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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 12 hours ago, Cal said:

    You clowns still pushing Fromm lol. He is a bum. Was a 5th round pick for a reason. Go root for another team, this is Allen's team. Like is said before, don't understand the hate for Allen from 90% of you from the get go.


    You dont understand the irrational hate for Allen, but its ok to have some irrational hate for Fromm?


    The only fact here is that he was picked in the 5th round. Another fact is that the Bills had him significantly higher on their board. 4th? 3rd? Only Beane and his staff knows. 


    He could have been a 1st rounder and still nobody would know what kind of qb he will be on the scale from bum to hof'er. Nobody. You, me, Beane or Fromm himself. Let things play out.

  2. 1 minute ago, B-Man said:



    AND HERE ALSO.........




    That's how all of this gets so easily labeled as "conspiracy theories" by the masses.  If they don't report it, then it can't be real in the bubble they have created for themselves and their readers who lap it up.  If and when any of these bad actors turn up in bracelets, then they can report it as Trump/Barr/Durham overreaching/being Nazi's.  None of this malfeasance is possible without a complicit and dirty media.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Koko78 said:


    Not for nothing, but if they're stupid enough to actually write out that they were trying to ***** the guy over and how they were planning on ***** him over (and then keep said incriminating notes in the case record), then these morons deserve to go to prison.


    They were either morons or extremely comfortable that there's no way in hell any of this would ever see the light of day.  There's no defending any of this, yet many will try.

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  4. 2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    The fact that anyone would still be attacking Flynn and defending the FBI after this document release proves that this country is horribly broken and quite possibly permanently divided.

    What in the world was the FBI doing? This is not their job? Nor is it appropriate it any way! Who would defend such actions and tactics? God help us all. Nobody wants to live in the sort of country that the Left is now defending. Not even the Left! They’re just so unaware that they may get that Police State they’re always dreaming above, before they realize it’s too late to save themselves from it!


    To the bolded, I'm afraid we are.  The FBI actors here could come out and admit under oath what happened and the left/media would still defend what they did as being right.  We are irreparably broken down the partisan divide.

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  5. I really dont care if fans want to turn a Bills tailgate into the set of Jackass (huge fan of those films btw). More power to them and Darwinism. Where I tailgate, and I suspect this is true of most lots, there is zero tolerance for it so I don't have to see it or hear about it except for two scenarios:


    1. When introduced to someone and I tell them I'm a Bills fan and they ask about it. Typically the question is asked with a head shake or in a "what a bunch of idiots" tone of voice. Its a broad brush that I'm not into being painted with. I most definitely get an overwhelming negative response from people that I talk to.


    2.) When I click on a video posted here and I see it. Like the one that started this thread that prompted my honest initial post. Yes its  good thing that the kid is excited about being a Bill, but I'm pretty confident that everyone at OBD who has a say as to whether he makes the team would give that video a deep furrowed brow if they saw it. I'm not saying it will matter one way or the other if the kid is a beast, it's just not a good look to promote something that you know your bosses are most likely not behind at all. Yes, even for Josh Allen.


    Beyond the general stupidity of it, it just smacks of the whole viral look at me I'm a follower culture. Again, if fans want to play Johnny Knoxville at Bills tailgates have at it, but at least do something original. Is it really funny or interesting anymore with the table slamming? Being the umpteenth guy to knock himself woozy at a Bills tailgate by being launched through a table is simply old and tired, even if once upon a time it was new and funny. How about one of you young and innovative whippersnappers come up with a new stunt to become the next viral look at me sensation? Like having your buddy launch a Josh Allen spiral at your junk from 10 yards. You'll get on barstool and it would be funny....for awhile. 

  6. 1 hour ago, buffalover4life said:



    Im not sure if you guys understand but we are known country wide as much for our team as we are for our wild tailgate shenanigans.  Barstool sports has influence....When they post, millions of people see it... and those people who watch it say "Damn, Buffalo has some wild, Crazy *ss rabid fans" and now "Bills Mafia" has more recognition than we have ever had. 


    Trey Adams doesn't have influence...He has 4,000 followers. He is just saying look how crazy my new fans are. And I think the Players love knowing that they have those crazy fans in their corner


    Terry Pegula isn't a fan because he doesn't want the liability. 


    That said Jumping off of a school bus through a table is too crazy for me and I would never do it. 




    Oh I get it now, it's all about the influence, eyeballs and badass Bills fan notoriety that comes from it.  I was merely judging it on it's face for the stupidity that it is, but now that I know that there's a reason behind all the stupidity...I hate it even more. ?

  7. Just now, FireChans said:

    God forbid kids are actually interested in the Bills.


    College players don't care about Chuck Knox or Jim Kelly, surprisingly.


    I'm sure he's very interested in the Bills, and there are a lot of ways to show it.  Unfortunately this clip shows that he's also interested in inebriated, idiotic Bills fans injuring themselves.  Not a good look.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 1 minute ago, oldmanfan said:


    Well then, he needs to watch what he says.  Which is the point I've been trying to make.

     He absolutely does, I'm not going to defend the lack of scientific acumen on display from our President.  But at the same time might a better follow up question from the reporter been to simply ask him what he meant when he said disinfectant? If then Trump himself actually used the word "bleach" then I'd think wed be onto something with this shitstorm today.



  9. 1 hour ago, oldmanfan said:

    The president referred to injecting disinfectants.  When he said disinfectants, what exactly do you think he was referring to?  Or because he did not specifically name a specific disinfectant it is somehow wrong to question the guy presenting the study about it?   You do realize that two very common disinfectants are bleach and Lysol?  And while we're at it, exactly how would one get UV light inside the body?


    These are things he said. Like it or not.  And the press is supposed to not ask questions about it?  Why can't you just admit that what was said by the president yesterday was dumb?

    I think he likely meant antivirals and used the wrong word. Not uncommon for a layperson. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I sit on an FDA panel, although it is a devices panel and not drug related.  As one who sits on an FDA panel, and as one who has conducted research and been a part of clinical trials for almost 40 years, I hope I can shed some light here.  I would say based on the information I have seen thus far is that none of the studies that have been touted in the lay press are proof, either in a positive or negative sense, for this drug.  All of these studies are compromised by have low numbers , none of them from what I have seen match control and experimental populations,. it is not clear if dosages used are the same or not between groups. For example, in the study showing no benefit I do not know if the same severity of patients were looked at in each arm , nor do I know if there were other significant differences between groups.


    This is precisely why large and formal studies need to be done before making any conclusions.  In the interim, doctors are always free to prescribe medicines off-label.  In this case of this med, they can do so but they should make it clear there is no real data to say the drug will help, and they are obligated to explain there are significant side effects including the risk of cardiac complications as well as the potential for stroke in some groups.


    Again, science matters. Science works. 


    As a fellow scientist I agree with all this.  It is truly disheartening to see real science twisted and completely misunderstood in the name of partisan rancor from both sides.  Ugly times.

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  11. There are chemotherapies that use toxic drugs that are encapsulated inside liposomes which are conjugated/tethered to an antibody that will target the drug payload to specific tissues.  They inject this into people.  Did Trump have this in mind when he made his comment?  Very unlikely, but it's not unheard of to inject toxic compounds into human beings in this way and something similar to this strategy could very well be under consideration by real, actual scientists.

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