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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. Healthy vs Injured idk why they didn't just sit Shady
  2. That !@#$in prick just stood over him too. They better !@#$ that !@#$ up
  3. u sure didNobody can say for sure the level of pain a player is in except for the player himself. If the injury is one that can be played with, the medical staff can assess the injury and advise a plan for rehab of said injury but they cannot assess the level of pain the player is in, only the player can do that.
  4. Suh is a !@#$in !@#$. I hope he gets kicked out of the league
  5. I think its possible but I also think Dareus came back out of shape
  6. Came back out of shape and promptly got hurt, not "all in" yet it would appear.
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