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Everything posted by DieHardFan

  1. One of the??? Were there any ST that didn't get called? They even left the callback number with a pin to get in 20 minutes before tha call. Surprised it wasn't posted. What surprises me most is that anyone thought they would really get a one on two (or even 100 on two, 1000 on two...) conversation with Wilson/Jackson. Just the FO lubing us up for next year.
  2. Great, let the Chargers move and get a fire sale on their stadium. Better city and less hollywood wannabees grabbing the good seats. Good weather for our west coast QBs and marketability of the Dec and Jan games. And the Mexicans can counter the loss of Canadian seats. Plus Tijuana is a trade-up from the Canadian follies.
  3. Candice Berman, Sheri Lewis, Bette Davis (may be in running for youngest ever), Lauren Bacall, and of course Morley Safer and Andy Rooney.
  4. Agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment but please don't refer to the Toronto games as home games. Home games have more Bills fans than opponents (although it may be close this week) and the great tailgating you referred to. I like to think of it as outsourcing. Increases the Bills bottom line and helps the ST consumer by eliminating one useless PS game (with no annoying Indian accent).
  5. Even sadder is that the decision was made in the days of analog coverage. Doubt the footprint has been checked since the Digital changeover. And it would be much easier these days to (un?)tweak the signal to lose Farmer Joe and gain the Bills. But knowing the NFL they would probably grandfather the blackout anyways.
  6. If you like the Zebb's atmosphere fine (think applebees or the kind of place the Wendy's commercials make fun of for serving $7 orders of wings) but if you want a drinkers bar go the Griff's on Columbia St in Utica. They have the ticket and just put in nine HD screens along the bar. $4.50 wings, as hot as you want (but sneak in the BC and celery, they charge $1.50 extra for it). Also you can count on a least one cute barmaid. Be sure to have a shot with the owner Tony if he's around. Probably a few others along Varick St, just up the road, have the Ticket but I recommend Griff's.
  7. Yeah, you and 90 others (of the 98 who picked). Guess we know the source of that toot. Sounds like we need a side bet bet for the season. [bTW if you change from briefs to boxers that toot won't go up your back next time. ].
  8. Bump Why don't you make this an announcement or at least pin it. I'd hate to win just because someone missed Week 1.
  9. This was cleverly hidden under the Rules link Pigskin Pick'em Pool Rules ..... This classic Pool is the oldest and simplest Pool to play. It requires very little time, but still offers the enjoyment of testing your picking prowess against friends & foes. It is based on the Pick'em style of play. Each member will choose the weekly winners of each game. Spreads will be displayed, but are not in effect. Spreads are for informational use only. You will have the ability to adjust your picks up until game time for each game. Scoring: Points are awarded for each correct pick made, with the winner being decided by the most points at the end of the week, quarter, midseason, or year end. Auto Picks: If your Commish has enabled Auto Picks, this feature will randomly pick the winner of a game if you have not done so by kickoff of that particular game. This ensures you will never miss your picks. My Pigskin Pick'em Pool Details: Pool Nickname : tbd Password : tbd09 Pool URL : http://www.betabuddy.com/pools/tbd Pool Email : tbd@betabuddy.com Pool Length : Full Season Pool Description : Tie Breakers: MNF Score Auto Picks: yes Pool Entry Cost : $0 Play for : money 1st: $30 2nd: $20 3rd: $10 Pool Type(Private/Public) : Private Payouts :
  10. Yippee;no bogus points for the exact pick of MNF and cash to boot. I'll donate half of my $30 to TBD.
  11. He should be suspended 3 games for even thinking of getting his proboscis near that toxic pit and another half season for having her as a girlfriend.
  12. Just emphasizes how out of touch and arrogant Wilson is. Get your withered ass on a plane to Buffalo or get one of those new-fangled speaker phones (I hear you can even get moving pictures too) if you don't want to miss cocktail hour at the club. And that's exactly why we will never get a Cohwer, or Holmgren, or even a whiff of Chucky. Bad enough we don't have Miami's weather but these guys would rather spar with Bradshaw and be mocked by Coliendo than to be second guessed by Ethan Frome.
  13. Hope not. The Billstoppo goons wouldn't let anyone wearing it into the stadium.
  14. Five years ago and only because you could you prostitute your logo for a free ticket. Not a fair comparison.
  15. Same thing here. Need to kill the The and put OFFICIAL in caps or the Rhodes post will steal your official status. [Plus having me as the last post is a certain thread killer. ]
  16. Ask G. Host. He can fix it in a minute and even put a pretty pink border on it. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=92942#
  17. That's a given. Value increases as team worsens plus only one worthless preseason ticket to eat next year.
  18. Great catch. Of course this may be a clever PR stunt to hype interest in the spinoff.
  19. Damn, why didn't you post that earlier. [Hmmm, subtle sarcasm, didn't think you had it in you SD]
  20. Au Contraire. It was all about doing some damage control to soften TO's image. IMO the ultimate PR coup. Those weren't assistants; they are his PR team (by title) who just happen to be his friends. Get paid to get out PR that your client/friend isn't a self-centered SOB all the time, just when evil TO takes over. {They even differentiate between the media whore TO and his kind hearted insightful alter ego Terrell}. It's not his fault he's he was the product of a broken home and a father that didn't even acknowledge him until he was nine. He's trying to get into a serious relationship but his demons make him fear commitment. Poor TO, I mean Terrell. Plus the PR hos got plenty of camera time and reality recognition minutes (which should translate into higher fees and additional clients). Wouldn't be surprised to see VH1 spin off a TO Chance of Love with his dumb azz bodyguard as the MC. Gotta love it!
  21. Always thought they were useless but if someone needs one they give one per seat so there should be plenty of extras available. Anyone want one?
  22. Follow the thumb above; it's pointing at the link.
  23. If we are good little kiddies and clean up our avatars can we PLEASE get the football pool out of trial mode so we can make our survivor picks?
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