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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Hmmm.  Who should I believe?  General Tommy Franks (the Campaign CC) who states in his book that Iraq didn't divert forces from Afghanistan?  Or Pete, who's never served in the military but does repeat the same talking points over and over again?



    Pete. Not serving is a better. He was never part of the BS pipeline.


    You are being lied to... Now go take that hill!



  2. You wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you in the ass.  You say Bush used the word sensitive before Kerry, as if he had used it in the same clumsy way, bringing absolutely no context or credibility to your argument.  You pounce on MichFan for lumping you in with the libs when he never directly did so.  Why would you become so defensive?  You've accused me of saying things I did not say.  You have swallowed liberal positions hook, line and sinker.  And have learned how to regurgatate them.  But you're not partisan.



    Do you know that, or is it in your "heart"?



  3. Unlike his competitor, who couldn't drive an opinion straight ahead using a GPS.


    "Please make a legal U-turn...Please make a legal U-turn...Please make a legal U-turn..."



    Bush is the kinda guy that would get lost using a GPS and be afraid to hit the "redirect/reroute home" button. Same guy that would drive friggin miles out of his way because he didn't want to stop and ask for directions.


    Real men admit when they are hopelessly lost, adapt and overcome.


    Continue the course GWB, even know our waypoints are a million miles off!


    Sometimes things that seem certain are hopelessly wrong.


    We gotta guy that is playin' a "hunch". That's okay, your heart tells you that it is the "right" thing. What a schmuck!


    The American people feed off this BS.



  4. Well...for starters, she's being a lot nicer to me.  But I'm sure that won't last.


    And yesterday was our 1-week anniversary.  I forgot about it.  "Oh, that's okay, dear...let me cook you dinner."  I feel like I'm being set up for something big, like  "My neice and her four kids are moving in with us..."  :D



    That thought must really have you flustered... You actually made a typo!




    Hang in there, it couldn't be that bad?



  5. Here on Long Island, we have one of the most liberal-leaning papers in the Country...Newsday. However, Nassau County, until very recently, has been one of the most Republican counties in the Country.


    Try again, TB..............................



    Long Island? :huh:


    The "security moms" are probably running around wondering when the next school shooting will be? God forbid we don't vote for GWB!


    All the while harboring the up and coming beast of a child under their own roof.



  6. You think the death count in Iraq will eventually surpass 56,000?




    Maybe, maybe not.


    The number of seriously injured soldiers is over 7,000.


    Times have changed, technology in the medical field is better.


    I don't think you can look at numbers the same way from era to era. The way we are innvolved is different.


    Something is amiss when only 250 die in "major combant operations" and after that another 800 die in the last year and a half.


    God only help us if these numbers start growing exponentially.


    If Bush gets re-elected I see a draft in the future.


    There is no way it is happening under Kerry.

  7. Update


    Things are getting interesting.


    It looks like the networks may not go along with these idiotic rules.


    Good for them.



    God! I hope they let them call each other "Girly Man" and b*itchslap each other! Maybe let the person not speaking make a circle motion with his pen around his temple to signify that the other is crazy!


    Okay, okay, the b*itchslapping isn't in the rules but, the other two are!


    One can only dream!! :blush::D


    BTW, one comedian brought up, if any mention the word "Vietnam", the "press conference" automatically has to shut down... :blush::blush::huh::(


    The rules for this exchange have more pages than the UN charter.

  8. I'd go one step further than that and say "let's get government out of the education business altogether."  The top down poisoning of our core beliefs began when the government pushed their way into our children's heads.





    Like "strange fruit" hanging from southern trees?


    I think the "poison" in our core beliefs have always been there. You blame the governement for pissing in the vinegar?


    Bring back "the good ole days" Darin... :D:P

  9. Who am I?  Someone entitled to my opinion on the subject and someone who will vote for pro-DP candidates.  You and Adam are the ones whining about executing scumbags.  Who are you to say it's "wrong" to do so?


    I didn't start this thread...just responded  :D



    Nobody, I guess.



  10. Yes, I can make MY life a better place by ending the life of someone who has demonstrated that they don't deserve the privledge.  We can let God deal them right now.


    Knowing that the guy who killed my loved one is alive and well, doing drugs and raping new fish in prison really doesn't satasfy my desire for justice.



    Move on, stay positive.


    Who says, YOUR desire for justice needs to be satisfied?


    You really think you count in this world as an individual? As long as YOU say put 'em to death, then they die?

  11. have you considered some of the scum that have been executed in Texas?

    better yet....how about Timothy McVeigh.  Or Jeff Dahmer? (who wasn't executed by the State...but was executed)  You think these people deserve to live?


    OH...I am sorry...you said "human life".  Sorry.



    It doesn't matter if you think they deserve to die.


    Incarcerate them and let God deal with them someday.


    You can only make YOUR life a better place.


    It shouldn't be a control issue. If it is, you are committing the same crime.

  12. In reading and occationally posting on the PPP, I notice a lot of people support the current administrations handling of the Iraq conflict. I also notice a lot of people oppose it. Some are even saying invading Iran would be justified because they could pose a threat as well.


    I have on thing to say to both sides of the debate. There is only one question needed to justify any war. One thing that makes war ok. Imagine the person you love most in this world. Your spose, your child, your best friend. Now ask yourself, would I send this person to die for this cause? Who you send your wife to die because Iraq is a threat?



    All I can say is that people can talk themselves into a lot of things.


    I guess whatever gets you through the day?

  13. The US isn't going anywhere.



    You are right BiB.


    America is not going anywhere. We just had a meeting with our Col.


    What I take form it... Seems me working for the Corps in "Iraq District" is more a reality than working for the Corps stateside in the coming years.



  14. I wonder how he feels about the current trend of wearing the cap slightly askew, so that the bill is off-centered, ala Lawyer Milloy on the current Bills catalog?  :P



    Remember all those sideline shots where you would see Marv "in the heat" of it all?


    I wonder if he knew his hat was askew? :D


    Anyway, What is with the God awful trend, where people are returning to wear "trucker caps"? :lol: You know the poly/mesh, high box type? Same goes for all the other 1970's fashion that made a comeback. God! I never thought that those styles would come back.



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