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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. Fair enough. Its more just my hate for the Dolphins lol
  2. I usually don't like blowouts, but I wouldn't mind if Miami got killed tonight lol Really? I think Gruden is a great analyst. And he's hilarious as well
  3. Agreed, but one thing that has changed drastically as well is the pass rush. In the beginning of the year the Bills were getting lots of pass rush, but the last 5 games or so has been just awful. I believe the worst in the league
  4. Always enjoy reading your posts. Good once again
  5. Check out the Saints record the past 3 years. That's the result when your defence is bad. Even with a hall of fame quarterback
  6. Fair. My overall point is yes Tyrod was awful yesterday. But their defence gave up 300 yards rushing and the Saints didn't punt once. No matter who starts for them, Peterman or Tyrod, if their defence doesn't dramatically improve, it won't matter who starts even if Peterman plays better than Tyrod
  7. Not one bit. Did you not see where I said Tyrod played awful? Or just ignoring that?
  8. I don't think Tyrod played bad at all against the Jets. He was awful on Sunday though. Did you see the defence the past 2 weeks? What QB would win even one of those games? I believe in total the past 2 games they were outrushed 500 to about 150.... Peterman aint saving that Saints didn't punt once. Tell me, has there ever been a team that has won a game where the opposing team hasn't punted?
  9. Ok, I was just asking what you meant by it. You just made it sound like the season was over by having a 2-7 record and they had nothing left to play for. I would personally start Tyrod because I think he gives them a better chance to win, but if they get to 5-7, then I would put in Peterman for the last 4 games
  10. How is this even a controversy? Keenum has been playing well, and what have they won, like 4 in a row or something?
  11. What's your definition of "over" though? Technically they are 5 and 4 and still in a playoff spot
  12. You are right in saying we don't know about Peterman. But chances are going on the road against one of the best pass rushing duo's in the NFL, combined with the fact the Bills have an awful line, things would not end too well for him
  13. Ya they have a very underrated defence. Those two guys alone destroy a lot of game plans
  14. LA has a much better defence than NE and KC. Joey Bosa and Ingram are going to absolutely wreck the Bills o line next week
  15. Yep I have. Stopped after high school though. Also have done crossfit workout races that are 5x more intense than any football game. And 10 days after those workout races where I have literally collapsed and couldn't walk for days, I feel 100 percent fine and my workouts/sports don't suffer at all. These are professional athletes who get all the necessary treatment/coaching during those 10 days off. There is no excuse if you are still sore 10 days after a game
  16. Stats were marginally better I guess you can say. He was 16 for 31 for 152 yards with an INT
  17. Blame the offence all you want and rightfully so, but the defence in my books gets 0 pass. It was a disgraceful performance all around
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