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Everything posted by akm0404

  1. Not rocket science, except to the Buffalo Bills. 1. Draft Quarterback. Repeat until you have good quarterback. 2. Fire coach and hire real, respected football coach. 3. Enjoy being able to sign quality NFL-caliber free agents, now that you have 1. and 2. To win in the NFL, you need a coach and a quarterback. With that, you can get the other pieces in place (i.e. fix the offensive line. No decent free agents will come to Buffalo to solidify the unit - the easiest unit to solidify via free agency - without a good coach and quarterback around to lend hope and credibility). Or, you can go the Bills route. Keep drafting running backs and corners until the team folds.
  2. In your mouth, delusional Kool-Aid drinkers. You sat on your pedestal of fan-ness and torched anyone who had the gall to say they were a Bills fan and that the Bills stunk. Unfortunately, you were wrong and the pundits, the clueless media, the 'so-called experts' that you couldn't believe get paid for the garbage that they churn out were, as usual, pretty much dead right. The Bills are a flaming trainwreck of failure, and the whole league sees it. And now you all are starting to see reality too. And it ain't pretty.
  3. It's hard to blame a guy who is legitimately trying his hardest but just isn't really that good. It wasn't his fault that the Bills failed to accurately evaluate his talent. Do you expect him to get on the podium and say, 'Jeez guys, I'm really not this good. You should really pick someone else and maybe look me up again in the 4th round'. He is way different than Edwards, who you just always felt didn't give a damn and was always playing with an ulterior motive. I think Donte deserves some slack and for the fans to realize that him being a huge reach and overpaid for his merely average skills aren't really his fault. Put the blame where it belongs.
  4. Another Bills headscratcher: switching to the 3-4 when you have no stout nosetackle and your linebackers are one of the weakest units on one of the weakest teams. Good coaches highlight the strengths of their players and put them in the best position to succeed. Then there are the Bills.
  5. The Bills play Sunday? I thought they were contracted. No one even cares. Chris Kelsay in space Here comes Keller right for him.... Stumble and fall down. Bills fans start new trend On their heads goes plastic bags Drink Kool-Aid for real. When Bills play the Jets Seven million New Yorkers Ask 'Where's Buffalo?'
  6. It's weird when everyone agrees. Quick, someone bring up Michael Vick.
  7. The only surprising thing about this thread is my newfound knowledge that a delusional few still think the Bills aren't a league-wide laughingstock of a joke franchise.
  8. This just in - NFL players make a lot of money. But so do the owners. This looks irrelevant to the NFL labor situation.
  9. Ralph is a cheap, terribad owner, but this was just cutting dead weight. Nothing sinister here.
  10. The Bills always take a 'wait and see' approach to free agency. Has nothing to do with the CBA. Wait for the good players to sign with the big boy teams. See which washed up retreads have no other options. Business as usual.
  11. More proof offered in this thread of just how astronomically far the Buffalo Bills are from having even a mediocre organization. Bills fans everywhere explode in delight when team keeps it close.
  12. Is this why everyone wants to bring in Michael Vick?
  13. But would bringing in Mike Vick help us win?
  14. Yah? Well perhaps we should just bring in a guy who smashes dog skulls into cement floors.
  15. Kelsay also volunteers at my kid's school - you'd think people would want that more than someone who crushes dog skulls.
  16. Yah good thing we didn't 'let' Brady and Moss beat us, lol.
  17. Whoa buddy. Please put down the crack pipe and step away from the keyboard.
  18. They say that when you score, you should act like you've been there before. But, I suppose when you haven't been there before and you likely won't ever be back, you may as well party like it's 1999. Decent celebration imo.
  19. This just in: Wes Welker knows well how much the Bills stink. Real bad, etc.
  20. You JUST noticed that our linebackers aren't effective??? What else did you notice watching your first Bills game?
  21. Wonder if he wears gigantic, padded headphones.
  22. He just isn't really any good. Sure he probably is better than Trent, but you get the choice of wimping your way to losses or shooting yourself in the foot with big turnovers. Either way, without a decent qb you pretty much just fail.
  23. Next time ask him to do the cupcake thing. He'll totally do it and it'll be way worth the trouble of finding the cupcakes.
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