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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I respect you for your unequivocal response.





    I have always been ripped on this one. Even during the drum beat to war almost 2 years ago, I knew exactly what was going to happen. I hate to be an "I told you so, but, I told you so... ;)


    I try to be a voice of reason... I don't just dream this sh*t (my opinions) up... Okay, okay, maybe I do. ;):)


    Things weren't very "clean" the way the Bush administration handled the war.


    NEVER TRUST AN EXILE!... ;););)


    They are too passionate and tend to rap rhapsodic on issues they are distanced from.


    If this is too cryptic for anybody out there... Forget about it... I just don't want to bust into a huge treatise on it.

  2. Your federal taxes were reduced a little.  Wonderful.  Ever stop to think where the money to run the government came from?  Since Bush literally never met a spending bill he didn't sign,  there was no accountability on his part there.  Not to mention mismanaging Iraq for another $200 billion.  He simply rang it all up on the USA's credit card- also known as the National Debt.  That record-setting, crushing debt upset the bond markets, caused prolonged general economic sluggishness, the loss of over 2 million jobs,  the list goes on.  So you see, what  the middle class tax "cut" actually results in is a cheap attempt to buy votes by putting a few dollars in our pockets now, hoping we don't notice the more abstract consequences of future debt, which nonetheless bit the economy on the arse.


      Oh, and BTW there is substantial interest on the national Visa card that Bush used to buy votes with.    Who will pay for it all?  You and me...and our children.



    Ahhh... Livin' on the "float"...


    Not a good way to be if YOU DON'T HAVE TO!

  3. It's pretty damned sad that you have to make it a partisan issue.  Same would have been done for any other president.


    Personally, I hate the "ruling class" mentality of such things (If "all men are created equal", then where the hell is my special train?)  But if you honestly think it's a partisan issue, I'll lose a lot of the respect I have for you...



    Of course it would (other presidents). I understand that... Yet, people will make the SUV comments and liberals... Healthcare, Hillary and gourmet food. Just as stupid.


    I am just poking fun at Bush... and dishing the pablum back.


    It is just flat out stupid... And of course I can rise above it. Afterall Tom, you are talking to someone who is sensible! ;):doh:

  4. I get the impression it was about 200 per month. 


    No, no medical conditions other than being stupid and a teenager.  Which when combined with driving can cause medical problems.



    Thank God it wasn't combined with sex to bring a third party into the world!

  5. Looks like Bush has only agreed to two debates, while kerry has agreed to three.

    Kerry should be able to debate himself on the one Bush passed on. That would be fun to watch.

    Speaking of watches. 


    A lovely time piece.




    Bush is doing Dr. Phil a week before the election... Can't fit it into his schedule... ;)


    Wait... Of course that won't be live... To they to "takes" on taped TV?


    How is it going? Did you manage the storm okay?

  6. COBRA cost is what the direct cost is to the company for each employee.  In a large company the cost would be cheaper as they would probably have worked out a better deal.  I have heard from friends who have had to use cobra, and seen it over $400 per month for an individual and another from a huge company who got it for about $150 month. 


    It really depends.



    What would the 19 year family member been paying? I take it he would have afforded it?


    Does he have any medical conditions?

  7. Good to see you admit it's party politics on your part.  Let's not vote for the best candidate, let's vote for my party candidate regardless of who it is.  You would have done well in China.  I am sure Chairman Mao and you would have been best friends.



    That's ridiculous. Like you are any different? The fundamental beliefs are there.


    Do you want CHANGE?


    Do want to stay the same?


    Those are the issues.


    And don't say that they aren't. The war in Iraq is Bush's baby ALONE. This is one on the EASIEST times in American history to do an about face on Policy.


    Take a leap all you chicken littles... What is there to lose?


    Adversity brings the best out of people.

  8. You're kidding, right?  You didn't want there to be plans in place to protect the President in the event of a terrorist attack?  Were you surprised such plans existed?


    The President's job is not to be macho or 'go down with the ship' if someone makes an attempt on his life.  His job is to stay alive so he can run the country.  I expect every president to have such a plan for every public appearance.  I'd rather not see any Presidential assassinations.



    I knew you would say that! Of course there were plans... Always plans... Of course he doesn't have to follow them.


    Run the country?


    What are they (presidents) kings?


    Like I would really be freaked?


    At least do a Churchill?

  9. COBRA is pretty expensive.


    I don't blame parents for a 19 year old kid's decisions.  Most parents try and impart wisdom to their kids.  Sometimes it doesn't take.  Alot of people need to make their own mistakes and it sounds like this kid is one of them.  He'll figure it out one day.



    Good points. You can only "steer" them in the right direction. Hopefully he will wisen up before he makes too many mistakes.


