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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. Elandon Roberts made him expendable and Bill doesn't like him
  2. Not fair for him to stand in and take it but he should go about his verbals in a different way IMO. Discuss it in private with the team, Rivera, then go to Rog n ask whats up. If the media gets ahold of something like this we end up with all sorts of different takes mostly attacking Cam because it makes for click bait. As for Brady, Brees et al they are a good ole boys network, calls are grandfathered in for them and IMO its a bunch of crap.
  3. He's definitely getting hit illegally alot but he's definitely being a cry baby. The more he talks about it the bigger it becomes.
  4. Suspension coming Bill Parcells and his personal crusade against all things Buffalo Bills. That prick went everywhere in the afc east but Buffalo and it started there. !@#$.
  5. Dude, that was me. Next time move ur !@#$in ass while i'm wading through **** with my trashy gf n baby.
  6. These !@#$in refs. I mean what in the actual !@#$?
  7. Well atleast the pressures off now, go out and play ball
  8. 13 point swing in a minute 32 seconds is why they win again and again
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