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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Finding Q is of course way ahead of the curve on this. Reliable media outlets all over this news like flies on a ribroast.
  2. What say you Roundy? Biden likes to call black men....boy. I'm sure Trump would get away with this.
  3. They be closing. This sham trial in NY is working out great isn't it commies? When Trump is found guilty by the commie jury his poll numbers will surely plummet... No really they will!
  4. Since the PPP moron class can't walk and chew gum. Two ideologies that are BOTH bad and anti American: Nazis. Marxists.
  5. And Roundy clowns itself once again. So because Marxist jew founders from the Frankfurt School wisely fled the Nazis in 1933 to come to America and set up shop at Columbia University, it therefore means that all of their Marxist teachings, speeches and documents that they produced and extolled for their entire lives is....wait for it........ a 'conspiracy theory' promulgated by Nazis! Please try, just once, to make a "point" without using the words conspiracy, theory or Nazi. Just once. You might get a nanogram of respect if you could muster that.
  6. Notice how the Marxists here are quick to respond to undeniable inflation numbers with...well I'M doing much better today, clearly the rest of you made bad choices!! All while ignoring the lower middle class that they always claim to champion. Tell us bleeding heart commies how do you think the person already living paycheck to paycheck does when EVERYTHING is more expensive?
  7. Essential viewing if you wish to understand DEI, its origins, goals and how to combat it. Lindsay right off the bat talks about linguistic distortions and manipulations. Sound familiar? Redefining words and obfuscation of meaning is the bread and butter of the Marxist.
  8. They are all connected. Marxism has brought us critical theory, critical race theory, qu.e.er theory, DEI, feminism, climate activism etc. They are all marxist initiatives that serve the same common goal. The revolution.
  9. ⬆️ Shi.t poster who wants to nuke the outhouse that this place is, instead walks in daily to bathe in the pit toilet that it desperately wants to nuke.
  10. Calling The King and Finding Q.....come on down!! You're the next contestants on Get Trump No Matter What! Any lawyer defending this prosecution in NY is ethically challenged him/herself. I don't care who you are or what your politics are. If you think this case, with all its jerry-rigging to concoct a charge thru willful misapplications of statutes and reliance on an admitted perjurer and thief like Cohen -- including giving him a pass on felonies for his testimony -- is a proper exercise of the the criminal justice process ... Simply because it is Trump ... Then your ethics are lower than sewage. CNN Legal Analyst Elie Honig -- faithful Democrat partisan -- has it exactly correct: This case would never have been brought against anyone not named Donald Trump. It is right out of the Stalinist playbook. If you can't bring yourself to condemn what Bragg has done, you're a disgrace to the profession.
  11. What would she know about any of this? Other than having LIVED IT before.....
  12. Wait, so you mean to tell me that the King constantly spins, hand waves and bloviates via tortured legalese?
  13. This is how it's done. The shi.t poster is here to throw shi.t, nothing more. Instead of taking a shi.t bath here everyday, put on your hazmat suit and also deprive the shi.t poster of the glee it derives from watching you wallowing in its shi.t. No ***** bath for you + no glee for the shi.t poster = a better PPP. Thank you.
  14. Don't worry Billsfuk.c just identify as a woman and you're in!
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