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Everything posted by D521646

  1. Sorry but the one thing in common the final 4 have is a massive, and ferocious OLINE.. We need one too if we are to take the next step.
  2. So today I am off, and I decided to look around all the non playoff team forums, and with the exception of maybe three or four teams, the fans in their "2014 free agents wish list" threads, I see a very common theme. Jarius Byrd is sought after in a big way by almost everyone in their 1st wish or 2nd for who they think the team should deal for in the off-season. So what does it tell you? It tells me that he's really good, and people, fans have noticed. So, up until recently I was one of the guys saying that we should offer Byrd a respectable contract in the range of 40m over 5 years, but now I'm starting to think that he may be worth what he's asking for. The business man in me though just can't shake the risk vs reward aspect of it all. It's difficult to weigh the risk/reward in this type of transaction. Can AW replace Byrd? Can one of the rookies? Is the position serviceable, and was Byrd's performance more of a reflection on our front 7's play? I do NOT envy OBD on this one, as they have other pressing or soon to be pressing contract negotiations looming, but man-o-man, wouldn't it be nice to sign Byrd long term?
  3. Well I was thinking OC, as his record is pretty good, IMO. I just know that Hackett is NOT the answer there, and if Marrone doesn't figure it out toot sweet, we're in for another playoffless season next year.
  4. Not sure if he was axed along with Chud, but boy I personally would like to see him here.
  5. My wish list follows: Fire Hackett, plain and simple. Head coaches (Notwithstanding Chudzy) get three years to prove themselves, OC’s get a year, and frankly, it became obvious to everyone but Marrone that Hackett was in way over his head by the third game. Fire Crossman – Do I really need to explain this one? Litmus test for Marrone, IMO. Continue to make good solid FA decisions and trades. Whaley has my confidence in his ability to pick good solid players. No need to make a splash in FA. Retain Byrd, if he wants to stay, pay him top 3 money, if not good enough, can’t blame them for letting him walk, however, if he walks, I trust Whaley will make the most of it. Do NOT trade Spiller or Jackson. My God the fact that anyone is even talking about that is ridiculous. Even with Hacketts atrocious play calling and misuse of Spiller, they both managed to be 900 yard rushers behind this OL. Proper, or more effective scheming and play calling will vault these two into something really special next year. To Hackett, dude, everyone knows were going to run the damn ball, so why not try passing to open up the run? It’s not a difficult concept. Bills MUST either trade or sign a good solid veteran QB for next year. This is a must. Do not draft one as he will not scare EJ or Thad enough for the desired effect. Draft at 9 the best OT/G if it warrants it, if not, trade back, draft the best OLB available. Some are saying to draft Mosley or Mack at 9, and I have no issue with that, but if not, trade back again next year. As far as draft needs, many have good points on TE, OL, WR, LB etc.. Personally I trust Whaley on this so my wish is to draft at least 4 players that can start. Tim-
  6. Hi all, Well another year another loser. What pains me the most is that the Bills can’t even make the playoffs when the AFC is so damn weak? God I’m sick when I think about it all. So, some are saying we tank, well excuse me but aren’t we doing that even without trying? I agree and I have never been one to say we lose on purpose but this year, we really should. I mean why the hell not? Can anyone tell me why for any practical reason we need to win out? That all said, here’s what I’d do as head coach: 1. Say to EJ, ok kid, you got 1 quarter to show me the money, if you suck, and you do NOT execute, we play Lewis, and if he sucks, we play Tuel. 2. Give EJ the reins. Yes, let him call his plays in the huddle without Hackett. 3. Yes huddle up you idiots. 4. Play every position with 2nd 3rd stringers, call up practice squad guys if necessary. 5. Play Easely more. Put up or shut up kids. The goal here is to let everyone know RIGHT NOW that their jobs are NOT safe. From O-line to D-Line, to LB, DB’s, WR’s, TE’s, and yes, QB. My biggest concern with EJ is that SJ is in his head on every play, and part of that is due to the other guys not being strong enough to say something. It seems as though EJ is looking for SJ first on every play. I noticed this half way through the season, and it was so evident yesterday that it made me sick. I like SJ, and notwithstanding the sentiment on this board would like to keep him, BUT he is NOT the only talented receiver we have on this team. The O line was pathetic yesterday and NO it wasn’t all Legursky’s fault. No way we give up that many sacks, it should never have happened, and tells me that Marrone and Hackett were not prepared with protection assignments. That’s on the coaches folks, no way to deny it. EJ during his development needs a solid pocket, and about a second and a half more than the top NFL QB’s to make his reads properly, so if I’m a coach, (Hello Hackett) I’m game planning to give him that extra second or two. I’m rolling out, I’m giving him 7 step drops so he can gain a second climbing the pocket, hell there are many things he can do to help this kid, but I haven’t seen it? Why? Why, Why, Why? Look, people are giving the coach’s a pass on this, but sorry, NO, they don’t get a pass, this stuff is fundamental stuff, guys? EJ needs more god damn time to go through his progressions. He isn’t good enough yet to throw open his receivers, so he must see them open, and that takes time. Give it to him for Christ sakes, Hackett?? I personally think the Defense is going to be fine if the offense can be consistent. Other than maybe a LB –or- two, and maybe a solid DB, the D is ok, IMO, and if I am the GM, I go heavy on o-line and maybe another QB in the later rounds. Oh, and if EJ shows that he can call his own plays and be successful, I start looking for another OC. Rant off/ Tim-
  7. Me, first off I wouldn't do anything with SJ, he's been about as loyal a Bill as there ever has been, and you don't get rid of a guy like that when you're starting to be good. I think LG is shaping up ok, or at least manageable for now, but I would draft one if a stud mean guy was there in the 2nd/3rd. Add a stud LB in the first or depending on Byrd, perhaps a solid ball hawking safety. I think this FO has shown that they can pick off quality players from other clubs or FA, so adding D-Line is not a priority AT this time. QB play from Ej here on out will tell me all I need to know about drafting another one, but I am hopeful we have our guy. TE, basketball style is a must, even in the first round if necessary. In short there are a lot of ways to go, and adding another RB late isn't out of the question.
