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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Believe it or not, Richio, many liberals don't worship at the altar of death and are actually want to see an end to injustice and needless killing.  If you're implying that many liberals live for the struggle to spread the ideals of compassion and justice and equality around the world (like what the neocons are claiming to do, but misguidedly through war), you are correct.  If you are implying otherwise, you are wasting your time.


    I am almost mad at myself for replying to another of your unfounded, ridiculous statements, but I felt I had to divert the flow of the echo chamber for a minute.


    OK, fire away with another stupid one.




  2. I have no idea why anyone would put that out there.





    Is it wrong to have a callous thougt?


    What do I need to go to confession?


    Don't get me wrong I have the utmost sympathy for human suffering. There is just a point where it stops ruling my personal life, opinions.


    I don't forget. Our actions and futures dilligence should stand above.


    As you can tell, I have a very low tolerance for REPEATED actions/mistakes.

  3. Lots of people go to the PPP. Nice try, but let's keep politics off the football side...





    I can understand it if SDS personally said it. I wouldn't hesitate to question him, it is his right.


    Just look at all the other OT crap... Why draw the line at something as important as politics?


    Because it gets people to think about serious issues.


    I think this "Ostrich" approach disturbs me most about America.


    People just don't want their feathers ruffled... Too bad.

  4. Thats because the wacked out libers made thier point. They simply wanted to drive home a number....they succeeded.


    But then again, as I have said 10,642 times before...that is what a good liber lives for. Bad news, dispair, agony...then tye have something to B word, moan, and complain about. Without such things, they would have no purpose in thie life.



    On the contrary Rich. You might tell yourself that, it is just not true.


    In doing something that you think is certain, when do you finally decide to change course when thinks go wrong? When does the plan change?


    Or are you too blind to the fact that sticking to your guns doesn't always work? You know the difference between the mutt mentality and the pure-breed? Who usually knows how to adapt and overcome?


    I think it is the guy who changes, rather than the guy who stubbornly defends failed opinions.


    GWB didn't have to paint himself in a corner with the Iraq war. That is his own doing.

  5. First of all, I never said it was "first hand knowledge".  Never even implied it.  I was pretty !@#$ing clear on where I got it...specifically because 1) I know there's plenty of people on this board who'd know better than I from experience, and 2) I wanted people to be aware of the basis of my post so they could make their own judgement of it's veracity.  So if you want to give me stevestojan about it...  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: .  I stand by it, until one of the many people who know more about it than I do gives me more information. 


    Second...I don't think the "My war's better than your war" idea applies necessarily to the specific SVBT vs. Kerry question, which is what I was addressing.  But from what I've seen first-hand, from interactions among veterans...the good soldiers respect each other (in the recognition that shrapnel doesn't know the difference between a police action and a "real war"), the bad ones try to one-up each other.



    Sorry, I thought you have a brother that is a Marine? I thought you would have first hand knowledge?


    Again, I apologize for assuming this.

  6. Geez...Bush was so bad that if indeed he were wearing an earpiece he'd probably be admitting it and blaming Dick Cheney for giving him bad eadvice.  Usually he sits on Dick's lap and Dick's lips are moving.  :lol:





    I like the bit when Dick takes a drink of water and GWB's still talking.


    How does he do that?!



  7. Tell you what?  Go ask someone who as a military person was part of the Vietnam memorial dedication ceremony.  Some of vietnam vets were complete !@#$s who were throwing things at us and saying things like we didn't deserve to represent the military since we never served in a war.  Yeah all the people who died in Beirut, Grenada, etc...  Yup their blood doesn't count right. 


    I respect a lot of the Vietnam vets but there were more than fair share of bad ones also.



    I agree.


    The beast just perpetuates itself from era to era.


    I put em all on the same footing.

  8. That's great.  You pretend 9/11 isn't that big of a deal but then blame that take on "all the other killing in the world" causing you so much grief.


    I can't believe anyone would put that opinion out there and try to roll with it.




    Why do you think I put it out there?


    It just goes to show how people will imediately jump on somebody for being "horrible."


    As for being a liberal Boomer... That would scare me the most. Probably be the only reason to recant my statement... :devil:

  9. Rarely, from what I've read.  In fact, I'd expect veterans to be the more disrespectful to other veterans who they consider "bad soldiers" or bad leaders.  Especially bad leaders...poor combat leadership gets people killed. 


