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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. Zay is back. TT is our franchise QB. Don't believe he is going anywhere people - haters gonna have to deal with it. Was the man in charge all day. That one long pass he dropped in the bucket to Clay was elite.
  2. No one is booking squat. BUT PEOPLE - IT IS IN FACT DIFFERENT. This is not a Trent Edwards/Fitz head fake. We are building a solid ball club. Final record? Who knows! But isn't it fun not to make the stupid game losing play? To always be the one called for the crucial penalty so we are left whining about the refs? I think we are kind of thin on talent, but the cavalry is coming. Six picks folks. Woo-hoo! Be happy! Great time to be a Bills fan. All hail McDermott. Not tanking, not evaluative, not making bad trades. On the contrary - sole possession of first place and THE BEST conference record in AFC at the quarter pole. Wow. You could have got 200/1 against us beating Broncos and Falcons in consecutive weeks. This is a developing story. Will be fun to see how it plays out. Not early for any of that.
  3. Beat me to the QBR post. He was in command start to finish. I can only remember one bad throw. We have our QB people. Couple fast linebackers, a true #1 wideout, couple OL, maybe a Fournette type back to spell Shady in his golden years. Some of this and we are ready for the show! Don't need a TE btw. So happy for Taylor.
  4. Guess I will have to keep posting this until we have unanimity. It's just the Jets! We are tough at home, trap game for Broncos! Atlanta - Julio out after a bit, Sunu too! Time to believe your lying eyes people! Bills fans are like beaten animals waiting for the next blow. We have a good team!
  5. And the sun was in their eyes too - through the petal dome or whatever they call it. Gimme The Ralph!
  6. He is on the road back. Give him credit for playing dinged up today when we were down a run defender.
  7. Marcel had his head turned by the sudden riches. Integrity now kicks in and dude is gonna be on his grind (please be true!)
  8. Thanks bro. Let's go Marcel! McDermott and Kyle gonna get big fella squared away. I bill-ieve.
  9. I am chill. Fish lost. Bonus game. Okay, I am so not chill. Go BILLS!
  10. Dude gonna show you bro. Mr. Big Stuff Who do you think you are Mr. Big Stuff You're never gonna get my love Now because you wear all those fancy clothes (oh yeah) And have a big fine car, oh yes you do now Do you think I can afford to give you my love (oh yeah) You think you're higher than every star above Mr. Big Stuff Who do you think you are Mr. Big Stuff You're never gonna get my love Now I know all the girls I've seen you with I know you broke their hearts one after another now, bit by bit You made 'em cry, many poor girls cry When they try to keep you happy, they just try to keep you satisfied Mr. Big Stuff, tell me tell me Who do you think you are Mr. Big Stuff
  11. Okay then, done with that dose of useless negative information. Fly Eddie Fly!
  12. Wow. So informative. Did anyone really think I was serious with "great British ski jumper" - I mean, they made a movie about it. Still, he beat the odds to compete. Just like our Eddie. And besides, memorable teams need nicknames. So rain on another parade!
  13. Can't believe they let a shovel pass go for a score there. Gutless. Go Aints!
  14. They have been bad overall. Thankfully mostly against Miami. Nice grab by Ginn! While it is a London game, certain not good for Fish they can't score on Jets or Aints. So yeah, good for us.
  15. That is, Cutler's look has always said "meh" Thought the Suh flag was fine. Crown of the helmet to Brees face mask.
  16. Always has. TT > Tanny. That should start a fight. in the meanwhile, Aints looking for more!
  17. Me too. What I kind of worry about is Eric Lee and Eddie the Eagle give up 30 lbs vs. Shaq in run-game. Hope they, or Davis, can set the edge. Fly Eddie Fly!
  18. They did give him a terrible contract. I would like to think I would still give 100% in whatever I chose to do, but clearly that is not so for all. Whaley could not have known which kind person Marcel would be - so no outs was pretty dumb. However, I choose to believe Marcel has spent enough, smoked enough and ate enough to realize there is more to life than money. Go Marcel! Pride takes over. Nobody makes it as far as Marcel has on talent alone. He has performed at a high-level in the NFL. I choose to believe he is going to do so again.
  19. 13-0 Aints. Me either, pundits said Miami was great, ascendant after last year's playoff appearance, and improved with the superior arm of Jay Cutler. Wow.
  20. Thank bro - I think it kind of fits given his former longshot status.
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