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Everything posted by D521646

  1. Thank you, Ralph, we will ALL miss you! Tim-
  2. I dunno, it seems to me that no amount of offensive talent is going anywhere unless we can figure out how to run the ball at will, and protect EJ. If Whaley and Co think Williams is the answer at LG then let him prove it. Tim-
  3. Yep, you guessed it.. He should be converted to our new SS. Great special teams guy, football fast, good to moderate hands, and a quality hitter. Can't seem to break the WR corps, so why not? Marcus, are need to listen to me. Go to Doug and tell him you want to make this team as a starter, and if it means becoming a strong Safety then so be it. Why not? Why couldn't he do it? Tim-
  4. Well that is highest paid so Byrd wins, Saint's IMO lose on this one. Bills lose too, but I think AW steps his game up a lot next year.. I am actually excited about his potential. Tim-
  5. Agreed to JR in Pitt.. Seems like a head scratcher and frankly the NFL Network doesn't know what to make of it? I bet Casserly will have some choice words for NO FO.. Tim-
  6. Well Saint's fans are doing cartwheels right now on their message boards.. None of them saw this coming either. Tim-
  7. I think this conversation becomes more clear March 12th when free agency begins. If the QB needy teams hire themselves some security (Ala Bills last year) we could see the top of the board shift dramatically in the wrong direction; that's in wrong direction for the Bills. Tim-
  8. I want to play too. Falcons 5 years 46 million,27 guaranteed. Tim
  9. Yeah well, not to burst anyone's bubble here, but let's be honest scheme or no scheme (As if to suggest AW can't learn Byrd's position and that somehow Byrd is a better pass defender) I admit I think the Bills FO and Whaley made the right call here. The price tag was too high for the relative difference the Bills would receive having AW take over Byrd's position. Searcy had another year under his belt, and Meeks watched and learned. I think we're not nearly as bad as the doom and gloomer out there. Tim-
  10. To me he showed enough last year that given the reins I think he could shine. We can use Searcy in the SS role. Did miss something about AW play last year? Tim-
  11. I'm in the "fix the damn Oline so Freddie and CJ can run", camp. Robinson would be a great pick if there, but I don't think he will be. I think he's the first O linemen off the board. Either way, oline with our first pick, whatever position that turns out to be, and then offensive weapons at TE, WR, then we can worry about Defense. I think this Bills defense plays a lot different when ahead, so let's try and work on getting ahead in the score. Ti-
  12. I<j or whatever that is – Oh, then why don’t you prove it with a link? There are now a whole host of meanings and specific “homophobias”, but the original meaning was exactly what I stated, and that is a FACT.. Tim-
  13. Juronimo = I engage anyone on any topic at face value. I always have, it’s why I’m so likeable. J I don’t recall the exact interaction but if you say so then I’m inclined to believe you, but I might have been thinking in my head, well “ok that sounds silly but let’s see how he handles a challenge for proof:, or something to that effect. It’s funny that you noted that I was the more sensible one. That must have killed you to say it but thanks none the less, and is why I left that forum years ago. Even people on the right can be obnoxious, I myself have ben guilty of getting caught up in it from time to time, but I try to be reasonable; listening to all points of view. By the way I wasn’t implying that you were gay.. LOL Only that Freddie could sing. There was no hidden innuendo on my part. Tim-
  14. Juronimo, so basically you lied.. I never said that HIV can spontaneously generate from male on male anal sex. Gotcha marginalize yourself much? At least Freddie could sing. Tim-
  15. Oh please, you're image doesn't come up, and I double dog dare ya to post anywhere I said anything like that. Tim-
  16. Well Hackett needs to go if he doesn't figure out how to use Spiller and Jackson more effectively. Tim-
  17. Juronimo - Well at least I didn't spend hours reading posts from years ago from someone I disagreed with on an internet forum. Like I said, carry the torch sunshine if it you makes you feel better, I'm al for therapeutic medicine. See ya.. Tm-
  18. Kirby Jackson – Fair question(s) thanks for asking them. Although the answers require way more input than I have time to present, I will attempt to reach the main points. I would like sex Ed to include a module on homosexual sex and the added inherent dangers to it. Statistically gay men (Not gay women incidentally who are among the fewest incidence of Std’s) 1 in 4 gay men will contract HIV before age 30, and 100% of them will die before age 55. Gay men are 60 times more likely than heterosexual men to contract HPV before age 30. I want schools to inform student that homosexuality exists, and that they really don’t know why or how someone becomes a homosexual. I want them to provide all sides of the issue in a fair and decent manner. I do not want camps to teach adults to be straight, or kids for that matter. I believe that this is unethical I believe accommodations can be made for civil unions, but I reserve the title of marriage to heterosexual couplings. I believe that heterosexuals are intrinsically more well equipped to add biological familiarity to the family dynamic where both parents are blood related. I think do best in this situation, and that includes single parent households, and broken or abusive homes. I believe homosexuals should not be barred from adoption, and a good home, is a good home, and it matters little to me who is providing that stability. Stability being the key word for a healthy upbringing. Tim-
  19. Juronimo – Wow, that’s really far down on the list, you’ve been busy with your infatuation with me. Answer, I don’t believe in God, I haven’t for a very LONG time, but clearly you never read my whole post or you wouldn’t have embarrassed yourself posting a comment from another board from years ago where I present a logical argument that man could become God-like, given enough time and luck. LOL That said, would you like to talk about my views on the logical argument for God? Not sure how we can discuss it here, but maybe you want to go to the PPP forum? -Or- was this an attempt to bait me.. I didn’t even go back to that post but I already knew what I said because I still believe it today, nothing has changed. See, I told you sparky, not so easy, and I am way too consistent in my arguments to be goaded by the likes of you. I have to say though that, I am a little flattered by the attention. Tim-
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