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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. ⬆️ Do I know what it said? No Do I care? Also, no. Does it claim to be apolitical? Yes.
  2. Can we pause the thread for a moment to point out how hilarious it is that redtail actually responds when it's called Quack, MD.
  3. You get a few random people waiting to cross the street and a large crowd of people leaving church.
  4. There's one thing I know for absolute certain.... If PPP was shi.t canned tomorrow, there's one and only one poster here who would be beyond devastated. We all know who that is.
  5. The shi.t poster Billsfuk.c has multiple posts and a thread that explicitly states its love and devotion for DEI initiatives. It can flail its TDS addled arms all it wants. DEI IS MARXIST. PERIOD. Until it can point to anyone here explicitly supporting nazis, fascists or whatever else its marxist/ commie masters tell it to, then it remains the clown it has always been.
  6. ⬆️ Marxist DEI loving ***** stain shi.t poster. The ignoring and mocking will continue. Nothing exacerbates TDS quite like the above prescribed recipe. Please do your part non shi.t posters.
  7. Shi.t poster real time observational analysis. Shi.t poster: Billsfuk.c ***** posting activity: The entire last page of this thread. The thread dedicated to monitoring shi.t posting activity. Analysis: Acute flare up of severe end stage TDS. Neurotransmitter enzyme mutation 'orange dude' now constitutively expressed in all neural tissues. Prognosis grim.
  8. 🎯 This is how you handle the activist hack propaganda media. Well done. Kristen Welker on Meet the Press: Do you support Trump’s deportation plan? Marco Rubio: Yes. We cannot absorb 25–30M people who entered this country illegally! Welker: Will you accept the election results no matter what happens? Rubio: No matter what happens No!..The Democrats are the ones who opposed every Republican victory since 2000 Welker: Are Donald Trump's claims undermining Americans confidence in democracy? Rubio: "I think what undermines people's confidence in the election is when you have places like Wisconsin with over 500 illegal drop-box locations. When you have places like Georgia where liberal groups are paying people $10 per vote. What undermines elections is when NBC news and every major news outlet in America in 2020 censored the Biden laptop story!"
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