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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Understanding is knowing the difference between illusory and positive correlation. I don't have to believe anything. The idea that the correlation between ice cream and murder is the same as correlation between CO2 and Climate is crazy at best. Now I would like you to find a data map proving that the correlation between car ownership and gun violence in not illusory.
  2. Much like a Fox News anchor you guys seem to be under the impression that your forcefully stated opinion constitutes fact. A fine is not extortion. But please, tell me more about this government extortion racket that seems to be taking place now. I'd love to hear all about it.
  3. Ok, lets see if we can break this down into simple kindergarten terms so that you can understand you claim better. If a person is extorting another person they are using their office to try to obtain money or some other thing of value for personal gain. It's usually done with the threat of physical harm or the destruction of your personal standing. If this woman was going to the bar and saying pay me x amount of dollars or I'll use the weight of my office to fine you, that would be extortion. A fine is a sum of money imposed for an offense or dereliction. Do you see the difference? So yes claiming that the end game of this "government extortion" is a fine is to equate it to the physical or personal damage done to a person who has been the victim or extortion. A fine is not extortion. The reason for the fine in this case is unfounded and will be overturned on appeal. There's another difference between a fine and extortion. If someone is extorting money from you, you don't have recourse. Do you understand now? No? And I really don't know what you're trying to get at with resource allocation. What, Obama and friends are going to launch a complete takeover or the nation starting with fining a bar? While I'm sure that the idea of shoving your hand up another man's ass is gives you a hard-on I'm not your sock puppet. Most of the time I just ignore your stupid crap. When I'm not on for long stretches chances are I'm living in the real world, working, taking care of my family, working on papers for school... I'm sorry that your life is so empty that this place is the only thing you have for human contact.
  4. Normally I just ignore you dumb ass. But this is just funny as hell. You really buy that ****? Obama supporters are in hiding? If someone isn't posting in here for a while it's most likely due to the fact that they're living their life in the real world. You know, we have kids, jobs. Some of us work full time while going to school and raising a family. We just don't have time to spend all day on a message board listening to arrogant idiots like you and Tom. I'm sorry that your life is so boring and apathetic that you have live it by proxy on a message board. No, it doesn't change your point, which was stupid anyways. It just proves that you don't even bother to pay attention to what you're reading. But I think I like this new conspiracy theory you're asserting. So besides gaining power by getting everyone hooked on food stamps and government assistance, the government is also running an extortion racket.
  5. We can tell how well you were paying attention while reading this article since you don't even know that this "fat-ass overpaid NYS government desk jockey" was female. Yet you expect to be taken seriously when you claim that this is some sort of government shakedown. You guys are really attached to this "government extortion" thing. I need to come here more often. You guys are always worth a laugh.
  6. I'm trying to generalize it? No, you're trying to make this about the CCM because you cannot us any type of data mapping to show that a rise in CO2 correlating with a rise in global temperature is illusory correlation. However, you can use data mapping to show illusory correlation between car ownership and gun violence. I've stated this a bunch of times now in this thread and you keep asserting that they are the same. They are not. I have to hand it to you Tom, no one beats the **** out of their own straw man argument like you.
  7. I read what you said again, and my assertion still stands. Only in you wacked out mind does paying a fine equate with having your kneecaps broken. And the fact that you think the government is going to spend it's "almost limitless resources" to collect a 25 hundred dollar fine proves that you a) have no idea how that system works, and b) you are an idiot.
  8. Tom, you're a history buff aren't you. Do you know if there is any truth to what my college history teacher was claiming? The only thing I've found corroborating his claim is blogs.
  9. I agree with you on Clinton's impeachment. And you were right there, Clinton lied to a grand jury and not congress. Thank you for correcting me. I also agree with you the Nixon should, and would have been removed from office had he not resigned. Johnson we could argue about for days. I had a history teacher in college that claimed southern plantation owners would show up at his office and he would make them do things like bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken and if they did this he would pardon them. I've never found anything concrete to corroborate what he was saying, but if that was true I think it would constitute a severe abuse of power and therefore reasonable argument for impeachment.
