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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. I'm glad you're back posting man. Even though I'm late to saying that.
  2. We're going to lose Dorsey to a head coach opening
  3. I'm almost positive this isn't true. I thought I saw an organizational chart showing McD and Beane at the same level, reporting up. Beane over player personnel, scouting etc and McDermott over all the coaches and players.
  4. It's amazing this has to be said but you did so perfectly.
  5. Well I'm not discussing this topic with a Patriots fan after a loss like that. Read the room.
  6. I noticed you got defensive. Really quick.
  7. ... Or at the very least - at the top of every statistical category measuring quarterbacks.
  8. 4. Having a coach that's elite at cheating?
  9. He's not making decisions fast? You act like he's just stalling in the pocket. He's getting rushed to make a decision (fast) far, far too often. Then you're off any rhythm and it's difficult to regain. This is when coaching is most needed and he's abandoned.
  10. I'm not even trying to dump on Von. He's a hall of fame player and may eventually get back to playing well. He's obviously not right. How could a coach play him in so many critical downs? I just can't understand it.
  11. You keep wishing we had another QB with this coaching staff, if it helps you sleep better.
  12. I'd rather have any defensive lineman out there in that situation than him.
  13. No but he's one of the best players in the game. Are McD and Dorsey among the best coaches?
  14. Should Allen be blamed for Von playing on critical downs when he can't move?
  15. Does Allen get blamed for the lost time out we desperately need right now?
  16. You want McD to get credit for that dime? Or the beauty of the 2 pt conversion throw. They're the lucky ones, not Allen.
  17. Most definitely, as any situation or relationship. But cmon man, when it's obvious where most of the blame should be, you talk about that more/first.
  18. Keep trying to tell you these coaches are inferior.
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