. he goes down faster than tim brown ever did after a catch. i hope its injury, i would hate to think hes actually that much of a wuss. anyway great post.
  3. yes we need him to lose 3 yards per carry and run out of bounds when we are killing the clock. Brice brown at least falls forward while fumbling. Spiller gets help up instantly on contact and then fumbles. Oh ya I know he did get a couple long runs this season, when he wasnt too busy breaking his collarbones. sammy being a wuss, hes played soft since week 3. How did he hurt his ribs anyway? i saw shazier barely hit him on a slant and broken ribs? i guess. howd he get thru college being so fragile? put goodwin in for him, now theres a player with durability.
  4. if we beat denver im buying raiders tix (west coaster here) since the pats will have the bye locked up i see them resting their starters. its all about denver (unless we lose then its all about green bay
  5. he could stay healthy if he wasnt thrown short stop routes that get him killed. throw him the deep balls exclusively, he has awesome hands and speed.. hackett is the problem not goodwin
  6. hi thanks for joining the bills as a fan. I hope you enjoy the team. I enjoyed your preseason-style post. if you need any info about the team msg me. I can tell you who our qb is, who plays wr and rb etc.
  7. hes better than ej has ej thrown 6 tds in 2 games? 3 games?
  8. you could have just posted "hi, i dont understand football, I like one guy, and i want him to make every play no matter what." Why cant woods be the focal point? he can actually catch. Why should a double covered guy get the ball "no matter what" especially when he drops passes and goes down like a little girl before he gets tackled? dont play then...if you cant play hard, dont play at all. or are you part of the little-girl-excuse-making-club?
  9. i thought this was the lee evans excuse? Isnt a "good" wr suppossed to just overcome this? When are people going to see that sammy is a softy and doesnt like anyone in his way when hes catching the ball? If hes not running free and clear he doesnt come up with it. Not only that but he goes down like a bag of rocks at the first sight of contact. Tonight was another obvious example, two drops on catchable balls, layed himself down w out being tackled on a slant, then stepped out of bounds on one of his few catches instead of turning upfield.
  10. none of these thoughts or theories explain why we get horrible calls in key situations. We get class that effectively are turnovers for our team. We lose games by 1 score in these games. so its not that we "suck". the refs suck and call us more than other premium quaterbacked teams. Maybe you could explain why this fact exists if you dont agree with other peoples opinions.
  11. stop trolling, why do you post here? go join weo and ignore the obvious while attacking us for our fantasy theories while we watch them unfold week after week, year after year. Google some stats about pi called on the pats/broncos/colts etc vs the bills and get back to us when you have something to support your theory. (which it is since we actually do get called way more than other teams) and include non calls too. DVR all the games of all teams if you need to. we wont mind not hearing fro you for a while.
  12. you answered it yourself...yes. When a team "becomes" good due to overwhelmingly good coaching/players/qb they become darlings of the nfl. Goodell probably upgrades or downgrades officiating crews who do or dont call penalties the way he wants. He wants denver/sf or pats/dallas in a superbowl. If the teams blow it then its on them but if theres a marginal call the refs will use opportunities where they can to screw the lesser team, especially if its close. it wouldnt be hard to have an unsaid rule among refs regarding this. regardless, Whatever you say doesnt support the FACT that we have ridiculous calls called on us every week. That it has cost us games and even playoff positioning/homefield back in the flutie days. Instead of making fun of a theory that you cant otherwise prove wrong...what is your reasoning for why there have been so many bad calls against us for the past 15 years?
  13. its widely admitted that having a "winner" like the cowboys once were, the broncos w elway, niners w young etc. improved ratings. Having a few preselcted "winning teams" helps the nfl. Buffalo is like that guy off the bench getting called for a foul on a lebron james drive. It makes lebron look better and who cares about the backup shlub.. Buffalo is that back up schlub. Tom bradys team doesnt get those calls on them. When we were going to superbowls we got alot of calls then too and hardly any bad onnes. Now we get 2-3 a game.
