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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I thought that was the purpose of the Iraq war -- to identify the greatest potential threats for another 9/11 attack and preempt them.  Of course I'm assuming that you see our inability to see the gathering risk and prevent the 9/11 attacks as the biggest F-up our government has done, maybe that's not the case?



    No because Colin Powell told the world that Iraq has WMD's and they were ready to use them on short notice.


    I think the hawks won out.

  2. I'll pretend I understand your question, despite the terrible way it was phrased.  :D


    Because we can continue to play "Monday Morning QB" for the forseeable future with no positive coming from it, or we can move on and work towards actual solutions to why our government feels it's entitled to act like the international Gladdys Kravitz.  Regardless of which cluster of thieves holds the Executive.



    Monday morning QBing?




    Where were you before the war?


    You guys just turned your ears off... Refused to listen to the facts.

  3. Could this be an official "I told you so" post? :D



    Didn't one "troll" way back in December 2002 throw out the idea that Iraq didn't have them and that we would find nothing when we invaded?


    I am not sure who that troll was :D;) ... But, he was accused of "stirring the pot" and causing trouble?


    I think that is when you could post here as a guest... I am not sure?, I was new to the board? ;);)


    Boy... That person really caught some flak... Good thing certain posters were away, because they would have ripped that "prophetic troll" a new one on how Iraq is going to "push buttons" on our advancing soldiers.


    Boy I wish we could go back 2 years an pull the post. Might seem very fitting and sane now...


    O well. Don't worry, WMD's will show up one day and you guys will put that "troll" in his place.


    Next time you get caught up in the "heart"... Think things through first.



  4. It's going to be just like Desert Storm where they used the stop-loss program to keep soldiers from getting out.  As soon as the conflict is over and they don't need the troops, they kick a lot of them out on the fat boy program, etc...



    Works for corporate America... Use 'em then lose 'em. Maybe save some bennys along the way... You think there is loyalty any more?



  5. How about in changing that very ethos of materialism and the ME-generation. Believe it or not, this is a relatively new phenomenon at the macro scale. It's only in about the past 50-60 years when everyone has had to keep up with the Joneses. Remember Victory Gardens (I had one this year. Bumper crop of tomatoes...)? Sacrificing and rationing for the war effort? The average American is being told by the Administration to BUY, BUY, BUY, MORE, MORE, MORE from the very countries that we will someday probably be fighting against. It should be required reading, or rather, someone really needs to make a movie of Theodore Dreiser's "Sister Carrie," written at the turn of the century and even more relevant now than then.


    The day is short

    The night so long

    Why will you work so hard

    To get things you don't even want?


    And yeah, I agree with DC Tom, but we probably slightly disagree on who'll get us there. The best defense is a good offense, BUT, you've still gotta play some kind of defense to win! The admin's preparedness for w/in this country is a color-coded chart. This is shameful.



    I totally agree. I have been saying this all along.


    They offer up a war and then say don't worry... Go out and shop. Hey, Ford is giving 0% interest.


    What the eff gives with the mixed messages??


    Sh*ist, my number one concern is getting my 20 with the Corps and a very nice TSP account... What the eff am I thinking?

  6. Yes, agreed.  I just don't think we should minimize it either.  Calling it "the thing with the two buildings" is a little too glib for my taste.  It's like calling the Holocaust "that thing with the camps."


    I'm glad it got clarified.



    It did get clarified... As much as hot butter in a pan. Give it a rest. I have already called my comments:




    Called myself a cold SOB.


    And for the record my exact words were:


    So we are back to the two buildings again?


    Where does the "building thing" come from? Am I glossing it over and miss it... Please help find it and then I'll shut my pie hole.



  7.   ...Overall, Cheney looked liked a statesman ready to fill the Oval Office, Edwards looked like less than that...



    Then why isn't Cheney running for prez.?


    So we are supposed to elect a puppet? Anybody should be able to get a good job because they have a great asistant? Who is running this show?



