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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. For anyone who follows and understands o line play, was benching Morse justified based on his play? To me it seemed like he was doing descent, but I’m not an o line expert by any means.
  2. Well he was an early 3rd round pick. I would say that’s a fair investment on RB, especially when you add in moss the next year as well. Singletary just hasn’t performed well enough.
  3. I don’t know. I think you’re reaching with all due respect sir. I do understand what you’re saying don’t get me wrong. But If Murray throws that 10 times, I bet 9 times that play gets knocked down. Theres a reason why it’s being called a “Hail Mary” all around the league right now.
  4. It really is a huge concern. It’s not like this is like a one type thing or it’s only happened a few times. From My memory, I believe it’s happened every single week maybe minus the jets game in week 7?
  5. For sure and I agree. But at the end of the day the ball is in the air and you have 3 vs 1. One of those guys has to knock it down. You have heavy odds/physics on your side and one of those 3 have to make a play.
  6. That’s a very thoughtful question but I don’t believe so as they were offsetting. So unless it’s a personal foul in one of those off setting penalties, it’s a replay of the down.
  7. Daboll has been brilliant. MCD/Frazier not so much IMO. Luckily it’s 2020 and offence trumps all, so I would rather Daboll be excellent rather than Frazier.
  8. One of your guys has to make that play though. It’s really as simple as that.
  9. I think it was 50/50, or maybe even 60 percent on Josh. I agree that Davis could have ran a better route. But Josh was also half a second late and threw it a bit behind him
  10. Still a big concern to me is the 3rd quarters. Once again we got out scored 17-7, and that’s even getting a turnover on defence and starting off with the ball in the 2nd half.
  11. Well said. I think at this point it’s going to come down to the bills vs Dolphins game . I still like the bills odds playing at home against a rookie QB In January.
  12. Is that sarcasm? One of those guys have to make that play. I don’t get how people excuse that. If you’re being sarcastic then I apologize
  13. Well miami is 6-3. Hurts pretty bad. Their schedule is a lot easier than ours. Was a big loss.
  14. Haha how convenient. 4 punts bud and a turnover, I don’t know what to tell you. This isn’t a 1 week thing. They have been getting dominated in the 3rd quarter all year if you haven’t noticed. Just pure coincidences I guess...
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