  10. What I see here is a bar fighting an unfair decision. These are the kinds of hiccups you're going to see in a society where we are trying to ensure equal rights. They want the bar settle now because they know a judge isn't going to enforce their fine. The bar is doing the right thing. This is how the system works. This is a fine, not extortion. Only in KD's wacked out mind does a fine equate with being dragged out back by a bunch of thugs and having your kneecaps broken. Is the city running an extortion racket by enforcing a fine on people who speed?
  11. That's it guys. Get it all out. Let all the feelings out. You can tell yourself it isn't hate. This is a safe place.
  12. :wallbash: Holy. ****. You. dumb. mother. !@#$er. The CCM is an example I am using, that I am more familiar with, because it is new and quickly becoming widely used and accepted as a viable form of data mapping. The. Point. I. Am. Trying. To. Get. Across. To you're idiotic as is: You don't need to data map car ownership and insurance sales to know they effect each other. It's a given. But if you did, you would find that the correlation in that point would indicate causation. You don't need CCM to find out that clouds cause rain. But if you did you would find a strong causation to correlation relationship. And you don't need to data map to find that CO2 has a relationship with green house effect. But if you did... And you don't need to use the CCM to data map. There are plenty of other methods available. Now, can you find a data map (it doesn't even have to be a CCM) that shows a strong causation to correlation between car ownership and gun violence be my guest. But I doubt you will. Therefore your argument that car ownership's correlation with gun violence is the same type of correlation as CO2 with global climate change is a load of ****. You keep bringing this back to the CCM because you don't have a real argument. So please, enjoy Siguhara's paper. Then come back and try to argue the point instead of running off down a rabbit hole when you don't have a point to be made. So now, are you a physicist? Or are you so incredibly good at it that you don't even work in the field? And sorry I forgot what your degree was in. I keep forgetting that your sense of self importance dictates that we should know everything you've ever told us.
  13. I think we would all agree that this is terrible. But did you get the part where they were arrested for murder? That's the tipping point in this case. The stand your ground law was written so vague that Z. was never arrested. Martin's parents thought this wasn't fair and turned the case over to the court of public opinion. If anything the takeaway from this should be that the stand your ground law needs to be tweaked.
  14. Wow man, that's !@#$ed up! What the hell is wrong with him!
  15. Andrew Johnson completely undermined the entire plan for reconstruction of the Union while congress was out of session. Clinton lied to congress while under oath.
  16. No, that's not what I've said at all. This does nothing but display your fundamental lack of understanding statistical data points and how a test like CCM is applied. But please continue to chase your own tail. It's fun for me to watch. What did you major in anyways? Arrogant stupidity? If so, you got your money's worth.
  17. Forget it you're hopeless. I forgot that when you don't know what you're talking about you go off on these weird diatribes acting like you don't understand because the person isn't able to explain it to you correctly. It's like playing chess with a parrot. No matter how the game goes in the end you knock over the pieces, **** all over the board, and strut around like you're victorious. Think what you will but being arrogant doesn't make you intelligent. Whatever dude, I forgot that when you don't know what you're talking about trying to argue out a point
  18. He probably just has you confused with someone else. That's funny though, a fight at the home opener...
  19. For the record, Meazza PMed me once. I cannot recall if I responded or not. But it was in no way snide or nasty. Just sent me something as a side note. Perhaps, Joe, you misunderstood what he meant?
  20. You seem to be confused as to the difference between referencing data and giving an example. If I was referencing data my claim would have been followed by a link to an actual study. The example of car ownership to insurance is also an example. I used one with direct causation to try to make it easy for you to understand. Also, CCM has been around longer than a year though it has only been published and accepted as a reasonable way to manage data to find causation in the past year or so. Really dude, let it go. You don't know what you're talking about and your opinion, regardless of how forcefully you state it, does not constitute fact.
  21. Regardless of who's administration this happened under it needs to be looked at. Just because I tend to leans more toward the direction that Obama is taking the nation doesn't mean he, or his administration can do no wrong. He !@#$ed up, four people died as a result, he needs to be called out. Wow, she sounds just like Yoda. And yes Hilary, it does make a difference. You know what really transpired, you lied about it to the American people. The least you owe us is admission you screwed up.
  22. Wow man, just ...wow. I knew you were a french fry short of a happy meal, but a post like this takes the cake.
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