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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. But don't something like three congresscritters have family over there?  Didn't Michael Moore find out something like three congresscritters have family over there?



    I cringe having to say this... :angry:


    What do you mean?


    I think Tim Johnson (SD) (I think that is the congressman's name) is the only one that has immediate family over there that is enlisted.


    I guess everyone can find somebody they know or are related to.


    Do they rise above it by not having kids there?


    Maybe the vet politicians steer their own kids away from active service?


    My father is a vet (not a politician) and actively steered me away form the service.


    I am sure it (discouraging enlisting and opting for college) goes on as one's family begins to climb the social-economic ladder.



  2. Wow you really are stupid aren't you.  Darin makes a lot of sense here.  He comes from a state that is solidly for one candidate. His vote will have no effct on this election.  He votes third party, in hopes that this "3rd party" can garner enough votes to get the minimum to ensure a spot during the next election, and two possibly get federal matching funds.  This is the only way a third party will make a difference, is through forward thinking individuals. 


    Of course being a stupid, here take care of me and everyone because the government knows better lemming, you wouldn't be able to think about tomorrow, let alone 10 years down the road. 


    Go back to your little hole and maybe kerry/gore/dean can scream and dance for you.



    I think you misread my reply.




    You want to vote for a third party, fine.


    My point was as long as you vote, vote your heart.


    I have no problem with voting his heart.


    You vote for Bush, fine.


    Kerry, fine.


    Anybody else, fine.


    I voted for Nader in 2000 for the exact same reason AD will vote for a third choice.


    I just believe that the stakes have changed in 2004... That is my belief.


    So go pound some salt... <_<

  3. You saw one frame out of a video on Drudge, which you would know if you watched the whole video does not give the impression of a soldier surrendering, he looks down and around at the quicksand he's sinking in.  And it is a fact that our soldiers have been put into a quagmire, which is certainly a reason to be disgusted with Bush.  And I suspect we'll be seeing more families speaking up about it, like the mother of a dead soldier who was dragged out of a Laura Bush rally and arrested because she dared to ask why her son was sent to Iraq and was killed.




    She seemed very well mannered protesting... Went peacefully... I think they didn't like it when she asked why no senators and congressmen have kids over there...



    Then there was the charge... I can't recall the exact wording... It did sound unreal?




  4. Probably will do better than Kerry's scheduled apearnce on the "Sureal House"  were her attempts to give Bridget some electricity as he heard she was caught in t he Hurricane and Terry said she could go naked for a couple of days...



    I am not joking.


    I read it in the US News and World Report that he is scheduled to do an interview a few weeks before the election... He is gonna talk about raising Barbara and Jenna.


    Wasn't he drunk until 1989? I guess the early years don't count?



  5. The new Swift boat ad comes out tomorrow and Gallup has a poll that says Bush is up by 14!




    I read somewhere that GWB is doing Dr. Phil in late October.


    Unless it is a well planned read for him, the crap that flows from his mouth will be enough to wipe out any lead.


    God knows we all want to hear how the kidlets were raised!... :D

  6. Ex, this is a serious charge. You are not stupid - why buy into this with glee unless it's substantiated?



    I was being sacastic.


    Cruised the Niagara this past weekend... Good thing I knew where they were...?




    Anyway... Do they really call the sport of "bean bag toss", the "bean-bag" that is, "Corn Holes" in Cincinnatti? Too funny! Only in Cincy! Heard it on the radio this morning!



  7. swede316, This link that you sent me provides anecdotal evidence of how home invasion is on the rise and the most recent story is from 2001.  The link provides no statistical evidence that home invasion is on the rise, yet you claim "the truth is there".  The truth is, in my case, that I live in Amherst, which is statistically the safest town in America.  I have never once felt the need to carry a gun.  I have also lived in the city of Buffalo, and I still never found that I was being physically threatened enough to go out and buy a gun for "protection."  You also said it "happens in Pensacola time and again", however this is also an anecdotal account for you provide no guidelines to what you mean by "time and again"  I respect your right to own a firearm, but please do not talk down to me because I don't choose to own one myself.  My head is not in the sand, and the criminals do not own me.  I try to avoid trouble, and so far trouble has avoided me.


    My response to AD is along the same lines.  I live in a safe neighborhood.  My car has been broken into twice in my life, both times while parked in the city of Buffalo.  Owning a gun would not have stopped this, since I wasn't at my car when it happened.  And I certainly don't think you would claim that owning a gun would have prevented the teenagers in your neighborhood from breaking into your car to steal your sunglasses.  What I am really curious about is the actual circumstances of the times you had to draw your gun.  What did the perps want?  Were you alone?  What was the large city where the two bangers ran away? 


    Yes, there is a lot of crime everywhere, but there are ways to avoid it.  For me, owning a gun would not make me feel any safer, because I think having to use it would put me in a lot more trouble than the actual crime I was trying to prevent would have put me in.   


    Oh yeah, and what exactly is "hot breaking" a house?



    I work on the south side of Chicago and live in the far south suburbs... I still leave things unlocked at night.


    I can just imagine if the gun toters on this board lived here... They would be firing warning shots in the sky... :D


    No need for a gun period!


    Christ... I just went for a piss test in Hammond, Indiana... On my way back (out of the deli, after lunch... in Hegewisch (Chicago) I got panhandled for a buck by a middle-aged white lady!







  8. That's why I suggested observing the class.  I very well may be that something is happening that the teacher is oblivious about.  If you have enough interest to take time off and spend it in a classroom, you'll accomplish two things.  The teacher will give more attention to your son.  You will also have a better idea whether or not your son is too sensitive.



    Totally agree. You have to be a "player" first.


    Parents have to take active interest in the workings of the class first. If your life is too busy... Then there is a partial problem.


    Another thing could be to volunteer for field trips. Get innvolved to look at the situation.


    Just my two cents.

  9. Funny how even the libs in DC say that on a personal level, GWB is a very nice guy.  Oops, sorry, throwing out facts again.



    Ya, lip service.


    Even the biggest wife beater on the planet will put on the charm.


    I'd like to be a fly on the wall in Crawford.


    Something strikes me as odd when the wife and mother have to come to the defense of the petulant boy.



  10. and this tells me how Kerry is going to build a stronger coalition??  ;)



    It sure does Einstein.


    You have ALL your customers say that they wants to work with only a certain person or they take their business elsewhere... What do you do? Fire the bum employee and give the customers the one they will work with.


    It is a dead issue with Bush... Nobody wants to work with this administration.


    Throw in the new kid!

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