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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Can't. All the people who have never washed their hands before bought up all the hand sanitizer.
  2. How DARE you post an article talking about corruption of the family of a political candidate with a D after their name. Did you not receive the memo?
  3. Private jet? You can't adequately discuss global warming cooling climate change crisis if you fly commercial.
  4. So, you are one of those evil 1%-ers.
  5. It's funny to see the MSM create hysteria, then write articles about how to manage your anxiety because of the hysteria.
  6. End of the year??? Why can't it be tomorrow??? Why does it take so long to go through extensive government regulations? We need government to take this over so that things can get done faster.
  7. Biden really tanked the markets. Thanks, Obama!!
  8. Now, it's just a stuttering problem.
  9. I thought the market was happy about Biden winning a state. What happened? They are not happy with Biden anymore?
  10. I am guessing they made promises to not look too deep into Mitten's connections to Burisma to get him on board.
  11. Looks like the DC Tom clone is complete and functional.
  12. Yes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2020/03/02/james-lipton-inside-actors-studio-heaven-question/
  13. Is this another way for Obama to start taking credit again?
  14. All that time away and this is the best you can do? Weak.
  15. Normally, you give a little room for error to anyone who does public speaking for a living. You are human and are bound to make a mistake or two when you talk for a living. However, this is well beyond embarrassing to the point where he really has no clue as to what he is discussing. He really needs to step back to find out what is going on.
  16. I fully agree with you. Get the supplies out now. Just mocking the people politicizing using "sweeping powers of the government."
  17. The candidates are the hardcore ones, which have little experience campaigning. They do not get the experience, because they promote more radical ideas and lose out on opportunities to reach more moderate voters. They are essentially speaking to an echo chamber, because only the hardcore libertarians go see them speak.
  18. I tried telling the Libertarians that instead of campaigning on your end goals, campaign on what you can realistically accomplish in one or two terms. You want to get rid of a bunch of government agencies? Campaign on cutting the budget by x percent. Point out where the waste is and say you are cutting that waste. Be specific on exactly what you are cutting so that the opposition will have a hard time saying you are killing grandma by cutting out funding for a bridge going nowhere. Don't campaign on immediately pulling all troops from overseas. Campaign on working with our allies to step up and help in troublesome spots so that we do not need to have as many troops deployed overseas. They refused because it was "sacrificing their ideals." They wanted to go full gator and was shocked to see that nobody wants full gator.
  19. They are idiots who have no idea how to win an election. I know I have mentioned before that I was an officer in the PA Libertarian Party for a little while and I just could not believe the stupidity of the people running for election. And, they had no idea that their stupidity was the reason why they were not getting more votes. It the same as what we say about Democrats. All you had to do is not be crazy and you would easily defeat Trump. They couldn't help themselves.
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