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Wayne Arnold

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Posts posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. From a football perspective I disagree with Kapernick taking an action which at best is a distraction from the immediate football goal of winning the game.


    However, as a human being, I agree with Kap on the substance that it is the "right" thing for a perceived leader (deservedly or not stud athletes are role models for kids) to take a stand in favor of the rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness of an aggrieved party in US society.


    I totally agree that Kap as an American has every right to protest even far more vigorously than simply not hand over hearting when the anthem is played. He can burn the flag for all I care (in the proper setting - like in a protest in the public square but not out of the blue prior to a game) and be wellwithin hs rights as an American.


    However, as a football fan his protest is merely a distraction from the game.


    Pro football is unimportant "mere" entertainment in the big picture. I do not find Kap doing the "right" thing to be very entertaining for this fan.


    I watch football to forget about important stuff!


    By your logic, the anthem itself is a distraction from the game.

  2. I remember when Muhammad Ali was vilified for refusing induction into the Army when the Vietnam War was raging. His principled stand turned out to be the right thing to do when view through the lens of history.


    Not even close to being comparable, imo.


    Ali refused to join a war which we know now was a war we should have never been fighting in - and had intelligent, logical reasons for his refusal. Ali was able to vocalize his innovative ideas which generated discussion (ie heated debates) then and those ideas are still used today.


    While Ali was protesting a true national policy (a war), Kaep is protesting isolated incidents.


    Even if Kaep somehow starts a movement with this silly thing - what's going to change? How can one change natural occurrences within a society and actions from individuals by protesting a country's flag and anthem? Even if one thinks the flag symbolizes government polices - there's no U.S. policy that calls for the mistreatment of black people.


    Monumental differences between the two.


    This is another way of saying " live and let live."


    No, it's not.


    I couldn't disagree more with Kaepernick here but I'd honestly rather see a person do something like this if he truly feels strongly about an issue than do nothing. As dumb and disrespectful as I think a public figure intentionally sitting for the national anthem is - at least he's passionate enough about what he perceives to be an injustice to make a sacrifice for a cause.


    To me, that's much more admirable than those who agree with what he's doing, yet won't do the same - not because they respect all of the patriots who have defended our freedom and made sacrifices that has led us closer to equality (what the flag symbolizes) but because it would put a dent in their bank accounts.

  4. The attached link is the same link that I used in a previous response to this topic. I respectfully but strenuously disagree with you that all communities are treated the same by the police. The Department of Justice recently did an extensive investigation of the Baltimore Police Department. Their condemning conclusions can be found in the link. This is the type of police behavior that CK was addressing with his controversial stance when the National Anthem was played.




    And this is where so many people think Kaepernick is...*ahem* misguided.


    The flag and anthem should symbolize everything good about the United States. The freedoms and equality so many patriots of all races have fought and died for over the last 250 years are honored during each anthem. Making a public spectacle as a public figure by intentionally sitting down for it is basically spitting in the face of each and every one of those who made such tremendous sacrifices. And for what? Because of isolated incidents due to systematic flaws within our police department and justice system?


    Does he honestly believe that the United States intentionally persecutes against any race? And that the flag symbolizes that continued persecution? If he believes that, then he's simply not bright.


    And if he realizes that systemic racism is a natural flaw within our society which has resulted in blacks and other minorities being mistreated since the colonies declared independence and we continue to make strides toward eliminating that flaw to allow for equality for all races - and he still sits down for the anthem, then he's simply an *expletive*.


    Two choices.

  5. We need to move on from EJ cause we need Cardale Jones to be ready to assume #2 when EJ's rookie contract runs out. We are 4 years in and if he is still looking like a deer in the headlights I think odds are that isnt going to magically change. All of you working for the social media team for the PR firm he hired have done a good job but didnt have much to work with. Kudos to you.


    How was EJ a deer in the headlights? He performed very well on Friday and led the team to a come-from-behind win.

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