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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. We DARE You to Read The Hill's List of 'Notable Republicans' Crossing Over to Support Biden WITHOUT Laughing The Hill thought it was newsworthy to list Republicans who may cross over to vote for Biden against Trump. And they wanted people to know these Republicans are PROMINENT. Here's the list from The Hill: Geoff Duncan (who?) Michael Steele - Meh Adam Kinzinger - Democrat Lite Sarah Matthews (who?) Yeah, that's it. Now, The Hill says there are some Republicans who haven't ruled out supporting Biden. Cassidy Hutchinson - Biden can have this liar. Mitt Romney - Shocker. Liz Cheney - HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Mark Esper - (who?) And then, there are Republicans who have ruled out both Biden and Trump. Mike Pence - Meh again. Chris Christie - Trump lost Chris-py Creme! Oh no! Paul Ryan - Who is this guy again? Asa Hutchinson - Awww, someone has sour grapes. Sounds like a bunch of whiners, nobodies, and LOSERS to us. https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/05/16/list-of-notable-republicans-crossing-over-to-support-biden-over-trump-n2396298
  2. Well, Well, Well, WHAT Do We Have HERE?! Biden Family Bank Accounts NEWLY Discovered Seem Shady AF Another day, another bizarre bank account, transaction, etc. somehow connected to the Biden Crime Family. At this point, it's hard to keep track of what is new and what is old but guys, all of this looks shady and corrupt AF. And this man is the leader of the free world. Don't even get us started. Patrick Webb with the breaking news about NEW bank accounts from the Biden Family: BREAKING: New bank accounts of the Biden family have been found which were used with the sole purpose of receiving money being laundered from China, Romania, and Russia as a result of the family’s influence peddling while Joe was Vice President, with over $240,000 in checks being directly wired to Joe Biden with no explanation of what services were provided in exchange for the payments. With no explanation. Ya' don't say? https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/05/16/new-bank-accounts-discovered-for-biden-family-n2396297 .
  3. 148 House Democrats Vote to Block Deportation of Illegal Aliens Who Attack Cops By Ward Clark https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/05/16/148-house-democrats-vote-to-block-deportation-of-illegal-aliens-who-attack-cops-n2174275 ,
  4. Back to the thread. Black voters fleeing Biden and Democrats over inflation and extremism. By Paul Bedard Black voters are trending away from President Joe Biden and Democrats, frustrated that Democrats are not addressing kitchen table issues as they grab for extreme matters to woo leftists, according to a broad poll of 39 battleground congressional districts. In the new survey from Cygnal, conducted in 20 states, Democrats are struggling to maintain their edge with black and women voters, “two traditionally reliable Democrat voting blocs.” https://www.cygn.al/battleground-poll-trumps-first-term-approval-hits-new-highs-only-3-percent-of-voters-support-antisemitic-protests-voters-reject-bidens-title-ix-changes/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/3004475/black-voters-fleeing-biden-democrats-inflation-extremism/
  5. Dexter Taylor Gives Fiery Statement Before Judge Hands Down 10-Year Sentence for Gunsmithing Hobby Brooklyn-based software engineer Dexter Taylor was sentenced on Monday to ten years in prison for building firearms in his own home. Last month, he was convicted on 13 counts related to his building and possessing rifles and pistols. The 53-year-old New Yorker’s story has garnered increasing attention on digital, with many expressing outrage over his conviction and sentencing. Much of the anger involved Judge Abena Darkeh’s admonishment that the Second Amendment could not be mentioned by Taylor’s defense during the trial and the apparent bias shown by the court. Just before his sentencing, Taylor was allowed to make a statement addressing the court. The following comes from a transcript of the court proceedings. (at the link) https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/05/15/dexter-taylor-gives-fiery-statement-before-judge-hands-down-10-year-sentence-for-gunsmithing-hobby-n2174262
  6. Robert Kennedy Is Crushing Ballot Access Expectations and Is Ready to Upend the 2024 Election. https://pjmedia.com/rick-moran/2024/05/15/robert-kennedy-is-crushing-ballot-expectations-and-is-ready-to-upend-the-2024-election-n4929065#google_vignette
  7. "We’re not judging you for the soap that you use. But, collectively, that can add up as billions of people wash their hands or bathe..." "... hundreds or thousands of times a year. If you’re so inclined, it makes sense to switch to a more eco-friendly product. Just understand that there may be a trade-off between sustainability and comfort. 'The consumer has to decide: Are they serious about where their soap comes from, whether it’s synthetic or natural?...'" From "Bar soap or body wash: Which is best for your skin and the planet? Depending on its ingredients and packaging, your soap could cut as much as a third of the carbon emissions from your next shower" (WaPo). https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2024/05/16/bar-soap-liquid-body-wash-sustainability/
  8. Joe Biden Already Backing Off 'Any Time, Any Place' on Debates After Donald Trump Calls His Bluff As reported earlier, after months of being egged on by Donald Trump to step up and participate in presidential debates, President Joe Biden said on Twitter Wednesday morning that he was challenging the former POTUS to two of them, which Biden suggested should be held in June and September. "Well, make my day, pal, I’ll even do it twice," Biden said in a pre-recorded, heavily edited 14-second video. "So let’s pick the dates, Donald – I hear you’re free on Wednesdays." Itching for the opportunity, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee accepted the challenge, and not long after, it was announced that CNN would be hosting the June debate, with ABC News hosting the September one. https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2024/05/15/biden-already-backing-off-any-time-any-place-on-debates-after-trump-calls-his-bluff-n2174246 .