  8. It is disturbing. True. You still can't become the animals they are. Nothing justifies your controlling hand on the miseries of others because of this cruel act.


    "Throughout life people will make you mad

    Disrespect you, and treat you bad

    Let God deal with the things they do

    ‘Cause hate in your heart will consume you, too

    Always tell the truth, say your prayers

    Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears

    You’re living proof that dreams come true

    I love you and I’m here for you"


    ~Will Smith, Just The Two of Us

  9. That's not entirely what I meant, either.  Wait until someone "Insh'allah!"-chanting mother!@#$er pops off a nuke in front of the Sears Tower, and count all the noncombattants among the survivors in downtown Chicago.  You'll be able to count them on the fingers of one foot.


    Ultimately...insurgency and terrorism require the entire societal commitment of a country.  It's total war even beyond the simple commitment of warm bodies to armaments production, or the bombing of said warm bodies to interrupt it.  This type of war requires the total commitment of everyone to the concept of winning it.


    And given the difficulties of defining the "concept" of victory...you can see why it'll take a few generations.  We haven't even started that as a society; again, as I've said before, we have to figure out and make some difficult and conscious choices about how we want American society to evolve as a society through the course of this conflict, if we ultimately intend to win it.



    How in the eff are you gonna get everybody on the same page in a VERY individualistic society?


    Just look at my response, case in point... :w00t:

  10. Yeah, I'm serious.  Surprised you didn't know...I don't broadcast it, but I'm not shy about it either.


    I'm actually Type II Bipolar - more often depressed than manic, and rarely severly manic at that (once, triggered by the antidepressant I'd just started).  Type I is the really bad kind, where mania's are seriously disassociative and schizophrenic and usually dangerous.  Me, I usually just get hyperactive. 


    Funny thing about the sleep dependence, too, is how big an interrelation it is.  Typically, since Type II bipolars present as exclusively depressive, the way it's diagnosed is by sleep patterns: if someone's depressed and have insomnia, they're unipolar depressive.  If they're depressed and sleeping 14 hours a day, they're always Type II bipolar.  There's so many other odd aspects of the illness that people who haven't experienced it simply don't understand (like how colors can change: a blue sky is more gray-blue to me if I'm depressed, but a very sharp and vibrant deep indigo if I'm hypomanic.  Or the surest way I know to diagnose my mood: do crossword puzzles.  I can do them effortlessly if I'm hypomanic, but not at all if I'm depressed.)


    And if you tried that with your wife...well, depressed people want that much sleep (need it, even).  With mania...you can get by with 2-3 hours a night (before lithium, it was common for people with protracted manias to die of exhaustion or even starvation...they were so "up" they didn't feel the need to eat.  The fatality rate from bipolar used to be about 50% - 1 in 2 manic depressives would eventually die from it.  Lithium cut that to about 25% - mostly from suicides like my uncle or absolutely egregious lapses in judgement like the ones that killed Justin Strzelczyk, who I'm almost positive was mentally ill, and probably manic at the time.)


    Insanely (pardon the pun) dangerous illness...and very, very treatable.  The real shame is that, because of the stigma, so many people like Strzelczyk or Barret Robbins eschew the very effective treatment.  I've been stable (relatively speaking  :w00t:) for about four years now...though around the equinoxes, when I used to get severly depressed, I still need about 10 hours of sleep a night.  Doctors still haven't figured that one out...



    Wow... Thanks so much. And thanks so much for being candid about it.


    I mentioned yesterday that I went to high school with Justin. Actually, I got to know him a little in 11th grade (my third mentioned 10th... was actually 11th) chemistry class. It is just so sad.

