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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 6 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Reading twitter this morning, what happened in Washington DC last night was no big deal, huh? Brian Stelter cover himself in glory again, I see.




    That damn Fox news. As the reporter walked from in front of the church, down the steps and pointed the camera into the window, they turned on their fancy real time CGI technology to fool us into actually believing that the basement of the church was on fire.

  2. 1 minute ago, bilzfancy said:

    If they want to continue to get Soros money, they'll continue to defend them, besides they're all against anything Trump is for. If Trump said he found a cure for cancer, they'd be upset he's putting oncologists out of work

    Absolutely. He has them boxed in. There is no doubt that they will defend violent thugs before they ever will ever find common ground with this president. 

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  3. 41 minutes ago, RealKayAdams said:


    I’m surprised that you’re surprised at the reaction! It was a provocative thread title that cuts to the visceral core of PPP. Since everyone else is airing their various Trump grievances, I will give your original question a shot as well:


    Hate is too strong of a word. I do not hate Trump. I strongly dislike many of his public policies. If I’m being honest with myself, I would probably forgive many of Trump’s “personality peccadillos” if he believed in the same policies that I do. I may be a far-left social democracy kind of girl, but believe it or not we are on the same page regarding Russiagate and Obamagate. I also do not care about defending Obama’s legacy, even though I voted for him in the past, because with the benefit of hindsight I see him now as a complete fraud.


    But getting back to why I dislike Trump…it boils down to 3 big-picture classes of public policy issues for me:


    1. Continuation of America’s post-WW2 interventionist foreign policy: Trump ran on a non-interventionist platform in 2016, which I greatly respected. And as it turns out, I see him as our greatest 21st century president on foreign policy so far, overcoming a very low bar set by Dubya (Iraq, Afghanistan) and Obama (add Syria, Libya). But what I have also seen is only a continued budgetary expansion of the already out-of-control military-industrial complex under Trump’s watch. There has also been no real large-scale reduction of our country’s military presence as the world police. This is probably not financially sustainable for us, especially given the most recent additions to the now $25.5 trillion national debt. Of course, there’s also the deeply troubling ethical quandaries to the Trumpian foreign policy such as dramatically increasing drone strikes in countries like Somalia, enforcing hard sanctions on the Iranian people, undermining Venezuelan sovereignty by propping up Juan Guaido, and supporting the Saudi-led war in Yemen.


    2. Rebranded supply-side economics from 1980: Trump ran as an economic nationalist in 2016, fighting for all these working-class manufacturing jobs lost to globalism. That was nice, but Trump’s highly touted USMCA is seen by most economists as little more than a slight variation of NAFTA. Trump also has never been one to support labor unions. Then we have all of Trump’s tax cuts to the very rich while wage growth continues to lag behind all the cost of living metrics for a majority of Americans. Then came the collective coronavirus coup de grace: massive corporate socialism without oversight in the first bailout bill, sweeping federal deregulation measures without any clarification of what regulations are considered frivolous and what aren’t (so we can avoid something like a repeat of the causes of the 2008 Great Recession), and grossly insufficient government-mandated protections for the most financially vulnerable Americans (basically, people outside the professional and managerial classes) compared to how most other Western countries responded to COVID-19 (yes, both Reps and Dems in Congress deserve blame here too).


    Trump now has a historically dire economic situation in his hands, with skyrocketing unemployment numbers and seemingly innumerable small businesses whose goods and services (restaurants, sports, etc.) may not return to normal consumption levels for a long while, if ever. So many Americans need money to spend but don’t have the money anymore to do so. To an amateur economist like myself, it seems to me that these are unusual times where Friedman dogma should be discarded in favor of good old-fashioned Keynesian stimulation for the lower and middle classes. If Trump is interested in a speedy economic recovery, he will need a large majority of Americans to return to their previous economic consumption levels as soon as possible, and this will require some level of government intervention in order to jumpstart an abruptly flatlined economy. But based on everything Trump has said and done to date, as well as based on all the advisors he surrounds himself with, I seriously doubt he will break away from conventional Republican economic wisdom.


    3. Environmental protections and global warming: see my posts in the global warming thread for a complete description (if anyone is still reading this and cares about my opinions lol…). Basically, I think Trump is far and away the worst president in modern American history (i.e., since Nixon) on this set of issues. I find myself vehemently disapproving of just about everything he does when it comes to the environment.


