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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Last year = see below: https://www.espn.com/nfl/stats/team/_/season/2022/seasontype/2 This year = see below: https://x.com/minakimes/status/1724466437190975685?s=20
  2. For the past year +, there have been incessant threads and posts criticizing Dorsey and demanding that he be fired. I could not keep track of how many people started such threads and "official" fire Dorsey threads. Last year people moaned that the offense was not as good as the year before even though that was demonstrably false. As you said, you don't care, but the offense was among the best statistically but people still wanted Dorsey's head and blamed him even though (as players have admitted) the problems were with execution. In the end, we are are 5-5 when we should have been 7-3 because the defense gave up multiple game winning drives after the offense put us in a position to win (not to mention the ridiculous 12 men on the field). McD fed Dorsey to the lions who have been calling for his head. Dorsey did not deserve it or the incessant criticism (in my view).
  3. I agree with your point that Josh deserves his share of the blame. I love the guy and he is perfect for Buffalo and the Bills, but he does deserve his share of the blame certainly.
  4. The first part ignores my point. I am not making an excuse for him. I am making an observation as to why, as Kurt Warner demonstrated, he is not getting his feet set and his rushing throws etc. The second part (preparation) could be part of the problem. To push their narrative, the Dorsey haters ignored those numbers and have had it out for him since last year and ignored these full season numbers from last year: https://www.espn.com/nfl/stats/team/_/season/2022/seasontype/2
  5. Who makes the decision in the moment whether to hand the ball off? Rhetorical question.
  6. https://x.com/minakimes/status/1724466437190975685?s=20
  7. Do you watch football or have you ever played football?!?! My point is that it has gotten into his head. If you cannot see that, we disagree.
  8. I watched the Warner youtube video defending Dorsey/questioning the firing and making the comments that you accurately set forth above. When I listened to what Warner said about Josh not getting his feet set on time etc., I immediately thought that Josh does not trust the protection and/or feels and that is why he reacts the way he does (rushing or failing to make the correct read; escaping the pocket; etc.).
  9. Leslie is a classy guy. P.S. As for the discussion about whether he was telling the truth about whether he was fired to make it sound better, the guy already was fired as a HC. Nearly all coaches get fired at some point in their careers. I also don't think people (owners and HCs) care whether McD fired him or not.
  10. Gabe Davis speaks truths about Dorsey. Unfortunately, some here, on WGR, and McCoach have a narrative they want to push. "We are behind Dorsey 100%"
  11. How do you know? Did his brother post that he is re-energized?
  12. Kurt Warner - In Defense of Dorsey Kurt Warner - In Defense of Dorsey
  13. He is the one who traded the rights to pick Patrick Mahomes. Beane was the one who made all of the moves to pick Allen. Oh, and by the way, I have it on very good authority that Terry was one of the primary people pushing for selecting Josh.
  14. I have read a lot of posts defending McD, but this is a first. So what you are saying is that if and when McClappy gets fired, the Bills' value will decrease by over $2 Billion. Hmmm.
  15. Read the incessant threads about firing Dorsey.
  16. From what I have read here and heard on WGR, Dorsey was what was holding us back. Now that McClappy has thrown Dorsey under the bus, there should be no reason why we should not go undefeated for the rest of the season and win the Super Bowl.
  17. How about don't act like a freaking baby. Don't do the BS that I set forth in a prior post. If he acted like he did up until the Bengals playoff game, I would have no issues with him.
  18. Great player. Total Diva. If he had the high standards and wanted to improve the team, he would not act the way he has: 1) Screaming at Josh on the sidelines; 2) Taking all his Bills stuff down from his Insta account in the off season; 3) Cryptic messages on Insta; 4) Having his brother post about getting out of Buffalo; 5) Demanding the ball even when he is not open causing Josh to try to make him happy and force the ball to him. Real "team leader." There are better ways to display "high standards" than acting like a baby for all the world to see. It is a shame. He was one of my favorite players on the team until he started acting like this. If you think that his behavior is helping the team, we disagree 100% and I cannot help you. Again, great player. Total Diva. I hope he reverts back to the Diggs that I completely respected (especially what he did in the aftermath of his father's untimely death when he was young).
  19. Diggs has been a distraction the entire off season through today. There is a HUUUUGE difference between having high standards and being a complete DIVA. It is shame you cannot see that.
  20. Leave it to Rob Gronkowski to speak truths about Diggs and his b-ll sh-t. https://x.com/heykayadams/status/1724842256333668785?s=20 P.S. Although Rob G is 100% correct about Diva Diggs and his brother, the cap hit precludes a trade.
  21. McCoach blathers on about "accountability" but that apparently is a hollow word when he looks in the mirror. McCoach has thrown others under the bus to deflect from his own issues. I hope Terry makes McCoach accountable. After all, we can say that firing McCoach was part of the "process." Karma is a B--ch.
  22. I also hope there is not something deeper going on with Josh. Notwithstanding the INTs, I love the guy and think he is perfect for Buffalo and the Bills.
  23. This is for you "dude": I posted this elsewhere but it also is pertinent here for all of you Dorsey haters:
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