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Everything posted by buffaloaggie

  1. Pugs are such needy dogs. An old girfriend had one, and not only did she let it sleep in bed, but it always would want to be between us. They snore big time too. Perfect birth control dogs. We always had to shut the door for privacy. She had another dog, and that helped keep the pug from barking. Try getting another dog, if that's an option.
  2. In January/early February, warm weather is in the 70's, maybe 80's, or the game is in a dome. Big deal. Why don't you make a point about playing on grass vs. turf? I know when we played the Giants in Tampa, I wasn't happy about the Bills having to play on grass, considering their lack of success on grass.
  3. Keep sharp objects away from this dude. PSYCHO!
  4. I know, it all has to do with how they're raised. I doubt Harrison was keeping the dogs as family pets, especially when you hear they "got loose". When you have to keep a dog penned up, you are asking for trouble around kids. I'd say pit bulls would be a huge risk around kids. Sure, I have been around two pit bulls, and they were both good dogs, but I'm 6'4" and not a small child.
  5. As if the whole Michael Vick thing didn't wear you out, along comes an attack story involving the White House boycotting LB of the Pittsburgh Steelers http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4199432 How can someone own Pit Bulls that have little kids? It's their own stupidity that brings on this kind of mishap.
  6. I'll trade you an official T.Henry inhaler for it. It's extra large!
  7. Polite and cordial can be a facade. The kids that I have worked with at Special Olympics are polite and cordial. They just weren't lucky enough to be born with the talent that T.Henry has pissed away.
  8. This guy had a mix of good points and ridiculous points, incorrect facts and truths as folks have pointed out. He totally missed out on Owen's playing in the Super Bowl. I absolutely agree that the whole welcome mat thing has been overblown and that the Mayor did this as a publicity stunt. Looking through the nation's eyes, this does look like something out of Hooterville, though that town was originally from Petticoat Junction. Green Acres was a spinoff. Technicality, I know. As far as saying that Buffalo is not known for having jerks, sorry, every fan base has their share. What can be said about Bills fans is that they pretty much live and die with this team, more so than any other team in the NFL. Also it can be said that Bills fans will have less tolerance for a player blasting their teammates or the city in general. See Willis McGahee. All in all, I just don't get what this guy really expected from writing this article. He tries to be the big defender of the city and standing up to T.O. and his past missteps. Wow, he picked an easy target. Isn't it time to just shut up and let T.O. play? Let's wait for the volcano to erupt if and when it does, but for now, there's no need to heat up the lava.
  9. I think the last time the Bills had a LB who they wanted to get at all costs mentality was Takeo Spikes. Look how well that worked out.
  10. Please don't tell any Scottish-German-Russian-Czech-American jokes. Scottish-German-Russian-Hungarian-American jokes are OK, but I'll get offended by Scottish-German-Russian-Czech-American jokes. Thank you in advance for cooperating! Most anyone will always find something to be offended by. Unfortunately, there is something called freedom of speech. If you're offended, don't read, listen or watch. If you make a habit of always telling racist/offensive jokes and/or put some creedence in them, I feel sorry for your lack of intelligence. One now and then can lighten the mood, unless someone in the crowd is an uptight crusader looking to protect the world from irrevocable harm. Can we tell jokes about liberals?
  11. I predict he won't be there opening day. An Indefinite suspension just waiting to happen.
  12. I liked his work on NFL Network. I am looking forward to MNF now. Kornheiser will be placed beside these MNF failures: Fred Williamson Joe Namath Dennis Miller Eric Dickerson Lisa Guerrero Joe Theismann and of course our killer RB, O.J.
  13. Exactly. I wonder if he's posts on here, would love to hear more about his crazy life
  14. "Pure utter euphoria" and "the best feeling he's had in his entire life"...that last guy needs to get a life! I see the point in marketing the city, but what are we marketing? The Bills, hero worship, T.O., what??? The Mayor really doesn't have much to push, so I guess he's doing the best he can when the opportunity presents itself. It'll sell jerseys and bump up the interest in the team. It's a morale boost, but it'll help if it actually boosts their performance on the field. Nothing boosts morale like winning.
  15. Are you kidding? Come on Buffalo, just treat him like any other player on this team. I don't live in Buffalo, so I don't know who the last athlete was that got a key to the city. Is it just me, or is this overblown by the Mayor, giving T.O. a key to the city? To me, it's a joke. I think it should have stopped at a press conference. http://www.wgrz.com/sports/story.aspx?storyid=66878
  16. Already posted this morning in one of the other 50 Pisa Tinoisamoa threads. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=89174
  17. This "football scientist" guy is questioning whether Pisa Tinoisamoa would be an upgrade from Ellison. At first glance, I think so, but I'm wondering how this guy can accurately stand by his numbers. He doesn't think he's much of an upgrade. I say he's comparing apples to oranges, because the Rams Defense sucked so much last year. Not as many good players around him. Still, it is kind of interesting. http://fifthdown.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05...-it-an-upgrade/
  18. The AFC East keeps getting tougher http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/footbal...,0,575409.story
  19. Does anyone know if Jason Peters was able to sell his house?
  20. The GOP is stuck on the delusion that a bunch of left wing voters suddenly appeared and got Obama elected. Reality tells us that it was an anti-Bush backlash. People did rally around Obama, but let's face it, he is inexperienced. That probably serves to his advantage. He is being careful and doing the right things so far. Bush came in with an arrogant attitude, and did what he believed he was charged to do by the grace of God in finishing daddy's unfinished business in Iraq. The GOP has done exactly what Jack Kemp warned them against...isolating the masses and making the Republican Party a party for the select far right idealists. The Republicans don't realize that most people have gone back to the middle of the road while the Republicans want to steer right and the Democrats of course are always turning left. The Libertarians may emerge from all of this as the new party of choice, if the Dems screw things up. I personally lean right, but not as far as the whacko Fox News watching fanatics.
  21. Peter King thinks everything apparently hinges on T.O. A safe prediction would be 7-9. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...10/may11/2.html The Bills remind me of the Orioles in the American League East. No matter what they do to improve in the offseason, they can't get over the New England hump. Even when Miami and the Jets make overtures to pass the Patriots, the Bills stay stuck down in the pack. That's why they went out and risked their season on Terrell Owens. If they've hit a home run with T.O., it might be enough to eke out nine or 10 wins against a manageable schedule. But I doubt it.
  22. I'm sure it's been said before about him, but it needs to be said again... NICE GUYS FINISH LAST Therein lies the legacy of Dick Jauron He has one more season (or part of) to change his legacy with the Bills
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