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Everything posted by tbonestake

  1. Thats why they play the games my man:rolleyes:
  2. The Colts and Peyton Manning http://www.forbes.com/2010/08/12/manning-mcnab-asomugha-business-sports-nfl-highest-paid_slide_2.html?partner=yahoosports
  3. Ideally I would like to see Brohm with the ones. Maybe its out of morbid curiosity but IF the guy is going to be one of your top 2, you may want to see if he makes your first unit better. Given the Bills' track record for playing it safe and predictible, I imagine that Trent will get all the first snaps, Fitz will come in with the 2nd unit, Brohm will get Qtr 3, and Levi will get the mop up duty. I hope Gailey throws a monkey wrench in there somewhere, which would be CHAN-tastic! In the end, Trent-Fitz-Brohm-Brown for the 28th.
  4. You can't expect him to practice when he is hanging around with characters like Dumb Donald and Mushmouth! They always have junkyard band practice!!!
  5. Its not bs! The same thing happened to Shawn Nelson
  6. Their loss is our gain...hopefully:rolleyes:
  7. Did he mean to say 'Chroised' -speaking of him, where is the Chroisen now?
  8. Its like Degrassi Junior High for crying out loud
  9. They have one of those at the Erie County Fair this year!
  10. No worries my man . The Bills can;t go one day without drama! It's like friggin Melrose Place or to a lesser extent Degrassi Jr. High!
  11. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=117637 Sorry homeboy. You're a little late to the party on this one
  12. Plus it will be difficult for him to learn how to play TE from the parking lot after he's cut Aug 31st
  13. All that considered, how about the actual PLAY that was called!!! Three back set so you get the defense to stuff the box and then you go over the top!!! I loved it! The play call itself was Chan-tastic!
  14. Wait...they just cut...they resign...no wait he got cut again
  15. Good call. The non-druggie Nelson looks very solid and it appears that his injury isn't as bad as anticipated. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/8/18/...-ankle-is-a-lot Being an SJCI grad, I'd love to see Naaman make the roster but I'm not holding my breath. Chad Jackson is a physical specimen and the catch he had last night on the sidelines was pretty solid. It should be interesting to see who they keep.
  16. Besides our own cuts, I wonder who is going to get axed by other teams...pretty vague but one has to wonder who will be out there come August 31st...
  17. I think they can lure him out coaching. Buddy is a smooth talker. He could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves
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