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Wayne Arnold

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Posts posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. I spent many years in radio, three of those in a major east coast market. The main problems I have with Scope and the Bullfrog are:


    A. Their voices are too similar. Bad idea to team up two people that sound alike. But thats not their fault, that's on the Program Director.


    Ever listen to the Sklar Brothers?


    You make a decent point about Stevie. But Goodwin is seriously looking good in camp. Is your concern that he's going to get hurt and that another guy won't be prepared because they don't get the preseason reps? If it is - based on the past, it's a valid concern. Unless you subscribe to my theory that his injuries were fake.


    I don't care how fast a guy is, how good he looks in his practice jersey, etc. - at some point he has to show that he can make a play against an opposing defense.

  3. I don't get the Coller praise. I could agree with some of his takes but overall the guy was (is) a sanctimonious, arrogant jerk who lied about being a college baseball player. I loved it when Tim Graham called him out for that and embarrassed him. Coller ended up blocking Graham on Twitter like a petulant child who didn't get his way.

  4. Thats not what he said was it ?




    "During training camp last season, he started to feel “a charley horse” on either side of his lower abdominal area. “It started happening during practices and throughout the day, but it would go away,” he said. “During the season, it started getting worse.”



  5. I swear though... If between the injuries and Brady and.... The jets or Dolphins win the division..... I don't like to knee jerk but man I'd want to burn the whole thing down if we missed that opportunity


    Nah. 12 Brady games will be enough to win the division again. They'll probably pull 2 wins out of their butts somehow in the first four games then go 10-2 with the inflation offender. 12-4 will win the division by at least two games.

  6. Is WebMD a reliable source? http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/news/20100830/marijuana-relieves-chronic-pain-research-show How about the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12185373

    Well said. The "rules" argument doesn't work either, the forward pass used to be illegal too. It's time for a real, open thought on the issue.



    Its a sham that its a schedule 1 narcotic which by definition means it has no medicinal value. Yet meth and cocaine are schedule 2 which are incredibly dangerous and addictive and the use of them can cause irreversible harm and death. The Federal government still sends medical marijuana to 3 people every single month for medicinal purposes. The Federal government holds medical patents on the use of cannabis for medical reasons. The Federal government discovered it attacked cancer cells under Gerald Fords administration.


    This nonsense that its a CSA 1 controlled substance is as false as it comes. It not only has medicinal applications, been proven in countless studies and research world wide, but also been proven to be acknowledged by the US Federal Govt in a multitude of documents, patents, programs, etc.


    The ONLY reason its still a CSA1 scheduled drug is because of special interest groups holding it down as long as they can because of Billions of dollars at risks to those groups.


    The NFL should no longer ban the use of it period because athletes both prefer and are safer utilizing cannabis then harmful prescription medications. It should be the choice of the athlete as it is not a performance enhancer on the field. The NFL can still enforce penalties or suspensions to those who get into legal trouble through the use of cannabis all they want, meaning they illegally acquired it or did something stupid while using it like drive and get in a car accident...no different than how they enforce incidents related to alcohol.


    All that being said, its still not allowed by the NFL and athletes need to abide by what is required of them and what the current rules are. Even if the rule is absolutely stupid, out dated, and factually wrong...its still the rule. Just like its STUPID they can't celebrate in the end zone without a penalty, its still the rule and they have to abide by such rules until they are changed. So if Marcell did something stupid in regards to cannabis, then shame on him, not the NFL. But the NFL still NEEDS to change their policy and the players want the change.


    But guys...it's illegal! That's enough proof to show that it's evil and should remain criminalized for all of eternity!!!



    #Bills GM Doug Whaley on Dareus: 'We will not give up on a family member.' @VicCarucci: http://bit.ly/2bySVmj





    A "family member" ? Oh for cripe's sake - if Dareus was a dime-a-dozen player he would be cut faster than you could say "Don't let the door hit you in the ass, fam."


    Family member my butt.

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