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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. I don't think I'm arguing with myself. Nor have a contradicted myself at any point. Let me see if I can explain why your correlative analogies don't work while mine does. When you have a massive flooding of variables you'll find false and misleading correlation all the time. Some of it may be viable and some of it is popter hoc. Now, we can use a test called a CCM, witch stands for Convergent Cross Mapping. This is a tool used to rule out illusory correlation. When applied to something like car ownership and murder rates you'll find that there is nothing to suggest causation. When applied to car ownership and car insurance sales you'll find evidence of a strong causation relationship. Get it? So correlation there would make a strong case that people who buy cars also buy insurance for those cars. When you apply CCM to green house gasses and atmospheric temperature you'll find a strong causation relationship. Therefore it could be inferred that a rise in green house gasses could be causing the Earth's temperature to rise. Is this irrefutable evidence? No. But the case is too strong to ignore. There have been some studies and models in recent years that have been able to make a case that global warming/climate change is a normal part of the Earth's cycle and that the correlation between the Earth's temperature and CO2 is illusory but nothing to rule out man made global warming theory. An analogy that I like to use is: I have high blood pressure. We know that eating mass amounts of salty foods can cause your blood pressure to rise. This doesn't mean that it's the salt I'm eating that is causing my blood pressure to spike, but I cut salty foods out of my diet anyways as a means of precaution. The same should be true of our carbon emissions. We can't afford to take a chance and be wrong. Mother nature is one B word you don't want to !@#$ with. Hopefully this cleared up your misunderstandings.
  2. I know! Don't worry bro we're cool! It is kind of true when talking about a bachelor's degree. I did my bachelor's in social work/sociology so I would be able to get a job in the field.
  3. Holy !@#$ing **** Batman! Let me see if I can break it down into kindergarten terms for you. If you cannot establish a demonstrable causation between variable A and variable B your correlation is meaningless (or propter hoc as we say in the business). I really don't know what kind of idiotic point you're trying to prove. There is a demonstrable causation relationship between CO2 and greenhouse effect. There is no demonstrable causation between car ownership and gun violence. See how that works? There is actually quite a bit that can be done with a degree in sociology. Honda Civic. But I think I'm going to get a new one now that my little H fell of the front. I mean, what's the use of having a Honda if you can't show it off?
  4. So I guess you really are that stupid. I just received my Masters degree in Sociology. I've spent that last few years of my life running statistics. If you were to run a simple CCM you would find that there is no demonstrable causation relationship between car ownership and gun violence. So we would call your idiotic correlative statements "Post hoc ergo propter hoc" induced by mass variable grouping. So no, by my own words I do not have to admit that car ownership leads to gun violence, or that ice cream leads to murder. What your idiotic drivel has to do with rational thought and the scientific method... That is something that I'm sure only "correlates" in your head.
  5. Sorry I don't have the time you do to spend reading every thread here. It must suck to not have much of a life. The North Pole dipshit!! Polar Express was clearly marked on the side of the train. But in all seriousness, you have to admit the part where they made the lady kneel in the street while they shot her in the back of the head was pretty damning.
  6. Guns need to be taken away from people because someone might accidentally shoot of their dick. End of thread.
  7. Unfortunately for you, you are on the wrong side of the point you're trying to make. We know that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We have a warming trend that is correlating with an uptick in CO2. And yes, correlation does not always equal causation, but it makes a pretty good case. You're looking at that trend and saying bull **** to causation. Now you have to prove it. There are no reputable sources that have ever debunked climate change as not being man made.
  8. How do you know this was not an "unreasonable" search? How do you know that they didn't have a warrant to search the house? How the hell do we know you're not a troll?
  9. I think I would be more scared if a butterfly landed on my desk at work than if this dude gave the order to fire.
  10. The biggest problem I have with this "pay cut" is that the sequestration isn't causing people in most cases to have to take pay cuts. It's putting some people right out of a job. If he really wanted to "feel our pain" so to speak he should do what Romney did and refuse his entire paycheck for the year.
  11. If you think that's bad, there are "ambulances" in Russia designed with the interior of limos.
  12. Who was the mercy for? Her or him? Ok, I kid, I kid! But seriously, as well as I believe that what he did was a mercy killing. She was suffering and didn't want to spend the rest of her life in a NH. I don't know if this would be considered a slippery slope or not. I mean perhaps a person could kill their wife out of spite and claim it was a mercy killing later. I know that seems a little far fetched but look as some of the crap that ends up being claimed as a defense for murder already. The judge made the right call in this case. I don't think this man is a danger to society and should not be in prison. But we need to move more towards the laws we see in states like Oregon. When the end is near and your suffering is great. You should have the right to end your own life. Maybe a better way to do this though would have been to let her do it herself. Though if the MS had progressed enough she may not have been able to hold the gun.
  13. I hate to ruin you old man "back in my day" rant session with the news that kids are still playing these games. I have three daughters and they're playing **** like this. The other day they were playing this game where my 6 year old was riding her big wheel down the street while my ten year old was bashing her from behind with her bike. My six year old would try to turn her at the last second and knock my older daughter off her bike.
  14. When I played High School Football I was a Safety. I loved playing that position because I liked hitting people really hard without being blocked. Does this make me a bad person? Were you hit in the head a few times with those rocks? That might explain a few things...
  15. I've taken this twice and both times was a strong INFJ.
  16. As a person who has had to work with numerous people who really had to do this while washing dishes in order to keep themselves or their families from going hungry I was a little enraged by this... I guess it was supposed to be a joke. But then I remember that this mentality is on it's way out in the United States and it warms my heart. Mom is at home with the kids. Can you read? Or just have a problem comprehending what you read?
  17. The CIA is useless. We need Team America, World Police on this one. Didn't they go after turkaturkastan? Let's see you point that nation out on a map Tom!
  18. Are you kidding. I find Todd Akin the perfect answer to the question of why Obama isn't hiring more women to be White House aids. As well as "Because the sky is blue". or "to get to the other side". But for reals, I do find it strange that a person who built part of his platform on the betterment of women's lives doesn't seem to put much faith in women when he's hiring.
  19. Tom, you lose. You brought up the Nazis.
  20. Uh oh. The conspiracy theories are getting worse...
  21. In most cases you cannot pay a flat salary unless the person is in a managment position. When it come to hiring more people, you need to factor in the cost of the bennies you're goingt to be paying out per new hire. In the end, it may be the cheaper option to pay overtime.
  22. Has anyone gone for Landry yet? Bird at FS and Lanrdy and SS? That would be one hell of a tandem.
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