    Then again Darin, some are slow learners... ;):doh:

  10. Rats. I thought you were going to tell us about TWA 800 and why Al Gore's Commission recommendations were dropped 1 day after a fat campaign contribution, the Lippo Group, Ron Brown, how McVie and McNichols learned such sophisticated bomb construction techniques, the inaction after the 1st WTC bombing and USS Cole and Khobar towers and the embassies in Kenya, and the crime scene at Waco being bulldozed down the day after...



    What does that have to do with Bush's escape plan?


    Just having fun with our "strong" leader... Even if there wasn't a plan... I suppose the throngs of republican delegates would have thrown themselves in harms way to protect the prez.



  11. Pssst!


    Now it can be told. Federal sources told Sneed late last week a train would have whisked President Bush to safety from Madison Square Garden, where the Republican National Convention was held -- if a terrorist attack had occurred.


    *There were two plans: An escape train was at Penn Station, located under Madison Square Garden . . . and another train escape route was set up at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, where Bush and wife, Laura, were staying.


    Bush Escape Plan




    Doesn't the captain go down with the ship? GWB kinda reminds me of George on Seinfeld... When he runs through the kids when "fire" was shouted.



  12. There are times when I genuinely feel bad for people who don't have access to health insurance.  This is not one of them.



    My sentiments... Who was advising that Kid... Betcha he has "liberal" parents.


    "If it feels good" crap is just that, crap.


    I like to hear the kid's personal take on it, dig deep into the company policy and just get an informative, deep down opinion. Not that it would change my mind.


    Isn't COBRA super expensive?

  13. >>>Didn't Hillary sit on the WalMart Board at one time?<<<


    Yes, and it was very honest of you to bring this up.  ;)  B)



    Bill you seem like a "Homegrown Democrat" to me??







    His Minnesota boyhood and the putative values of his state allow novelist and NPR favorite Keillor to conjure up a heartwarming case for liberalism, if not necessarily the Democratic Party platform. "[T]he social compact is still intact here," he writes of life in St. Paul, summing up attacks on that compact in a Menckenesque rant: "hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists...." Liberalism, Keillor declares, "is the politics of kindness," and he traces his own ideology to his kindly aunts and his access to good public education, including a land-grant university. Though he criticizes Democrats for losing touch with their principles, as when they support the drug war, he catalogues "What Do-Gooder Democrats Have Done for You," from civil rights to clean air, though he acknowledges, "The great hole in the compact is health care." "The good democrat," he declares, distrusts privilege and power, believes in equality, supports unions, and is individualist—"identity politics is Pundit Speak," he notes, which might get him in trouble with some interest groups. "Democrats are thought to be weak on foreign policy... but what we fear is arrogance," he writes, in a chapter notably short on prescription. Near the end, he offers another potent monologue, if not a rant, about September 11 and Bush's "Achtung Department" (aka Homeland Security). It doesn't all hang together—heck, Keillor's so loosy-goosey, he begins most chapters with a limerick—but call this Prairie Home Companion meets Air America.


    In a book that is at once deeply personal and intellectually savvy, Homegrown Democrat is a celebration of liberalism as the "politics of kindness." In his inimitable style, Keillor draws on a lifetime of experience amongst the hardworking, God- fearing people of the Midwest and pays homage to the common code of civic necessities that arose from the left: Protect the social compact. Defend the powerless. Maintain government as a necessary force for good. As Keillor tells it, these are articles of faith that are being attacked by hard-ass Republican tax cutters who believe that human misery is a Dickensian fiction. In a blend of nostalgic reminiscence, humorous meditation, and articulate ire, Keillor asserts the values of his boyhood—the values of Lake Wobegon— that do not square with the ugly narcissistic agenda at work in the country today. A thoughtful, wonderfully written book, Homegrown Democrat is Keillor’s love letter to liberalism, the older generation, John F. Kennedy, the University of Minnesota, and the yellow-dog Democrat city of St. Paul that is sure to amuse and inspire Americans just when they need it most.

  14. This statement is wrong in so many ways I can't believe you haven't self-deleted it yet.


    I guess Clinton was responsible for the dot-com boom since it happened on his watch. Or was he responsible for its bust? I always get those two mixed up.



    When was the internet opened up to commercial interests... At who's prodding?


    Must have been those techno-savvy Republicans!

  15. Dunno. Why do people drive their foreign cars to Wal-Mart to buy everything Chinese, Taiwanese, Indian, Indonesian and so forth, and then exclaim "Damn this President! He's taking work away from Americans!"?




    I don't know? I don't shop there.


    I am surprised that they don't go after them for the price fixing/collusion at their gas pumps.


    I don't see why they don't boycott it? I think the HillBillys would storm the pickets?


    Didn't Hillary sit on the WalMart Board at one time?


    Candy everybody wants... We give 'em what they want.

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