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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Every time someone is caught having unprotected sex, the IRS should levy a "penalty" against both parties. I'm all for it, so long as his house is thoroughly searched at 3am and 6pm each and every day. You know, just in case he hid his guns somewhere they didn't find on the last search of his home. There shall be no requirement that law enforcement clean up any messes that may ensue from searching his home.
  2. Not that I want to defend that asshat Kerry or the incompetent 'Chosen One', but Israel does itself no favors playing games like announcing new settlements a day or two prior to every scheduled visit by a US diplomat, in an effort to antagonize everyone and scuttle any attempts at furthering a negotiated peace.
  3. Maybe 30 years ago when she wasn't horrible looking... Now it's just cringeworthy.
  4. It may not be sleeping, but the country is better managed when he's on the links.
  5. I have no problem with that proposed team name. After all, the derogatory nickname "Browns" is an insult to not only black people and those of Arabic/Persian descent for making fun of the color of their skin, but is also insulting to all of the other colors of the rainbow. As a white fan of the Buffalo Bills who lives several hundred miles from the Cleveland area, I must demand that the Cleveland Browns change their name as it offends me.
  6. What I found most shocking is that people actually believed she wanted to be a senator for reasons other than setting up a future presidential bid. Though it used to be fun to ask people who claimed she did so much for NY for specifics of what she actually did in the Senate.
  7. Because people who aren't of Arab decent that live nowhere near that area are acting like they're offended. Therefore the name, logo, team and shorts need to be changed.
  8. They don't want her being caught saying anything stupid until she's ready to begin her run sometime late next year or early 2015 (when everyone has forgotten about Benghazi and she can run as the "you should have voted for me in 2008 instead of Obama" Democrat candidate). Looks like right now she's doing the minimum she can to keep her head down and still maintain relevance on a national stage while making a buttload of money for these speeches. As for the Whitman comparison, does anyone really believe that the press is going to do anything other than to give Hillary a pass on her "evasiveness"?
  9. There will be an executive order around August either extending the mandate again or preventing employers from informing employees until November 15th. OBEY!
  10. I have to take issue with this part of the article. What were the Secret Service and Capitol Police supposed to do, find her medical records and subject her to a mental health evaluation as she refused to stop and careened towards the White House in a car that could have been carrying hundreds of pounds of explosives? The author also seems to misunderstand that there's a big whopping difference between local police and federal agencies. It's really interesting to me that he also thinks it means something that his mother lived for four years (as a child) under Nazi occupation. Hey, my dad is a combat veteran of the Viet Nam War, does that make me a jungle warfare expert? It's a rather idiotic comparison for this dumbass author to make: a guy who was violated by (*^*&%^$^#cops who most likely thought it was hilarious to subject this man to invasive medical procedures and federal agents charged with protecting the executive branch of government opening fire on a vehicle that refused to stop as it entered a high-security area.
  11. That's just crazy racist nonsense. There is only white (or white hispanic) on black crime.
  12. Because it's their civic duty to pay their "fair share", so that the less fortunate can live off their money.
  13. It will also need to be known whether or not he ever strapped a dog to his car roof, whether or not he bullied a kid 50 years ago or how many women he gave cancer to.
  14. Not always. He did take responsibility for the the difficult decision to order other people to undertake the raid that killed bin Laden (and had a scapegoat admiral ready to blame if it went wrong).
  15. That's the point. If the Democrats block it, they look disingenuous and partisan (moreso) at the expense of the common person. If they vote for it and it passes, the GOP takes credit for helping to fix a major problem with Obamacare. I think the GOP is betting that the Democrats are not going to turn their backs on Obama and actually concede that they lied to and misled the American public, so that GOP can say next year that they tried to uphold the promise that you could keep your healthcare, but the Democrats and Obama blocked it.
  16. You're correct in this. No one could have predicted the level of carelessness, recklessness and incompetence displayed by Obama's administration, especially since the regime kept the $500,000,000 process of creating the website a secret with their no-bid contract.
  17. No no, that's "transparent" regime in American political history. Just ask them.
  18. His honesty is somewhat malleable. He claimed he never answered whether or not he smoked crack because no one asked him "correctly", despite being asked that direct question repeatedly by press members verbally and by at least one news outlet in writing.
  19. I hope you're close enough to the county line to buy your food over there.
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