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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Oh my God.


    Did you really just describe remembering 9/11 as going "back to the two buildings again"?


    That is horrible.



    God forbid... So horrible of me. Maybe I have been desensitized by all the other killing in the world.


    Insensitive yes, I apologize. Cold yes, I apologize. Is there a law against being a cold SOB?


    Now get a life "Gentle Reader."

  2. It's pretty unbelievable that you can find a location of a Staples anywhere in the country but that there is no state-by-state national database for voter registry.  I'm sure they could apply this with social security numbers, driver's license info, etc.  And it would make it a lot easier to vote/register.  It's not like the government doesn't have the information.  I moved to the city 2 and a half years ago and they are still !@#$ing it up and indicating I am a new registrant, while also sending me info about my polling place, even though I've voted in the last 2 elections and primaries here.


    Between the mismanagement of these records and the antics of Diebold, etc there are serious opportunities for democracy to be compromised in this country -- not that it isn't already with our choices from a field that is limited in more ways than one.



    So true!

  3. Vote early, vote often, as they say.  :angry:


    It does bother me that so many people vote legitimately while others work to corrupt the system. And what happens to them when they're caught? Probation? You get more time and penalties for dubbing movies.


    Unlike others, I wouldn't want to hazard a guess until there's hard evidence rather than surmising it. Criminals come in all colors, shapes, sizes and political affiliations, don't you know.



    Hey, that is Illinois!


    Get rid of the absentee ballot (or somehow reform the pig), vote on Saturday. Be there or be square!




  4. Funny, my father is a vetran, as is my brother.  Neither is a huge Kerry fan.  However, both find it extremely offensive that other vetrans would dare to question the validity of someones metals.  My dad sees it as not just disrespect for Kerry, but for all men in the service.  I for one am sick of hearing about swiftboat vets, who didn't serve with Kerry, say he is a liar.  Do you think it could be that your friend, and many of the others, are motivated by the fact that Kerry very vocally questioned what was going on it Viet Nam?  Why is it that the only vetrans opinions that seem to matter, are those that oppose Kerry?  You can criticize the man for a lot of things, but I too think this kind of crap is very tasteless.... :angry:



    My father is also a vet. What you posted he would totally agree with.

  5. If this has been posted before? If so, I apologize.


    I still remember him from my 10th grade chemistry class at West Seneca West. We always got along, very nice guy. After high school, everybody goes their own way.


    What a shame.


    I couldn't believe it when my brother told me last Friday.


    Rest in peace.


    The 6-foot-3, 309-pound Strzelczyk, who grew up in a suburb of Buffalo, was an 11th-round pick in the 1990 draft out of Maine. He spent nine years with the Steelers and played in the 1995 Super Bowl.



  6. Was that his mother's maiden name?


    I find it funny how Kelly and Bledsoe were both born on Valentine's Day.


    I remember reading somewhere that the probability of getting two people with the same birthday from a RANDOM sampling of 26 people is almost 1.


    So I guess it really isn't too strange?



  7. I don't think all NB's are totally American. I read one of their inserts that they "strive" to use American pieces and assembly, yet it can't always be cost effective.


    Anyway, I am wearing a nice pair of Red Wing safety shoes right now... I think they give you the best protection! :angry:

  8. FOX didn't make it up.  An individual did.  FOX corrected the mistake immediately upon discovering it.  That's pretty damn responsible.  It's also contrary to how CBS handled their "mistake."


    Your response is typical of those with no point to make.  You're concentrating on minutia because of your disagreement with those who made the mistake.  It's one of the largest reasons our country is in the situation we're in.  We spend so much time placing blame there's precious little left to actually fix problems.


    "I really believe that Dan Rather thought the documents were real, and Rather is/was right that the main point of his story was still TRUE!"


    Congrats, lemming...



    In all honesty what is stopping FOX from knowing it was false and playing it until it gets debunked and immediately apologizing?


    I think FOX knows a lot of what they air is false... They just look the other way until it proven wrong. Kinda like a "shotgun" approach, one piece of shot may hit... The ones that are wrong get apologized for right away. It makes them look like a "stand-up" guy.


    Am I making myself clear? It is kinda like a batting average. Fox would be batting say .175. What about those 8 out of 10 times they missed? When do they get pulled for being unproductive? or deemed "entertainment?" Same goes for CBS. I don't think that they are taking the willy-nilly hacks at it like FOX is.

  9. Yeah, I am pretty upset.

    Have you posted any links about people having their heads cut off?