  11. Check again. Wal Mart DOES NOT ALLOW the purchase. They have a sign right on the keypad that says they will accept a debit card purchase only with PIN. Plus I knew it was going to happen as I read it in USA today. Most stores you CAN override the PIN request. It does come up to the PIN request automatically. But in a highly publicized move, WAL MART was unable to reach a good deal with the Card companies for Debit card transactions enetered as credits, so they decided to discontinue making them. I imagine some other chains have followed suit. B)



    Wow... Really!


    I'd just walk out without the purchase.


    Like I said before some banks will charge you a fee for debit purchases... Which I think is absurd!


    Just go back to writing checks.

  12. Sorry to be the Squidward in the crowd, but sure you're not a MOT rep? 


    Maybe, I'm wrong, but your post strikes me as your first assignment for your Marketing 101 class on your first day on the job with the fine folks in Schaumburg, IL. 


    Hey, did I tell you guys that there's this guy with a Pinto that shows up for every game, and if you sign up you can win a shot from a bowling ball.


    (PS, time to short MOT if they have these Ryans running around)



    I am usually clueless. But, it struck me as odd also.


    I am glad someone could articulate it.



  13. My recollection of elementary school is that we always had a picture of the current president hanging somewhere. 


    Wasn't too bright of her to prod the bear...but that principal is way out in left field...



    That is my recollection too.


    I asked the question: Why Laura, is that SOP? I don't think she is hanging in the lunchroom here?

  14. Actually - and I've said this before - we're all victims to some degree.  Most of us at the very least lost a sense of innocence and security.  Some lost quite a bit more.  One person's loss shouldn't be used to degrade anothers.


    I also believe that there's no glory in revelling in victimhood.  Yeah, the towers collapsed.  Yeah, people lost family members.  Yes, mourning is required.  But ultimately, people have to stop wallowing in it...



    I totally agree. Thanks for the perspective. I never intended to degrade anyone.

  15. biploar disorder.  Very good reason, too...among other reasons, biploar disorder is very sensitive to sleep patterns; the amount of sleep deprivation the typical recruit has to endure in boot camp can easily trigger dangerous - even fatal, to themselves or others - mania in a manic-depressive.



    Wow, I never knew that. You are being serious?


    :w00t:;) So I can claim BD and demand 12-14 hours of sleep a day! :D:lol:


    I don't think my wife will go for that too long

  16. You dont have to bring much to beat the Bills or thier history. Check the scorecard


    Gibbs this season  1-3

    Mullarkey  0-3


    Gibbs One Super Bowl victory

    Every Bills coach in franchise history. 0


    Agreed not much on the table but more than enough.



    I think Gibbs has three:


    One against the Fins


    One against the Raiders


    One against the Bills



  17. To be honest, I see a few similarities between the Redskins and Bills. Both Dan Snyder and Tom Donahoe see this game as a business which demands to be profitable. Snyder went one direction, bringing in Spurrier and poaching the Jets' most prolific players (Coles, Hall, Morton)...tickets were sold and stadiums were filled and good buzz was everywhere.


    And then they sucked.


    So when that experiment failed, he went retro. Bring back the Apple Dumpling Gang. The glory days. The Super Bowl Staff. Result? Tickets were sold, stadiums were filled and good buzz was everywhere.


    And then they sucked.


    It's different in Buffalo because it's not as pronounced, but once TD was in and GW came in and we made the trade for Bledsoe, tickets were sold, stadiums were filled...et. al. And we sucked. Now add Fletcher, and Spikes and Big Sam. Tickets sold, stadiums filled. And we sucked. So we get new coaches, draft some cool people, talk about getting back to power running...tickets sell, stadiums fill...


    That, to me, is one of the reasons we'll keep seeing Bledsoe stay as quarterback and all this talk of fiddlefuggin' around with Matthews is crazy. Because it may work for a moment, but not the long term, with the long term defined as "the rest of the season."


    Once we're out of the playoffs and there's no reason to go to the game...THEN you'll see Losman, Evans, McGahee. And you know what'll happen?


    Tickets sold, stadium filled....




    Well said!

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