  8. As I stated many times, Hackett in the booth was a very bad call.
  9. I actually disagree, I think that both Thad and EJ tended to focus in on SJ and ignored the other receivers, and in part, might be responsible for both not seeing the open guys as well as the all-22 shows. IMO this is common for young QB's trying to find their place on the team. In my personal opinion this is the biggest obstacle for growth in rookie QB's. Guys like Luck, and Wilson throw to everyone, whoever is open, and not merely because they're the No 1. Wide-out. I could be wrong, but I saw several times last week where Goodwin and TJ were open, and the ball went to Stevie running a crossing pattern..
  10. No need to be kidding. All Bills fans see that one coming, and will be easier to see Carry walk if Charles pans out. Sad part is that whoever gets Carrington (if not us) will be getting a very fine football player who hasn't peaked yet IMO.
  11. Exactly, and the Titans were hiding him on their PS, thought no one was watching. Apparently the Bills were watching, and could turn out to be the steal of the decade. I know it sounds silly for me to say all this about an unproven player, but I got a real good feeling about him.
  12. Kid plays angry, reminds me of Suh, without the stupid.
  13. I know he only played a few snaps Sunday against the chiefs, but this guy is about as stout as they come. I have family and friends (Being Canadian) that follow Canadian college sports pretty close and all of them told me that the Bills found a true diamond in the ruff. He's about as raw as they come, but a super high motor, and beast-like strength, and by the way can play and has proven production in any position on the D-Line. With solid coaching I am predicting that this kid is going to stay a long time in the NFL, and hopefully most of those years are with the Bills. I'm pulling for him.
  14. This is where I am eball. The criticism on this board weekly is mind boggling when the bigger picture is ignored. This Bills team IS way different than previous years, and coaching is miles better, although I do have some reservations about Hackett in the booth, all in all no better or worse than any other team in the NFL. Mistakes happen, and when they happen in bunches or at the worst possible times we as fans tend to overreact. For the first time in a very long time my heart pumps when I watch the Bills play, and yes it pumps for the wrong reasons sometimes, but in the last 13 years I've barely had reasons to believe. I get upset to a point of being bitchy for the rest of the day when they lose, to being full of life when they win. What I see is a team that is really just one consistent QB away from contending. Sure we have parts we can upgrade on the team and that's what the draft is for, but the nucleus is there and any fans should see it if they've been following this team for a while. The Bills right now remind me of the Seattle teams the couple tears prior to Wilson joining them last year. Even Seattle can't expect their defense to win games, and as good as their defense is, they're only as good as the scoreboard dictates, meaning if they're playing from behind all the time, they are limited as to what they can do. The difference is in the confidence that the offense in Seattle will find their way eventually, and they usually do. With the Buffalo Bills trying out QB's in actual games this year, the confidence isn't there, and it's normal to feel that way. The news of EJ coming back is music to my ears, but like all the other QB's we've tried out this year, EJ needs to take the reins like he owns this team. Show me the money kid!
  15. I think Hackett can be a good NFL OC, however, he's not where he should be on gameday. In the booth he is lacking key components that all great OC's share. He's not "feeling" the game flow as well. He is unable to listen to what his players are saying after each series, and lastly, for someone so rah rah, he can't fire up his team if he's in the damn booth. I think of all the mistakes Hackett and Marrone are making, having him call the game from the booth is a big one worth looking at making a change on.
  16. Agreed! The not so secret to the Saints passing attack is that they clean the middle and passing lanes for Brees, and let DE's walk outside. Stuff the middle and cover the outside routes and we have a chance, and to his credit, I'm convinced that Morrone and Pettine already know this and are game planning it that way. Sproles is to shifty for a LB to cover him, in fact we (like so many NFL teams) don't have any LB that could cover him, so that job will go to Safeties. My guess is that if we can get pressure up the middle closing the pocket on Brees he won't be able to see properly and make mistake. Play zone up the middle, and press on the outside and I think we frustrate them. of course NO is still going to score points, and if Thad can't then it all goes for not.