    Even the "Greatest Generation"...there are many recorded instances of bad officers in the South Pacific getting shot in combat...from the wrong direction.  Good soldiers know the difference between good and bad leadership, and have little tolerance for that sort of thing...even years after the fact, as veterans.




    Does your first hand knowledge of this "disrespect" extend from soldiers of one conflict to others soldiers from different conflicts. I guess they would say some wars were just more "real" than others?


    I guess Vietnam wasn't a real war since it wasn't the "Big one." :devil:


    It all boils down to cranky vets with envy trying to "one up" each other.

  10. Just like the NFL. Have you seen who fills all the seats at the Super Bowl?



    That is why Buffalo is great being small. You can still get a seat in the stadium without selling your first-born.


    I just hope it doesn't turn into where other teams fans come as overflow because they can't get a seat in their city.


    Whole generations will grow up in places like Chicago, never knowing what it is like to go to a pro football game.

  11. OK, I want to get this straight....you grab an ax, grab the chicken (the feathered one), put it on the chopping block, your penis is also laying there on the chopping block (what the hell is your penis doing on the chopping block ?!?) You lose track of whether the thing you are whacking is the feathered object with the beak that you are holiding down or the penis. You choose the penis.  :P  I just have a feeling that there is more to this story than this guy is letting on. :devil:






    Now I am NOT defending him or anything... He did say that he ran out because he was being kept awake... I guess he was in a sleep induced stupor?? :lol:


    Wow... I gues that country livin' will get you sometimes. ;) "I teach that chicken a lessen, I kill him... then eat him for dinner... That'll teach him to keep me awake!"



    It is amazing this guy lasted 67 years!

  12. Rico, this especially sucks if you check your balance all the time like I do.


    And its especially true if you get gas and select CREDIT. They will take $1.00 exactly from your balance immediatly, and then charge the rest at a later time. I like the money to come out right away, so if they give me the option (and some stations dont) I always select debit.



    I assume you are talking about the $1.00 "ping" to see if money is in the acount. I mentioned it before, somebody has to be getting rich off this? :doh:


    My understanding is they "ping" your account the buck. Then a few days later when the full tansaction clears, the dollar is put back. I have noticed that the dollar gets put back after the transaction... sometimes a day!


    Now times that by millions of users... Money has got to be made on it???


    Some banks charge .25 for debit transactions. If you choose credit (usually the debit will read, you have to press cancel, then select credit), the 25 cent fee is not charged.


    Basically, my understanding is that as debit, you are signing with a PIN... As credit, you sign your name.


    My one bank checking account does everything real time, immediately.


    Now my other acount (small local bank) is a day behind with everything.


    There are benefits to both.



    Boy, they sure like to make the "float" hard to do nowadays!! :huh::P With the advent of EFT check clearing that a lot of places use...


    What happened to the good 'ole days?... Everybody wants their money NOW... :devil:

  13. Hey Jack... I finally "pulled the trigger" and bought one! I opted for the "sportster" (same size as the Audiovox). I like when it "boots" up with my preset Bills logo! :angry::angry: It also alerts me when my the Bills game is on, then just press the rotary "jog" dial and you are there! (Not that I don't know the game is on! :angry:;) )


    This thing will be a Godsend when the wife wants to go shopping on a Sunday afternoon... "Aw, honey, I just hang in the car and wait for you."


    The best thing since slice bread! It makes me feel like the day we got cable as a kid. I still remember going from 4 channels to that long-corded remote cable box. I got the same feeling with the sat radio!


    Cool! A lot of cool stations.


    I installed in in my car... Haven't purchased the home dock or boombox yet.


    The thing is flawless. Even works in the garage but, believe it or not, with the door down.


    I noticed that the signal bars go "low" under trees and bridges... Yet, I don't lose the signal... Even long underpasses stay clear... I might get a blip just as you leave a tunnel or something long (kinda explains the gargage door thing?)


    I listen to the Bills-Pats game... It was a liberating experience to do yard work and have the trunk open listening to the game crystal clear!


    If you love radio, music radio, home radio games, this IS A MUST!




    Lori: The boombox comes with a 20' antenna cord. Is there a way you could run it out a door at work... :lol:;)

  14. So far in this thread, Exiled has downplayed 9/11 and the need for the American President to have a clear long range agenda.


    Not one of his finer pieces of work.



    I have always been downplaying it. I don't get all hopped up over emotion.


    Clear long range agenda... Ha!


    Call it what you will. I always stated I don't need to be protected.


    Wow... I am pretty cantankerous... Aren't I?



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