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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. Who can forget the cash for clunkers campaign. Lol
  2. The Clintons? I agree, they're a bunch of hypocrites.
  3. Can someone explain to me the grounds on which they plan on impeaching Trump? As far as I know, he hasn't broken any laws.
  4. That's how you got that sweet gig at Soro's laundromat!
  5. Did gleeful gator get you a job at Soro's laundromat?
  6. Lol, the dems have cornered the market on being triggered, melting down. The left runs on nothing but emotions and feelings. Did you get a tingle down your leg when Obama was elected. The left is constantly projecting their own actions on the right. This has to be the funniest post I've seen in dsys. I don't consider you a leftwing nut. ?
  7. What a great president he is. I can't remember when's the last time a president has put the country first like President Trump. He has become the leftwing nuts daddy!!
  8. Not if you only have 200 miles of wall. You don't need to be a genius to know they will just go around it. That's why we need to finish the job. It's not even half done yet you come to the brilliant conclusion that it doesn't work. You're amazing ignorant if you believe that.
  9. I agree he's accomplished more in two years than Obama in eight. Harris, Booker, warren and whoever else they can dig up between now and 2020 have very little chance of beating him, IMHO. Just for the fact of what he's done already. Another 2 years like the past two, he's a lock to win again. The left is terrified of losing again.
  10. I would go with you're full of *****. Six more years of Daddy Trump!! You'll never make it. Lol!!!!
  11. Who's your daddy??? President Trump is!!!! Lol!!!!!!!
  12. That's awesome! With the sorry excuses on the left who might run won't give President Trump much trouble. I bet he will beat whoever gets chosen on the left more than he whipped Hillary. Lol!!! Six more years of tears from the left!?
  13. The only reason the dems want Romney to run is, they think they can beat Romney. The dems know they don't have a chance against Trump. Six more years. Get used to it libs.....
  14. The only girl here is you. F'n crybaby. Boo hoo Trump bad Boo hoo Hillary lost. I love watching you melt down snowflake.
  15. Will the illegal immigrants be allowed to keep their own doctor?
  16. Can you show me proof tariffs are to blame and not the product or the management at Apple? Why should we (the American people) care about Apple and there profits if we're not effected by it? I put country first, do you?
  17. What does this have to do with Trump? Apple is a business. Like all businesses, they need to adjust or be run out of business. They expected 89 billion in profits but only made 84 billion. My heart bleeds for them.
  18. All those feelings must keep you up at night. All you have is opinions. No facts. You're still a loser, try harder next time.
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