    We are better than the "animals".


    The idea is not to whine and snivel what others are doing but to live up to higher standards and lead by example.


    Does the concept of "turn the other cheek" pass you by?


    There is a time when one must say "let the animals be animals" and resist the urge of becoming one of the animals.


    I know it is tough Bill.

  10. It just goes on with the continuing Muslim appeasement campaign by Europe.  That hasn't made their problem any better.


    Ask the Dutch how much fun they are having.  They now have to take extra police with them into Muslim neighborhoods to GUARD the POLICE cars when they respond to calls.  EMTs won't respond without police escort.



    Sure that was Holland? Why worry about it, it goes on everywhere... Whoop-dee-do.


    Sounds like the activities at the CHA (Chicago Housing Authority) and other neighborhoods? I don't think you have to travel across "The Pond" to see sh*t like that?

  11. A week ago I would have said the 05 draft was without a dominate QB.  After watching Kyle Orton play, I have to retract my statement.  I have no doubt this kid is going to be a star in the NFL.  I would not be surprised if thats who Dallas drafts with our pick.



    Who does he (Orton) play for... I don't follow college that much?

  12. I have always been a Drew supporter and still am. But this really sinks in:


    I'll leave it at 13, which is perfect for this team. The Bills will finish 7-9, or 6-10, hand Dallas a high 1st round pick, and the Bills team will continue to believe that Drew gives us the best chance to win in 2005. Sleep well.


    I am all for Losman starting as soon as he is healthy. If the Bills are going to have a lousy year, no high first round pick, and Losman is the future, you play the future now.


    I still think it is a good choice (picking Losman) obviously they knew that no good high 1st round QB will come out next year? :) The Bills need a future QB.


    Just my logic... :angry:

  13. Hoping somebody dies is a little bit different than criticism  :)



    By NO means I am hoping he dies. But, it is going to happen... Nobody lives for ever and he is getting VERY up in age.


    It would be interesting to fast-forward into a crystal-ball 10 years to see what will happen.


    Nobody goes 0-16 for a long time. They usually turn it around to the top. What scares me is mediocrity.

  14. My understanding was that it was whatever percentage of the vote that gave the candidate victory.  Bush wins with 49% of the popular vote...Bush has a mandate.  :)


    Or maybe I'm just cynical...





    I think that is GWB's story. Maybe terrorist acts automactically give it to you?


    Anyway, I feel we are skating on political thin ice. We can't continue down this road.


    We can't continue to polarize, unstability follows.


    GWB had four years to "fringe" the other side and bring in the middle. He failed. Change horses. He is never going to do it.

  15. If I'm interpreting this post correctly, you are piece of stevestojan loser.



    Maybe it came out wrong/cold but, it is true.


    I also don't trust anybody RW chooses.


    If anything, I see the Bills pulling a "Bears" after Halas past on.


    The pieces are in place.


    Does anybody "bend" Ralph's ear?


    What exactly does the "assistant to the coach" (Rusty Jones) do? Is he just a secretary or "go-for"? I noticed (in the opening day program) he has been around since 1984?


    I know RW is reagarded as a saint. Should he be immune to criticism?


    In the salary cap era, there should be nop excuse to field the best team possible.

  16. As for that play, I imagine that the ref simply assumed Vrabel hadn't heard the whistle, which is a perfectly reasonable assumption, given how loud RWS can get.



    I forgot to add...


    If this isn't some totally "Pat cooking" BS.


    THE BILLS WERE ON OFFENSE AT HOME! You should be able to hear Belichek thinking.


    A total crock and perfectly UNREASONABLE assumption.

  17. My complete and total apology for the snide comments.  I though the original poster was talking about the Vrabel sack late in the game.  I had completely forgotten about the earlier play that he was referring to.  Now you know why I was so incredulous at first.  Again, I most sincerly apologize. :)


    As for that play, I imagine that the ref simply assumed Vrabel hadn't heard the whistle, which is a perfectly reasonable assumption, given how loud RWS can get.



    The ref blows the whistle/signal... The only thing he assumes is that the players HEAR it. They don't, they get a penalty! End of story.


    Next time I let a 9,000 ton tow out of the lock and a 19' pleasure craft attempts to enter against the approaching tow, I'll think I say nothing, assuming that maybe he never saw the signal (flashing red light). :angry::(


    Wait a second... I will be a screaming mother effer in order to stop property damage and loss of life. Maybe he'll (the PC) will lose its turn in the lockage order (that is called a penalty).


    I think they need louder whistles.

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