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Wayne Arnold

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Posts posted by Wayne Arnold


    That pick is huge. Definitely will be the biggest contribution EJ has made to the franchise. I agree to keep him then let him walk for that.


    In that case...watch for Whaley to trade Manuel shortly before New Year's for a conditional 7th.

  2. That article was very poorly written.


    You know you're dealing with a gem when he can't even get the facts right...


    Rex Ryan has been an NFL head coach for seven seasons. Care to guess how many winning seasons he's had? The unavoidable answer: One. Just a single season, all the way back in 2010, when a team he led finished above .500.

  3. Can't wait to see @OldTakesExposed re-post this article five years from now.

    "There's no joy in this. I like Rex Ryan, what he stands for and who he is, but good times and jolly moments and jokes about tattoos and toes don't cut it at this level. This isn't the local Elk's Lodge. This is the National Football League."


    Yeah - no joking around. This football stuff is serious business!


    Sorry Blokes but I knew he would get injured eventuality due to his frailty, just thought it would be in a game.


    Theses players are getting smaller and faster leading to more injuries.


    The game was a lot more fun when it was based on smashmouth football with bigger and slower players who could take more of a beating due to their size and with less force on them due to their slightly less speed.


    lol this was a freak injury. Quarterbacks not named Romo these days rarely get injured and can play until they're 50. Starting QB's usually missed at least two or three games per season in the 90's. Now, it's rare for a QB to play less than 15 or 16 games.


    You're not paying attention to this thread if you don't think there has been a number of posters slamming him for speaking out.


    You know what promises change never happens? Not speaking out. Or being cowed into silence by the brainwashed masses that think protesting elements of the country which are flawed is the same thing as disrespecting the entire country.


    You know you're dealing with an open-minded person who's all for open debate and embracing other ideas when he pulls the "brainwashed" card.


    Since when did the National Anthem become a thank you to veterans and fallen soldiers?


    When I stand and place my hand over my heart (which is 100% of the time) it's because I love my country and I'm grateful for my rights and freedoms.


    We have Veterans Day and Memorial Day to honor those who fought and those who died.


    Um...how do you think those rights and freedoms came to be?


    "Freedom isn't free."


    Count me as a veteran who was not offended by this.


    He sat down. It's not like he ran to the middle of the field and burned an American flag. He simply didn't stand up.


    Do I agree with it? No.


    Is it his right? Yes.


    Does it affect anyone on the face of the earth? Absolutely not.


    Personally, I get more offended when people are on their cell phones during school concerts. This is a non-issue.


    I didn't say it was offensive. I said it was disrespectful.


    I appreciate your not being offended but that's why we stand for the national anthem - to show respect for the concept of freedom and equality and honor those who fought and died for those things. Otherwise what are we doing?


    I'm not lumping those things together, the folks saying he's disrespecting vets are.


    No veteran died for his right to play football. They served and died for his right to freely express his opinions. Saying that a guy who's exercising the very rights those "patriots" died for is somehow disrespecting them is to miss the entire point of their sacrifice.


    Asking him not to protest because it's offensive to vets is disrespecting what those vets fought and died for way more than what CK is doing. Sorry, you're way off base on this one.


    No one is saying he shouldn't protest. People are saying he's wrong to protest the very thing that symbolizes freedom and equality. You're just as misguided as he is.


    Protesting the flag, or the country, or the government, or the police is not the same as disrespecting vets. That's just not a thing.


    Why are you lumping all of those things together? Focus on the topic at hand. Protesting the national anthem is absolutely disrespectful not only of vets but of all American patriots (Tubman, MLK, Robinson, Ali, Parks, etc.) who have made sacrifices while striving toward equality.


    Disrespecting a symbol that means a lot to many americans makes him a dirtbag.


    Disrespecting a symbol of a country that allowed him to experience wealth that NONE of his ancestors could have dreamed of makes him a dirtbag.


    He has the right to say or do what he wants. But he has no right to emotional protection from the response he deserves.


    He's not a dirtbag. He's misguided. And he shouldn't be vilified for being misguided.



    Love it.. I want to see more people protest what this country is becoming..To me its about wallstreet abuse and the politicians who kowtow to it..Way to much money pouring into politics and way to many people unwilling to stand up to it but would rather whine about all the other BS


    You want to see more people protest a ceremony meant to honor those who have fought and died and made sacrifices for our freedom and endeavors toward equality?


    That's messed up.

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