  9. Border Crisis Explodes: Shocking Data Reveals Over 1.6 Million 'Gotaways' Under Biden Administration by Jeff Charles It appears illegal immigrants are “getting away” from Border Patrol under the Biden administration in record numbers. New data reveals a drastic uptick in the number of illegals eluding the authorities amid the crisis at the southern border. The data, obtained by Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin, reveals that over 1.6 million "gotaways" were recorded in Fiscal Year 2021 through 2023 — compared to 1.4 million from FY 2010 through 2020 — and over 175,000 “gotaways” have been recorded in this fiscal year, reflecting a marked increase from prior administrations over the past 13 years. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/05/15/border-crisis-explodes-shocking-data-reveals-over-16-million-gotaways-under-biden-administration-n2174240#google_vignette .
  10. The Biden Reelection Strategy Bidenites believe they can reelect an unhealthy, unpopular, and unsuccessful president by any means necessary. And they may be right. By Victor Davis Hanson Joe Biden polls at or below 40 percent approval. Historically, such unpopularity has made it almost impossible for a president to be reelected. His age advances by the hour. His voice falters, his memory fades, and his gait is reduced to short steps, with his arms, winglike and in tandem, offering balance. Biden is not so much an octogenarian as an unhealthy and prematurely aging 80-year-old. It is America’s irony that he is fit for almost no other job in the country other than President, which apparently allows for a 3-day-a-week ceremonial role while others in the shadows run the country. So how does Biden become renominated and reelected, as polls show he is behind in almost every critical swing state on nearly every issue? Answer: not by campaigning, not by championing his record, and especially not by doubling down on his neo-socialist and now unpopular agendas. Instead, his campaign is focused on four other strategies to beat Donald Trump. First, left-wing local, state, and federal prosecutors are tying Trump up in court on crimes that have never been seen before and will never be again after the election. All the cases are politically motivated, with many coordinated with the White House. Even if Trump is not convicted by blue-state prosecutors, in blue-state courtrooms, in front of blue-state juries, he will lose critical campaigning time. Trump may end up paying out $1 billion in legal fees and fines. At 76, the monotonous days in court are designed to destroy him financially, physically, and mentally. Biden and his operatives know that, in the long term, they may have fatally damaged the American legal system with such judicial sabotage. But short-term, they hope to destroy Trump before the ballots are cast. Second, in his fourth year, Biden is suddenly selling government favors to special-interest voting blocs, or hoping to bring short-term relief to voters at the expense of long-term damage to the nation. For elite college students and graduates, there are now billions of dollars in student-loan cancellations, despite a Supreme Court ruling declaring such targeted contractual amnesties illegal. For consumers, before the election, Biden will likely drain the last drops from the critical Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gas prices—now sky-high due to his previous disastrous green policies. If that is not enough, Biden has ordered Ukraine not to hit Russian oil facilities to avoid panic in the global petroleum markets before early and mail-in balloting begin. Biden will quietly jawbone the Federal Reserve Bank to lower interest rates and reinflate the economy, despite his own creation of hyperinflation that caused interest rates to rise in the first place. He will pander to Arab-American voters in swing-state Michigan by cutting arms deliveries to Israel, even as it seeks to destroy the killers of October 7. And if that mollification is not sufficient to win Michigan, he will suddenly slap higher tariffs on imported Chinese electrical vehicles to win back apostate union auto workers. Three, the left learned after 2016 that the only way to beat Trump is to change the way Americans vote. So under the cover of the COVID-19 lockdown, the left sued in critical states to reduce Election Day to a mere construct, while 70 percent of voters mailed in their ballots or voted by early, rolling balloting over many weeks. The key was the inability to fully authenticate votes, given the old practice of showing up on Election Day and presenting an ID was declared “racist.” Four, Biden, as he did in 2020, will outsource his campaign to the media, 95 percent of which is left-wing. Talking televised heads will claim Biden is “sharp as a knife” while focusing on Trump’s tweets, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, and lurid but irrelevant testimonies that permeate Trump’s court appearances. MORE at the link: https://amgreatness.com/2024/05/16/the-biden-reelection-strategy/ .
  11. NOTE: Here are 10 critical things from the ruling 1- Illegal Votes Cast: The court found that 1,430 illegal votes were cast in the election for the 180th District Court. 2- Undeterminable Outcome: Due to the number of illegal votes, the court deemed it impossible to ascertain the true outcome of the election. 3- Margin of Votes: The net margin of votes was 321 in favor of Dasean Jones over Tami Pierce (1,146 to 825). 4- Official Mistake: The illegal votes were attributed to an official mistake by the Harris County Elections Administration Office. 5- Texas Election Code: According to Texas Election Code § 221.012, if the court cannot ascertain the true outcome, the election must be declared void. 6- New Election Ordered: The court has ordered that a new election be held for the office of Judge of the 180th District Court of Harris County. 7- Attorney Fees and Costs: Plaintiff Tami Pierce is awarded $65,265 for attorney fees and $752 for costs, which must be paid by Defendant Dasean Jones. 8- Previous Court Rulings: The court affirmed previous rulings dismissing Dasean Jones's motions to dismiss the case as meritless and frivolous. 9- Election Margin: The final vote count showed Dasean Jones defeated Tami Pierce by a margin of 449 votes (534,460 to 534,011). 10- Overall Election Contests: This case is one of twenty-one election contests filed in Harris County after the November 8, 2022, general election, and it was the closest of those contests.
  12. This is the Democrats opportunity to dump Biden and replace him. They want to embarrass him. I think that’s the plan. https://twitter.com/TheFlagGuy_/status/1790790298999865680 "Sounds crazy, No ?"
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