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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Two words why you should: Peyton Manning



    That's where Fake makes the argument.


    I assume Peyton's mechanics where there? Right?


    It is clear that JP's aren't. He could be learning a lot of a nasty habits that will be hard to break.


    Drew was one such example. Didn't they throw him to the wolves early?


    DB has got to be the only one that could survive out there game after game and not get hurt behind this line. Of course this is his number one asset.


    "Houston we have a problem!"

  2. Well , well Rangle typical Kerry guy  he supported it before he didnt support it ;) Besides who would want to suppport this so close to elections? Now let me guess those two votes were democraps :w00t:  :D



    I am against it.


    Here is what the two said:


    "We are in a war, and not only a small segment of the population should fight in that war," said Murtha.


    Yes they were dems.


    I guess they had balls to stick to their conviction. You don't think out of all those people, none of them thought otherwise.


    And Rangle. Don't know what is up with him, WTF?. Maybe trying to get the 'pubes in a "political trick bag?" What a stupid ploy.

  3. Nope.  Brother's father-in-law was at Chosin.  Dad was in the reserves.  Dad's best friend was a Marine in 'Nam.  Uncle was an engineer in 'Nam.  (Came back, and designed and built his own 4000 sq. ft. house with his own hands.)  Ex-girlfriend was a Marine, her twin sister's (fraternal twins, you perverts) Army intel, best friend in college is a Recon Marine (and nucking futs besides that).  So I can understand your confusion.  :w00t:  My brother only designs bio-mechanical environmental systems for manned spacecraft.  (And my sister's a lawyer, and I'm...well, I'm me.  The three of us have some serious crainal horsepower going on...)


    And even if he were a Marine...it would still be second-hand information.  First-hand would be if I'd served myself.  Thought you were mocking me for it...my bad.  I apologize for flying off the handle.



    Wow... That has got to be a lot of "second hand" information. If anybody would qualify as served though others, I think you do. I would still say you basically know the military as if you served.


    What kept you out?

  4. Ah, but if you break the speed limit at 5MPH over, you'll pay less than I would when I break it at 25MPH over.


    And to the Marx/Engels thing, a better analogy is to Marie Antoinette.  There are a lot more people paying the 15% tax than 40% tax.



    Even worse if you got busted in a work zone.


    Here it is up to $375.00.

  5. Your apology has been excepted however it is true there is a lot of living left.  But for nearly 3,000 Americans there is none left and I have a hard time understanding your ambivalence towards that action.  But, as you say, to each his own.



    Thank You.


    I'd feel the same way if I was victim. I would want my family to not stop living.


    I have to admit. I don't know what course my world would take but, those are my ideals.




    God, I wish I could elaborate about the Polish and keep the thread on course. All my grandparents were from Poland... parents married in Polish community.


    There is something I can add?... :w00t:

  6. Ohhh, I'm sorry, I should know what you meant to say.  And you said, most of them feel that way.  Care to elaborate on how you know this, or are you just making things up that back up your position?



    Haven't groups of them spoke out?


    And like I said before, I made a callous statement, that I can admit. I apologized if I offended any one.


    Maybe I knew some of you guys would respond this way yet, I threw it out there anyway. That I apologize for also.


    I just can't get all worked up about the events anymore (they are still in my heart) when there is so much more to do.


    There is a lot of living left.

  7. And that nonchalant attitude is what allowed Hitler to build Germany into a world military leader.  And also allowed 3,000 innocent people to be slaughtered or as you referred to it as that "building thing."  Those my friend are some of the worst posts I've seen here on this board.



    What's that a conservative bringing in the Nazi connection? You know if it came from a liberal, they would be lambasted!


    Actually... If you got the coords from the first, I think you could find a Nazi (comical though) reference about it... :w00t: ... Oops, I am always trying to add levity. Sorry, all you stuff-shirts don't get it.


    I am just sick of them using 911 as a tool to fight their unjust war. I think a lot of victims feel the same way.


    Spin it anyway you want. Sulk and walk away with hurt feelings. Whatever.

  8. You Bushies get more pathetic by the minute... If you want a ticker on casualties on this board, I'll give you one so that SOMEONE FIN REMEMBERS what in the hell is happening over there. I'm just as mad now as I was when Congress gave the #!!@# authorization for this exercise in futility. Yes, I KNOW, Kerry voted yes, but that's not the point.. we were MISLED, drug into this crap, and now the misery compounds itself.


