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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. He'll never win the award, will always be too turnover-prone.
  2. Marv was a terrible coach in that regard. Those teams had ZERO discipline and we as fans suffered for it. Imagine if Bill Parcells or Jimmy Johnson had coached them instead of "aw shucks" Marv.
  3. This is gonna be a popular post, but I agree. Josh is not a pre-snap read guy. At all.
  4. As mentioned in another thread: IT'S NOT A COACHING PROBLEM, IT'S A TALENT PROBLEM
  5. @GunnerBill coming in hot and my own less harsh take
  6. Think of the crap detroit took on draft day for those very picks.
  7. Trust me when I tell you that yes, there are some people who do, and remind me of them constantly
  8. I'd rather they play Chelsea dagger. Something different
  9. And that, there, is what I'm talking about. There are no game-wreckers on defense, and I put that squarely on beane
  10. Well, he certainly fails to acquire a lot of great. He's been outstanding at acquiring a lot of good. No, but one should reasonably expect three game-changers at least on the roster.
  11. it was all so utterly predictable I'm about one season away from checking out of the NFL after 44 years of being an avid follower
  12. There's zero chance they'd have drafted mahomes so this post is pure garbage
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