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Everything posted by london_bills

  1. I thought he missed him. That would be my guess, rest of season but he might appeal
  2. Dont think that Allen's the best QB in that draft but he's EASILY the best to watch to be fair.
  3. Say what they want about Freddie kitchens but he wouldn't have played for the field goal like mcdermott
  4. Baker mayfields the kind of guy who w**** in front of the mirror while he's on the phone.
  5. And take the lead rather than playing from behind aswell.
  6. In a way Fitz would be the perfect guy to be here as a mentor for Allen.
  7. When he stops dropping passes. He has his moments but worries me with these drops he does.
  8. Apparently the message to play fearless was to the whole team. I was under the impression he spoke to josh and said that to him.
  9. 'Still waiting for Allen to hit a long ball??.. Geico—15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.”
  10. Yeah. The 4th downs were quite fearless but not the last s**tshow drive.
  11. Picks with Allen don't bother me if the rest outweighs it. So far it hasn't. I haven't seen him look consistently good in game with some mistakes in there. If this was the case I'd be OK with it. If he makes consistent plays with some picks because he's trying things, so be it. Fumbles are more of a concern, as is his lack of command and consistency on the field.
  12. Let's see if all this fearless talk makes a difference to Allen on Sunday. Talk is cheap.
  13. No. If Beane/Mcd have reservations about Allen draft a QB somewhere as an insurance policy. I couldn't imagine it would be a 1st rounder at this point. That's bound to be a WR.
  14. Absolutely. Would have made a difference to the perception of allen though I think. He does it again in the 4th qtr after a poor game.
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