    The VOTERS by voting for a president give him the power, but that doesn't mean he has the right to misuse it. So a Kerry yes vote is meaningless without proper discretion.


    Analogy: They give us guns at the gates on base for security, but that DOES NOT MEAN we shoot everyone who fails to follow procedures. HUGE DIFFERENCE.


    I look forward to the election. The error of 2000 WILL be erased.



    I read where someone is making a bronze tree with all the killed soldiers having a leaf with their name.


    It has been reported he is having a hard time keeping up.

  9. i don't think those who are against the war wanted 1000 american soldiers killed, but i think they were chomping at the bit to shove that total down the President's throat.


    as far as him changing his direction in order to be seen as a bigger man in the eyes of the nation..... he still believes that what he is doing is right which is why he isn't admiting any error or changing.



    And why wouldn't you want to shove the total down his throat, when all the while you have been telling him he is going about it the wrong way?


    I guess you can change the LBJ chant?

  10. Believe it or not, Richio, many liberals don't worship at the altar of death and are actually want to see an end to injustice and needless killing.  If you're implying that many liberals live for the struggle to spread the ideals of compassion and justice and equality around the world (like what the neocons are claiming to do, but misguidedly through war), you are correct.  If you are implying otherwise, you are wasting your time.


    I am almost mad at myself for replying to another of your unfounded, ridiculous statements, but I felt I had to divert the flow of the echo chamber for a minute.


    OK, fire away with another stupid one.




  11. I have no idea why anyone would put that out there.





    Is it wrong to have a callous thougt?


    What do I need to go to confession?


    Don't get me wrong I have the utmost sympathy for human suffering. There is just a point where it stops ruling my personal life, opinions.


    I don't forget. Our actions and futures dilligence should stand above.


    As you can tell, I have a very low tolerance for REPEATED actions/mistakes.

  12. Lots of people go to the PPP. Nice try, but let's keep politics off the football side...





    I can understand it if SDS personally said it. I wouldn't hesitate to question him, it is his right.


    Just look at all the other OT crap... Why draw the line at something as important as politics?


    Because it gets people to think about serious issues.


    I think this "Ostrich" approach disturbs me most about America.


    People just don't want their feathers ruffled... Too bad.

  13. Thats because the wacked out libers made thier point. They simply wanted to drive home a number....they succeeded.


    But then again, as I have said 10,642 times before...that is what a good liber lives for. Bad news, dispair, agony...then tye have something to B word, moan, and complain about. Without such things, they would have no purpose in thie life.



    On the contrary Rich. You might tell yourself that, it is just not true.


    In doing something that you think is certain, when do you finally decide to change course when thinks go wrong? When does the plan change?


    Or are you too blind to the fact that sticking to your guns doesn't always work? You know the difference between the mutt mentality and the pure-breed? Who usually knows how to adapt and overcome?


    I think it is the guy who changes, rather than the guy who stubbornly defends failed opinions.


    GWB didn't have to paint himself in a corner with the Iraq war. That is his own doing.

  14. First of all, I never said it was "first hand knowledge".  Never even implied it.  I was pretty !@#$ing clear on where I got it...specifically because 1) I know there's plenty of people on this board who'd know better than I from experience, and 2) I wanted people to be aware of the basis of my post so they could make their own judgement of it's veracity.  So if you want to give me stevestojan about it...  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: .  I stand by it, until one of the many people who know more about it than I do gives me more information. 


    Second...I don't think the "My war's better than your war" idea applies necessarily to the specific SVBT vs. Kerry question, which is what I was addressing.  But from what I've seen first-hand, from interactions among veterans...the good soldiers respect each other (in the recognition that shrapnel doesn't know the difference between a police action and a "real war"), the bad ones try to one-up each other.



    Sorry, I thought you have a brother that is a Marine? I thought you would have first hand knowledge?


    Again, I apologize for assuming this.

  15. Geez...Bush was so bad that if indeed he were wearing an earpiece he'd probably be admitting it and blaming Dick Cheney for giving him bad eadvice.  Usually he sits on Dick's lap and Dick's lips are moving.  :lol:





    I like the bit when Dick takes a drink of water and GWB's still talking.


    How does he do that?!



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