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Everything posted by tbonestake

  1. My kids don't exist yet but when they do they'll suck at school! I can promise you that much!
  2. On a positive note, Pete Metzelaars is still available
  3. Somebody call the cops! You just murdered Jason Peters!!!
  4. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/38787292/ns/...ts-player_news/ WTF?! You can get suspended for 4 games for not being able to block? That sucks for him
  5. In my house it's not about the grades, it's what you learn that counts.
  6. C.J. Spiller but seriously I don't think any of these would be a surpirse. Especially Schouman since he got hurt again last night...Hardy is expendable because of David Nelson's play...Kelsay does NOT fit our scheme...and Reggie Corner will not beat out Youboty for Nickel corner My surprise would be Kawika Mitchell
  7. Lankster just punched his last ticket Amigo. That scoring drive was 2 plays, 81 yds---ALL LANKSTER Trent looked good once he got de-helmeted
  8. What an unfortunate fall from grace. Clemens really screwed himself and his career by doing this. He can kiss the HOF goodbye! Hasn't he learned anything from Pete Rose? It's sad to think that Clemens will be traveling around with autograph shows just like Charlie Hustle pleading his case to get into the Hall.
  9. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/trainingcamp...tory?id=5476849 Not Bills related but hopefully he is alright
  10. Wasn't that the title of a Spinal Tap Album?
  11. If I could say a few words...I'd be a better public speaker!
  12. They didn't get the part on camera where Namath propositioned Sanchez. "I wanna kiss yaaaaa!" Still the best non-football moment in televised football history
  13. Apparently he needs a Kelso-style helmet for his special purpose
  14. On a serious note, Gailey is on record as saying they are going to show more Offensive looks tonight (no link but i heard the soundbyte on WGR this morning). That may translate to different looks for Spiller instaed of just the RB position. Of course, the same man said that he wants to stress fundamentals and we were fundametally brutal last Friday. Rome wasn't built in a day I guess.
  15. "Let the Bears pay the Bear Tax! I pay the Homer Tax!" "No Dad, that says HomeOWNER tax" -Lisa and Homer Simpson
  16. It has something to do with Flutie. He is a sprite with magical powers! It is an old Canadian spell that dooms a specific area to football futility for all eternity. The spell causes poor quarterback play, injury upon catastrophic injury, and threats to move the team to another country. The only way to defeat the curse is to dress Ralph Wilson in head to toe Bills Zubaz and bathe him in a tub of Flutie Flakes each day for 7 days. A true fan will bathe him!!! How do I know this? My Grandmother is Canadian.
  17. Levi isn't even in the Poll!!! I call shenanigans on it! Throw out the results! I demand a recount! Obviously kidding but I am in the camp that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. It is unfortunate for us that the bird in our hand sucks at football. Prediction: Trent starts and gets injured by Week 3 and is out for the year. Let's say...a concussion. Fitz is working at Goldman Sachs by that time so Brohm plays from Week 4 through Week 8 and goes 0-4 (Bye Week 6). Fans clambor for Levi to take over and Chan finally caves. We're already out of the playoff race by Week 9 so we plug in Levi and away we go... I'll leave the record guessing to the rest of you guys since I can't get in on that "Dinner's On Me, Smartass!" contest yet
  18. I'm pretty sure he means that just because we are missing one guy (however good he is) who is part of our best unit, in a sport where there are 10 other guys on the field at a time, for an unknown number of games (Could be 1 to 16 at this point), that we are going to lose all but 1 game and as a result have the number one pick in the draft. Thats what I got from it. One ridiculous run-on sentence that has no real basis. How did I do?
  19. Although we are deep at Safety, Byrd was exciting to watch and everytime the ball went up in the air last year, there was a possible INT. What happened after the INT is another story...but still, it sucks to lose one of our more visible and exciting players.
  20. Linksworth http://www.wgr550.com/Byrd-Having-Sugery/7941012
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