  17. To me this team is one big road win from getting that attitude we are looking for. If Thad wins this game on his own, it spells nothing but good from here on out, except maybe NO, but NE showed us all how to beat them. (Hold and not get caught and have Princess Brady as your NFL referee darling).. Ok, so we don't beat NO, not a chance, but KC, and the rest of schedule isn't as tough as recent years have shown. We win a squeaker in Miami, and the heart will be a pumpin.
  18. In my opinion, we need to take away at least one of Hoyers weapons. For me, the big stud TE Cameron will need to be contained. We do that with Lawson and our Safeties. My thinking is that AW will be supporting Rogers all night, so that leaves Lawson/Kiko, and Searcy/Leonard to cover Cameron. My thinking is that Pettine plays his normal scheme for 1st, 2nd down, and plays tight on 3rd down and red-zone taking away Hoyers only real weapons. I think if we hold the Browns in the run game to under 100 yards, we win this game.
  19. According to the Sideline View the following are available: Tackle: Demetress Bell – Can play LG or swing to RT and would be cheap. Frank Omiyale – Can also play LG and Tackle Guard: Lance Louis Nate Livings DB: Nate Clements – Can also play SS Stanford Routt – Better than anyone we have healthy right now Terrence McGee – Former Bill great still better than anyone else we have ATM Ronald Bartell – Good cover DB better than anyone we have now. We better damn well get busy, Brandon are you listening? Tim-
  20. Look, you need a really smart and really accurate QB to run the no huddle in this league, and even the best of them have trouble at times. It sounded great pre season and exciting, but EJ manuel, and Hacket cannot run the no huddle anymore if they want EJ to grow. You grow into the no huddle not from the no huddle, IMO. Harbaugh's defensive schemes are light Jets schemes but unfortunately for us, even light beats the crap out of our depleted secondary. No way the Bills win this game, IMO.
  21. I agree, slow the damn game down for this kid. The no huddle is too fast for him, no continuity, IMO. Levitre leaving is fine, but we NEED a LG like yesterday. It was sad to watch, but the blame is on Pettine, IMO. Zone and help for Rogers would have been a nice if not entirely no brainier adjustment. Wholeheartedly agree, I said after week one. Hacket is calling the game as a kid in a mans league at this point in his career. One he needs to be one the field, two, he needs to slow the damn game down so EJ can make adjustments, three, he needs to get CJ and Freddie in space, Chan was great at this, IMO, and four, he needs to freaking adjust when we can’t pick up the blitz. Screens and running away from the strong-side blitzers is kinda obvious. Poor kid, yes, but this was on Pettine not adjusting. We’re about as kinjured as the rest of the NFL albeit beside the Panthers our secondary is really hurting. I’m not a TJ homer, but in all honesty, Graham has been open, but the ball comes out too late, and not on target for most of opportunities. This is NOT all TJ’s fault. Not the worst, but when combined it means the Ravens are going to kick our asses, and it ain’t going to be pretty. Tim-
  22. This is what frustrated me to. I was screaming at the TV.. Zone, damit, Zone, or Have Rogers play off all the time. No, no, he lined up in a pressure role across from Hill or Holmes almost exclusively. To me though, the problems came in Hackets shoulders, IMO. Correct me if wrong but I did not see a single screen, or designed roll out from our offense to stay off the blitzing Jets, not a single one. My God we didn't even try running away from the blitzing strong side, not once? I know Hackets comes with some pedigree but come on, my 12 year old Madden game playing son would have done those things?
  23. I couldn't agree more. I was one of those that was saying cut his injured arse the last couple years but in my opinion this kid reminds me of Bolden. I know big shoes to fill but he's big possession receiver that fights on every play? Hogan is the smaller version of Easley.. I'd like to see both get more time. Maybe Marrone is waiting for a game where we are ahead and we can get them garbage time yards?
  24. Ok my thoughts on the Jets game last night. I hate to say it but I actually feel sorry for them, they should have won that game, or put more accurately, like us, they had every opportunity to win it. That said, some things I took away from the game. Their first round 9th overall pick looks like he's nowhere near worth that grade, and not even close to a Revis replacement. Richardson was their best pick and he's going to be a beast for years to come. Geno Smith is not a good decision maker, which is somewhat surprising as he didn't really have a lot of INT's in college. I get the sense from watching him that he was the beneficiary of a system that threw mostly west coast style short passes that went for long yards, ala Tavon Austin. Jets can bring pressure but not scary pressure, and I think the Bills OL can handle them. The jets have no receiving threats, IMO. Holmes is probably their best wide out, but even he looks like he’s lost a few steps. Winslow doesn’t scare anyone, and Hill is nothing to write home about. I like the Ivory pick up, if he stays healthy he’s a legit RB. There might be some fines and a possible suspension for last night’s ruckus, one can only hope, eh? If the Bills get past the Panthers this week, the confidence going into the Jets game for the Bills will be too much for the Jets. Tim-
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