    Ok I'm done. Sorry for the long post!!


    With all of the complaining about this being a right wing dominated board, this is a welcome post by someone on the left who actually articulates how someone in the political arena pushes all the opposite buttons on POLICY.  Political debate on policy issues is supposed to be rough and tumble and contentious, and to a certain degree has always been "it's only bad when the other side does it".  But I have so many people on ignore these days because ALL they can do is #orangemanbad posts about things long proven to be false.



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  4. 3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    This is blatantly false. I voted for Obama. Twice.


    I never voted for Trump.


    My cause is justice. 


    My guess is that many of the posters here who are labeled "Trump supporters" did not in fact vote for Trump. I know I didn't. I still dont like the man personally, but I also dont like constitutional freedoms being trampled on in the name of partisan political shenanigans, so I will be voting for him in November.  

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  5. 5 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    I completely agree with your sentiment. The point is not to anoint him, but to acknowledge that he’s got a good record of getting results in otherwise dire looking circumstances. And he’s got the respect of people throughout the bureau and in justice. 

    That cuts both ways, of course. Because if he comes up w no indictments (or a meager sacrificial lamb ala scooter Libby) after this — as you expect and history proves is the most rational expectation — it will be hard to argue that he wasn’t up to the task and/or somehow compromised. 

    Jury is still out as to which way it ultimately goes, but the signs for the past 2+ weeks are all very positive. Especially when you consider the information dropped in those weeks is really just a slice of what’s known simply through OS information. But we will see one way or the other soon. :beer: 


     The medias unrelenting efforts to defend the indefensible as this information drips out is also a positive sign. Zeroing in on the target.

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  6. 56 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    “It will tear this country apart but it will be necessary” 


    - Think about those words now with all we know. And all THEY knew then but lied about. They were willing to tear a part the country just to .... what? Get Flynn? Remove Trump? Why? 


    (Because this was never about either man,  it was about covering up their own crimes from the American people through subterfuge, projection, and NLP. )




    Uggh. Keith Olbermann.  I always thought that he was a *****stain during his ESPN tenure.  I don't even have the words to describe him currently.  What a waste of skin.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    But why hold it against Trey Adams?  He has nothing to do with that.  He was paying homage to Bills fan base and showing his excitement.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with this video just because the Bills Mafia reputation or the music isnt to your taste.  To poo poo the kid because of your own fan hood style and tastes is just unnecessary.  

     I said it not a good look...as in maybe not the best idea. I said already that it will not impact his chances to make the team one way or the other. I find the table slamming to be well past its expiration date...when I saw it in the video it was simply my honest first reaction, I dont doubt the kids excitement or passion.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    Most interesting part of this thread...the OP has by a massive margin the most positive reactions in terms of the emoticons.  All the whining in the thread about the video are all full of confused, sad, or meh reactions.


    Nuff said.


    Stop being so damn stiff people.  The tables, Bills Mafia, etc are all part of this fan base.  Accept it and move on.  The kid made a video about the excitement of the Bills fan base and his excitement to be part of this team and play in front of Bills Mafia.  


    Stop acting like someone peed in your Cheerios.  Bunch of wet blankets here.  


    And if you dont like the music, who the heck cares...there is NO SONG in the world that everyone likes.  The point of video is NOT the soundtrack, its to showcase his excitement.  Anyone slamming him for this should really ask themselves why they are even a fan anymore.  


    There is nothing negative about this what so ever, even if you dont approve of the Bills Mafia reputation or the music.  Not everyone has to be a fan in the way you are...get over yourselves and just be excited that this kid cares enough to have made the video in the first place even if its not to your taste.  And 0% chance the coaches or FO will have an issue about this either.  


    Exactly. I suggest that you take your own advice.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Does it hurt to go through life with such a large stick stuck up the backside?  Geesh lol

    Lol. Good one.


    It's an opinion. The table slamming routine is old, tired and not a good look for players to be promoting. Will it make a damn bit of difference that he made the video if the kid can play ball at an NFL level? Of course not. However, it's not an outlandish take to view the table slamming as an old and tired bit. Be innovative. 





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