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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. link


    Remember all the outrage directed at those who suggested this hadn't been thoroughly tested?


    The issue is the vaccine's strength. Tests done before the shots were shipped showed that the vaccines were strong enough. But tests done weeks later indicated the strength had fallen slightly below required levels.


    Why the potency dropped isn't clear. "That's the $64,000 question," said Len Lavenda, a Sanofi Pasteur spokesman.

  2. hope u can combine into a single data plan 60$ a month for data on both is a non starter for me along with the voice plan


    I'm with you. I'd like to get a droid myself and the wife has been begging for a smart phone as an upgrade from our 3 year old LG flip phones, but I simply can't justify an extra $60 a month just so that she can update her facebook status from wherever or for me to be connected to the internet 24/7.

  3. Sounds like every family sitcom for the last 20 years. Average, dopey schlep married to some wise cracking babe. Hooray for originality.


    No, it's definitely not your average watered down family sitcom. It's pretty raunchy with most of the jokes centered around the league members busting each others balls. Check it out on hulu. The most recent episode was a bit weak, but the first three or four were stellar in my opinion.

  4. As the saying goes...no matter how hot or attractive a girl is...there is always a man somewhere who is tired of her crap.


    While that is true, I think the more appropriate line here is the Chris Rock saying that a man is only as faithful as his options. Tiger's options are boundless.

  5. Wine is fine but beer sometimes hits the spot. Burger and beer is very good. Baked fish with beer not so good. Fine dinning and wine go together. Pub food best with beer. I just like wine any time.


    If you are talking macro lagers which most people think of as all 'beer' then the above is true, but if you account for all styles of beer then nothing can be further from the truth.

  6. all of us.... the winner is all of us BillsFanNC.


    I have absolutely nothing against wine, so I agree. My point, and the point of this contest was to showcase how fine craft beer can compete with and exceed wine as a choice with a gourmet meal. Beer in fact has more complexity to offer to compliment a meal in my opinion.

  7. 3 people so far in this thread who don't realize how bad The Panthers are right now.


    I fully realize how bad the Panthers are. The problem is that the Bills are worse. All I'm saying is that if the Bills give us what we have come to expect from them this year and the Panthers play consistent with their track record thus far, then I believe that the Bills lose this game.

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