  14. why would you thumbs up this? So if im poor and get mugged should i be ok with it because i need to make more money and buy a better house anyways? The point is unrelated. we arent being distracted, and our team is just fine. Getting bias refs is a real problem and it has ruined this season and others. We may fix our problems on O and win out but it wont matter if refs stole 2 games from us already this year. maybe dont post here anymore. Also i cant change anything no matter how hard i "focus" So if refs cheat and act bias I should ignore it because my team isnt better? So how good do they need to be where i accept bogus calls? Idiotic.
  15. its obviously rigged. From the bledsoe "just give it to him" game to the PI last night. Its not an organized on paper thing. More like an unsaid rule. Every other game we lose or nearly lose is because of these calls swinging the game. They are no different than turnovers and greatly affect outcomes. How many flags have the refs picked up on us this year? How many drives of ours stalled but we get a bogus call on third to to help us out? How about that head pat the other day? how about the unsportsmanlike last night? There are 3-4 in a game sometimes! im tired of feeling like we have to beat the refs...or being more mad at the refs than i am at hackett I think the refs know that whenever they can call something marginal on a crap team to go ahead and do it. I think when there are 2 crap teams, they huddle and say..."now which of these crap teams are we supposed to help again?" and the head ref says," i think buffalos looking pretty good this year so lets pick up that flag we threw on the other guy" They never seem to call these penalties on the niners, pats, broncos or colts etc
  16. i guess you want him to be happy? he says what we all think and i like it. Maybe you want a emotionless jauron type. "we have to look at the tape" how about you post on things that matter like news or whos good or who isnt on the field. A coach feeling bad about a loss isnt post worthy.
  17. thanks for stealing my joke. i know you saw this in the other thread about ej...admit it please.
  18. i say as many as it takes for losman or edwards to play again. that being said, i think 1 injury puts him back in immediately...its his job to earn if he pulls out a victory in relief. I dont see him ever being "good" but itd be a nice surprise if he went in and lit it up.
  19. so you cant find a single play he makes this year in a jump ball situation, then you call preventing ints some kind of great accomplishment( others just call it not making the catch) you ignore he didnt haul in 2-3 passes yesterday that touched his hands because his groin hurt?? It must be nice to just insult someone rather than find or look up the proof. btw He "knocked down" some ints in houston or san diego too but youll just ignore those too. You know who else did alot of "knocking down" ints? Donald jones. Sad to see you cant hear an opinion nor back up your own...just go staright to insults becuase i dont want to say sammy is a superstar...dont worry. In 2 years when i find you all admitting i was right ill call you out on your blind homering. wow now im a troll it just is amazing if you dont agree with blind optimism how people react....sorry i dont agree w you...oh and could you tell me how many jump balls sammys come up with this year??? oh wait heres the stat ......... 0
  20. he didnt fall, he got juked but was reading tuels eyes and saw he was staring down another WR. Graham, who prob wouldnt have even caught it as he had his defender draped on his back...Tuel simply decided he was throwing there no matter what...which is why as a coach and madden player i run it there and take the FG if i have to...i hate passes to the flat or outside in the red zone...unless its 4rth down end of game senario you just shouldnt be throwing. Take 3 points or learn how to run the ball for a yard! thats 1 out of what 8 passes that were there...the other plays sucked and werent there. where was mike williams? the screen? the draw that we usually run too mcuh now it gets abandoned? Hacket gets 3 -4 plays stuck in his head and its all he'll run that day.
  21. 6-10? really? guess you think we dont have a defense and we are always going to lose close ones...we were lucky to win in detroit and minn. this was the one we shoulda won but its evening out. maybe 8-8 or 9-7 but 6-10 is a ridiculous assessment.
  22. blowing it up would be plain dumb. just replace hackett, im excited about this defense for once, excited about the wrs we have. Freds still here and we can maybe add a free agent qb. draft a guard with our 2 and 3 and lets go!
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